Published at 12th of June 2024 05:30:02 AM

Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

On the way back, Shen Yin kept wondering how to bring it up - whether to tell Xu Xiuhe tonight or tomorrow evening, or not to say anything and just bring Zhengzheng to live with her in the small house by the Clear River, acting as if she knew nothing?

Shen Yin was conflicted. She felt so vexed. After entering the house, she found that the table had been cleaned up by Xu Xiuhe, who must have given Zhengzheng a bath on it. Shen Yin changed her shoes in the cloakroom before going upstairs, turning off the downstairs lights as she climbed the stairs.

In the bathroom, Shen Yin soaked in the bathtub, the water temperature just right. She had been busy all day, designing three dresses, so she would think about the divorce tomorrow. Tonight, she would just sleep.

Zhengzheng had not come to her room yet, so in a while, Xu Xiuhe would surely bring him back. Learning from the previous lesson, after taking a bath and putting on a robe, Shen Yin went to the dressing room next door, changed into a modest nightgown, and then began to dry her hair.

At nine o'clock, it was Zhengzheng's bedtime. As expected, Xu Xiuhe knocked on Shen Yin's door, carrying Zhengzheng.

When Shen Yin opened the door, to avoid contact with Xu Xiuhe, she did not take Zhengzheng from him as usual but let Xu Xiuhe carry Zhengzheng onto the bed instead, keeping a distance herself.

"Then I'll leave first." Xu Xiuhe wanted to say something more, but seeing Shen Yin's expressionless face and her unwillingness to talk, he gave up.

After Xu Xiuhe left, Shen Yin also lay on the bed. Zhengzheng's eyes kept blinking, and he rubbed them with his hands from time to time, apparently sleepy.

"Zhengzheng, be a good boy. Go to sleep if you're tired. Mommy is going to sleep too." Shen Yin kissed Zhengzheng's forehead, then lay down, gently patting his little belly to lull him to sleep.

To Shen Yin, Zhengzheng was the most precious little treasure in the world.

The night was quiet. Xu Xiuhe lay in bed, recalling the unfinished kiss from earlier that day, and felt a surge of heat in his heart. Especially when he had just seen Shen Yin in her nightgown, her fair skin, her swan-like neck accentuated by her dark hair, making her even more alluring. Her hair was still dripping wet, droplets falling onto her nightgown. The loose nightgown revealed that she was not wearing any undergarments, and he could vaguely make out her full breasts, even more striking than the bathrobe she had worn before. His mind was now filled with this image, and he found himself unintentionally aroused.

The evening breeze blew gently through the summer night. Xu Xiuhe went into the bathroom and opened the window, letting the cool air in as the cool shower rained down on him, finally making him feel better.

Shen Yin decided to calm down herself first. In the morning, she had brought some clothes and important documents, so she wouldn't have to go back and forth for now since her work was also busy.

Xu Xiuhe sat in his office, unable to focus on the documents. This predicament was the first he had encountered in years, and he couldn't share his troubles with anyone else.

So Xu Xiuhe picked up his phone and googled "How to win back your wife's favor."

"Okay, sleep and grow taller," Zhengzheng stretched out his arms, and Fang Yue carried him into the bedroom.

"Yin Yin, why did you bring so many things here? Are you planning to stay here often?" Fang Yue returned and asked after seeing the wardrobe full of clothes.

Shen Yin didn't know how to explain. If she said she wanted a divorce, Fang Yue would definitely disagree. "I've just been really busy these past two days, so I'm not going back."

Fang Yue made a mental note of it.

Shen Yin felt she couldn't drag it out any longer. She took out her phone and found Xu Xiuhe's chat window.

[Let's get a divorce.] After much hesitation, Shen Yin sent the message.

In fact, she didn't know what she was doing - whether she was testing his feelings for her or wanted to end it quickly.

Seeing this message, Xu Xiuhe's expression darkened even further. Why so suddenly? Hadn't they been getting along well lately? Shen Yin was even going to make clothes for him.

"Liu Bo, have Xiao Li'er come in." Xu Xiuhe made a call.

When Xiao Li'er entered, she was carrying an unfinished romantic proposal plan. "Sir, it's not done yet."

"Put that plan on hold for now. My wife wants a divorce from me. You watch a lot of TV shows and read novels, don't you? Think of a way to stop it."

Xiao Li'er was utterly shocked. Wow, what drama had she stumbled into? So the plot had changed from romance to the CEO pursuing his wife. How exciting!

"What's the matter? Finding it too difficult to come up with an idea? Then resign immediately."

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking, Sir. In novels, when the CEO pursues his wife, he's relentless and never gives up," Xiao Li'er quickly responded, her eyes scrutinizing Xu Xiuhe's expression.

Xu Xiuhe considered the feasibility of the approach. So the next step was to relentlessly pursue her? The phone on the desk rang just then, and Xu Xiuhe glanced at it before answering without hesitation.

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