Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:08 AM

Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

"Liu Bo, come in," Xu Xiuhe called Liu's assistant.

"What color do you think suits me?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

Damn, this is a question he can't answer. He's not an art student.

"Boss, I need to use the restroom urgently. Can I go first?"

Xu Xiuhe raised an eyebrow and said, "You have 10 minutes. I expect an answer when you return."

Liu Bo rushed into the bathroom, walking and running at the same time.

The assistants in the office area had never seen Liu's assistant in such a hurry before.

"Do you think Liu's assistant is also in the dominant and Yuan Group chat?"

"Impossible. We would have revealed too much information."

"What information?"

"Sister, you forgot so quickly. You used to be the leader of Liu's assistant and the boss's couple, right?" Yang Mo reminded.

"Oh, that was in the past. Now I'm obsessed with the Silver River couple," Qiu Yiyi said.

"Wait, Liu's assistant just said the boss's mood is indeed good. What does 'indeed' mean?"

"Damn, that's scary to think about, sisters."

The office area suddenly quieted down.

"Check the group messages," Yang Mo reminded.

In the chat group of the Dominant and Yuan Group, a person named "Whirlwind Little Prince" sent a message.

"[Family, I need your help. What color do you think suits the boss?]"


"Ahem, let's be serious."

"The boss usually wears black, gray, and white clothes, giving off a cold and aloof vibe."

"Oops, I misspoke, family. It's the arrogant and unyielding boss, not cold and aloof. Slip of the tongue."

"Nonsense, he has children. How can he be cold and aloof?"

"Hey, do you think the boss is amazing?"

Liu Bo looked at the discussion getting farther and farther off-topic in the restroom and started to panic. He could see that 10 minutes were almost up.

"[Family, let's get back on track. What color suits him?]"

Xu Xiuhe stood up and walked over to Liu Bo. He took the phone from Liu Bo's hand, and the group message from "Chengba and Yuan Group" kept coming in without stopping.

"Chengba and Yuan Group?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"Sir, that's just the name of the group."

Xu Xiuhe didn't pay attention to what Liu Bo said. His focus was entirely on the group message.

Xu Xiuhe scrolled through the messages and saw the one Liu Bo asked, "What color do you think suits the CEO?"

Xu Xiuhe became even more interested. He wanted to see what color would suit him. It would have been better not to look at all because the moment he did, his expression turned sour. Was he aloof?

And what were all these colors? They were asked about a color that would suit him, and the answers were red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple. It was like they were trying to piece together a rainbow.

"Do I look like a rainbow?"

Damn, what a bizarre question. Liu Bo was already numb and quickly replied, "No, no, CEO, you definitely don't look like a rainbow."

Liu Bo was scared. Could it be that Xu Xiuhe saw the messages they sent earlier? He couldn't engage in a romantic relationship with the CEO. He was definitely straight and had normal sexual preferences.

"Not like a rainbow? You managed to come up with all seven colors for me."

What? Liu Bo let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, he had forgotten that the CEO was a workaholic and probably didn't know the other meaning of a rainbow. The CEO was purely talking about colors.

Xu Xiuhe continued scrolling, and he asked, "Who sent this message?"

Liu Bo had just breathed a sigh of relief, but now he was startled again. He had discreetly looked at his phone earlier and saw the word "romantic," but it wasn't about colors.

Liu Bo checked the ID and replied, "It should be Xiao Li'er from the Assistant Group."

"Bring her in."

Liu Bo's inner turmoil at this moment could not be described. Could it be that the CEO wanted to create trouble for Xiao Li'er? Liu Bo was about to turn around and call Xiao Li'er when Xu Xiuhe spoke again.

"Add me to this group."

Liu Bo was sweating. He now felt like he was the eternal sinner in the Chengba and Yuan Group chat.

"CEO, I used my secondary account to join the group. My secondary account doesn't have you as a friend." Liu Bo tried to resist one last time, hoping to prevent Xu Xiuhe from joining the group.

"It's alright, you can create a small account for me and then add me as a friend." Xu Xiuhe touched his chin again, whether he was thinking just now or because his chin was hurting.

Having failed to struggle free, Liu Bo left and approached Xiao Li'er with a guilty expression. He spoke softly, "Xiao Li, the CEO is calling for you."

Xiao Li'er froze in place, unable to believe it. She looked left and right, realizing that Yang Mo and the others were also unaware.

"Um, Assistant Liu, what does the CEO want with me?" Xiao Li'er's words became somewhat unclear.

Assistant Liu was the supervisor of these assistants, and they usually had a good relationship. The other assistants also looked at Liu Bo, anticipating his answer.

"Xiao Li, if you're ever out of a job, I'll marry you." Liu Bo couldn't fully conceal his remorse, but his words were particularly sincere.

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