Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:56 AM

Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

Shen Yin felt that Xu Xiuhe must have gone crazy, no matter how she looked at him, he seemed a bit abnormal. "Can't you be less shameless?"

"Ahem, Zhengzheng is here. The kid is learning to talk now, so we can't say bad words. He might be more mature than we think, so let's not bring up that topic from the afternoon. What if he understands?"

Xu Xiuhe didn't know whether Xu Yunzheng understood what divorce meant, but he could use any excuse now.

Shen Yin was intimidated by Xu Xiuhe, so she didn't dare bring it up in front of Zhengzheng.

"What is a topic?" Zhengzheng suddenly raised his head while eating meat.

"It's just a small issue," Xu Xiuhe explained.

"There's no bed for you to sleep here tonight. You figure it out yourself. If it's really not possible, you can go back to the Purple Joy Residence," Shen Yin said.

"It's okay, I told Mom I need to protect you two, and it's getting dark now anyway. Zhengzheng, don't you want Dad to stay?" Xu Xiuhe turned to ask Zhengzheng.

"It's dark, scary, Dad don't go, close the door," Zhengzheng replied.

"The door is closed. Drink some porridge, don't choke," Shen Yin picked up Zhengzheng's small porridge bowl and fed it to his mouth.

After drinking about half a bowl, Zhengzheng felt full and said, "Mom, Zhengzheng is full."Finndd new updates on n/ov/e/lbin(.)com

"Okay, then let's take a bath," Shen Yin picked up Zhengzheng, intending to go to the bathroom.

"You should eat a little more," Xu Xiuhe called out.

Shen Yin indeed hadn't eaten much, as she was annoyed by Xu Xiuhe.

After bathing Zhengzheng, when Shen Yin carried him out again, Xu Xiuhe had already cleaned up the dining room and kitchen, but he wasn't there. Shen Yin thought Xu Xiuhe must have gone back to the Purple Joy Residence.

"Zhengzheng, you play on the bed for a while, okay? Mommy will take a shower. Stay on the bed and be good. Don't come down. Mommy will be back soon," Shen Yin said, handing a children's picture book to Zhengzheng.

Zhengzheng nodded in agreement, so Shen Yin felt reassured and went back into the bathroom.

After Xu Xiuhe took out the trash downstairs and came back up, he saw Zhengzheng alone in the bedroom and suddenly had an idea.

"Zhengzheng," Xu Xiuhe called out as he entered the bedroom.

"Okay," Zhengzheng readily agreed.

Shen Yin carried Zhengzheng out to the living room and put him down. She went into the bedroom herself, to be honest. She didn't want Zhengzheng to sleep on the sofa, she just wanted to see what Xu Xiuhe would do next.

The plot wasn't going the way he had expected, and Xu Xiuhe was dumbfounded. Shouldn't Shen Yin have let him into the bedroom? Why did Zhengzheng come out instead?

"Dad, don't be afraid. Zhengzheng will keep you company."

Xu Yunzheng ran to the sofa and lay down next to Xu Xiuhe.

Xu Xiuhe was thinking about what to do next when Shen Yin received a call from Shu Yi.

"Yin Yin, how is it going? Any progress? Did you bring it up?" Shu Yi asked.

"No progress. I brought up divorce, but he pretended not to understand. It seems he doesn't agree with divorcing. He even cooked diligently and said some weird things. He's still staying here and not leaving. What's worse is that he keeps calling me 'wife'," Shen Yin complained.

"Wow, seriously? I didn't think he was that kind of person. He's so funny, hahahahaha," Shu Yi completely forgot that this was a serious topic.

"Stop laughing. What do you think I should do?" Shen Yin asked.

"Yin Yin, from my experience reading so many novels, it seems he has fallen for you. He likes you, but since he's a domineering CEO, he has a bit of an adorable contrast. In novels, those dominant CEOs usually take what they want forcefully. I didn't expect him to be so stubbornly persistent," Shu Yi analyzed.

"What kind of novels have you been reading? I should read them too," Shen Yin said.

Shu Yi was about to blurt out the name of the novel she had mentioned before, but then worried that it might corrupt Shen Yin's mind.

"It doesn't matter where I read them. What's important is how you feel about him now. What are your feelings towards him?" Shu Yi said solemnly.

"I don't know. When he calls me 'wife,' I feel my face getting hot," Shen Yin said haltingly. When she initially brought up divorce, her mind might have been confused, and she was just testing the waters.

Outside, Xu Xiuhe didn't know what to do with the current situation, so he sought advice from Xiao Li'er.

"Boss, why don't you make Zhengzheng cry?" Xiao Li'er had already gone home late at night but still received Xu Xiuhe's call, which was incredibly frustrating.

Xu Xiuhe was smart enough to understand what to do immediately. After hanging up, he said, "Zhengzheng, sleeping on the sofa is uncomfortable. Can you cry for a bit? Then Mommy will let us go sleep on the bed."

"Mom said real men don't cry or let the little pearls fall," Zhengzheng sat on the sofa, swinging his legs.

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