Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:33 AM

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Aunt Song said everything she wanted to say. The gist was that she had wanted to resign for a while now, but didn't feel at ease leaving Zhengzheng. Now that Madam's condition had improved so much, she felt reassured about leaving.

"Why does Aunt Song want to resign?"

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention, my daughter-in-law is seven months pregnant and about to give birth soon. As the mother-in-law, I need to be there to take care of her."

"It's okay, Aunt Song. Don't worry about us. We'll take good care of ourselves."

"I've taken care of Zhengzheng for two years, since he was born, watching him grow from an infant, learning to walk and talk. Leaving him now, I can't help but feel reluctant."

"It's not like we'll never see each other again. Feel free to come back and visit whenever you miss us."

In the afternoon, Xu Xiuhe told Liu Assistant to deposit 200,000 RMB into Aunt Song's bank account. He then asked Liu Assistant to find a reliable nanny.

Shen Yin was now familiar with this world. She took another look around her room and found her bank card and ID card in the closet.

Xu Xiuhe drove to Shen Yin's doctor's office.

"Hello Dr. Ji, I'm Xu Xiuhe, Shen Yin's husband." Xu Xiuhe reached out his hand.

Dr. Ji Qingyan sized him up and shook his hand.

"I came to consult you about my wife's condition."

"Mr. Xu looks quite familiar. I often see you on magazine covers."

"No, no."Findd new stories on nov/e(l)bin(.)com

"Let me put it this way. Your wife's condition has greatly improved. Since she was last here, I noticed her yearning to return to normal life again. Her change in mentality is key. Did something happen for you to come today?"

"I'll be frank. I was considering divorce not long ago. But she has changed tremendously lately. She even cooks and shows care for our child now. I'm wondering if this change is some kind of scheme."

"Mr. Xu, you should know Shen Yin didn't want this marriage. If she knew you wanted a divorce, she wouldn't have made a fuss."

Dr. Ji Qingyan told Xu Xiuhe her opinion. After a word of thanks, Xu Xiuhe left.

From her recent interactions with Xu Xiuhe, Shen Yin could see he had no feelings for her. But he clearly cared deeply for Zhengzheng.

She felt relieved knowing that divorce was common nowadays. It would be easier than in ancient times. She planned to become more familiar with this world first. Once she gained a foothold, she would divorce Xu Xiuhe.

There was a lot of money in her WeChat and bank account that she didn't know how to check the balance of.

In one of the bags she found a diploma written in English. From her search, she gathered that the original owner was a fashion designer.

Shen Yin could also design clothes. The clothes she wore in her past life were designed by her and were able to lead trends in the capital.

While organizing these things, Shen Yin heard her phone ding.

[Meet at the usual place]

Seeing this text, Shen Yin had no memory of a "usual place."

Shen Yin checked the time. It was 3 pm. She needed to make dinner in two hours.

She figured two hours should be enough time. After tidying up, she prepared to head out.

Downstairs, she saw Aunt Song playing with Zhengzheng in the living room.

"Madam, there's something I need to tell you."

"Just go ahead, Aunt Song."

"Madam, I told Sir two days ago that I want to resign. My daughter-in-law is due to give birth soon, so I need to go back and care for her. I'll be leaving tomorrow."

Hearing this, Shen Yin roughly understood that Aunt Song probably wanted to brief her on some matters before leaving.

Fortunately the original owner had died.

"You only care about your own child. Yet you want to harm a less than two week old baby. I'm also Zhengzheng's mother. Don't I care about my child too? I was foolish before but that doesn't mean I still am. If you dare hurt Zhengzheng, don't blame me for what I might do!" After speaking, Shen Yin picked up the untouched coffee on the table and splashed it directly on Yang Cui's face.

"You crazy woman! Do you want a miserable life? Just you wait!" Yang Cui stood up and grabbed at Shen Yin's hair.

Shen Yin pushed down Yang Cui's head. With a shove, Yang Cui plopped down on the ground, screaming and shouting like a shrew.

"Remember what I said. Don't set your sights on me, or I won't let you get away easily."

