Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:59 AM

Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

"Hey, Xu Xiuhe, I want to ask you something," Fang Yue said.

"Mom, you can ask me anything," Xu Xiuhe turned on the hands-free mode.

"Did you and Shen Yin have a fight? I saw her bring some clothes over, including Xiao's and hers, to the small house on this side. When I asked her why she brought so much, she said she was busy with work and didn't want to waste time going back and forth, so she'd stay here for a few days."

Xu Xiuhe was furious on his end. So this was what she had planned yesterday, and today she's packing up and leaving?

"We didn't have a fight," Xu Xiuhe answered truthfully. Indeed, they hadn't fought; she just wanted a divorce.

"Oh, that's good, that's good. But you two can't go on like this, you know. With a helpless mother and child staying in that small house, it's not safe," Fang Yue said worriedly.

Xu Xiuhe thought to himself, 'Shen Yin may be small, but she's far from helpless. She could probably take down five men single-handedly. So Fang Yue doesn't know her daughter's martial arts skills?'

Xiao Li'er, standing nearby, was almost dying upon hearing this. The CEO is getting a golden opportunity from his mother-in-law, and he's not cherishing it.

Xu Xiuhe noticed the resentful look on Xiao Li'er's face and said, "Mom, I know what to do next."

"Good, good, good. I'll hang up then," Fang Yue said "good" three times before ending the call.

Xu Xiuhe stood up and took two steps. "What did that 'wishing for iron but getting steel' look on your face mean earlier? And why are you so persistent?"

Xiao Li'er lowered her head and muttered softly, "Didn't you say on the phone that you knew what to do?"

"What did you say? Speak louder," Xu Xiuhe couldn't hear her.

"I said, didn't you tell your mom on the phone that you knew what to do?" Xiao Li'er repeated the sentence a little louder, but still without much confidence.

Xu Xiuhe was rendered speechless. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. He knew he should go find Shen Yin next, but what if she turned him away?

"What if she kicks me out when I go find her?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"Yes, CEO. You know it?"

Xu Xiuhe sighed, realizing who it was. "Any updates on the studio's progress?"

"Seems like they're planning to buy some hot search rankings."

Xu Xiuhe felt annoyed just hearing the studio's name. He had only wanted to check on Gu Mengmeng's activities to have an excuse to find Shen Yin, but now it had unexpectedly dragged Qi Yan into the picture.

"Do everything you can to suppress those hot search rankings. Don't give this studio any chance to take off," he ordered.

"Understood. Can I leave now, CEO?" Liu Bo wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"No, sit at that desk and process the remaining documents. You'll also chair the executive meeting this afternoon."

"But that's..." Liu Bo had chaired many meetings as a proxy, but never the executive meetings.

"What's the problem? I have something to take care of." Xu Xiuhe grabbed his car keys and left the office.

The assistants in the office area were surprised to see the CEO leaving at this hour, knowing there was an important afternoon meeting.

"Why did the CEO leave so early?" They whispered among themselves. Only Xiao Li'er sat dejectedly, wishing she could share this huge gossip. Some news is only fun when shared; keeping it to herself was torture.

"Hey Li'er, the CEO called you in to discuss a plan earlier, right?" Yang Mo asked.

Xiao Li'er could only nod.

In the group chat for executives of Conquest Group and Far Group, others noticed the CEO's early departure and asked, [Why did the CEO leave so early? It's only 2:30 PM.]

One of the younger assistants, forgetting the CEO and Liu Bo were also in the group, shared the latest gossip: [The CEO went to be romantic.]

Xiao Li'er saw the message and panicked. "Wan Jia, retract that! The CEO is in the group!"

Wan Jia realized her mistake and quickly retracted the message, but many had already seen it, replying with questions like [Why retract it?] and [Wow, 'be romantic' is such an elegant phrase. What does it mean?]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!