Shen Yin didn't understand why the original owner had promised to help such a vicious woman back then. She must have been out of her mind.

"Sir, Madam went out today?" Assistant Liu gave his usual report.

"It was after Madam returned that the driver sent Aunt Song to the train station."

"Where did Madam go so early?"

Assistant Liu handed the tablet over to Xu Xiuhe. The video was shot by Xu Xiuhe's man.

In the video, Shen Yin could be seen pouring coffee on Yang Cui's face, then pressing Yang Cui's head down to the ground.

The cameraman was far away so no audio was captured. Xu Xiuhe played the video again from the start, pondering the relationship between Shen Yin and Yang Cui.

"What are you watching so intently?" Chang Zhiyuan walked in to see Xu Xiuhe concentrating hard on the video on the tablet.

Xu Xiuhe looked up to see Chang Zhiyuan's disgusted expression. "Why do you keep entering without knocking?"

Chang Zhiyuan waved his hand in response: "What kind of relationship do we have? There are no women in your office. Besides Liu Bo, I'm the only one who comes into your office."

"That's right, Liu Assistant," he deliberately asked Liu Assistant to prove that what he said was right.

Liu Bo realized the problem had shifted to him, and immediately reacted, knowing full well who paid his salary.

Liu Bo smiled and replied, "We're not the same. I have the president's permission, but you broke in on your own."

Chang Zhiyuan was rendered speechless. He quickly changed the subject, "What are you watching so intently? Let me see too."

He then stuck his head out, "Wow, two women together is always exciting. But these two seem very familiar to me."

Xu Xiuhe was still concentrated on the video, unwilling to respond to Chang Zhiyuan. Liu Bo answered his question: "It's the Madam and Yang Cui."

Chang Zhiyuan, Xu Xiuhe and a few others had been good friends since childhood, so they could barge into each other's offices without worry. Of course Chang Zhiyuan knew about the relationship between Xu Xiuhe and Yang Cui, and he also knew there were no feelings between Xu Xiuhe and Shen Yin. So seeing these two women together was quite intriguing.

"Old Xu, what's going on between you and Shen Yin? Many women in Rong City want to marry you. You don't like her and she doesn't care for you either. Why bother and exhaust each other? Weren't you planning a divorce earlier, how come there's no news now? Wouldn't it be better to marry an obedient wife who loves you?"

Xu Xiuhe frowned, "You think everyone has as simple a mind as you."

"Hey, why the personal attack?" Chang Zhiyuan didn't want to discuss whether his mind was simple or not. He earnestly said, "I actually have business with you. My company is shooting a drama and needs a child actor to play my son. Can Zhengzheng help out?"

Even as he spoke, Chang Zhiyuan was nervous inside.

Who was Xu Xiuhe? In just a few years, he had grown his business tremendously, even surpassing many family enterprises. No one in Rong City's business circle did not know of him. At the mention of "Xu Xiuhe", people would praise him and size themselves up against him.

So how could Xu Xiuhe possibly allow his two-year-old son to act?

Sure enough, Xu Xiuhe declined: "Aunt Song resigned. We haven't found a new nanny yet. Zhengzheng is being taken care of by Shen Yin now. Do you think Shen Yin would take Zhengzheng to the drama set?"

Chang Zhiyuan considered this. Indeed, who was Shen Yin? The young miss of the prominent Shen family in Rong City. How could she be willing to go to a drama set?

Suddenly, Chang Zhiyuan realized something else: "Shen Yin? Shen Yin is willing to bring my godson along? Didn't you plan to divorce her? Besides, she dislikes you so much, she probably ignores Zhengzheng too."

Chang Zhiyuan had only met Shen Yin twice, once at their wedding and once at Zhengzheng's one month celebration. But both times, Shen Yin had looked unhappy and ignored everyone. Their unhappy marriage was common knowledge, since Shen Yin never appeared in public. That was why outsiders felt they were incompatible as a couple, and many women hoped to replace her.

Xu Xiuhe asked, "Why must it be Zhengzheng?"

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