Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:54 AM

Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Xu Xiuhe felt helpless, "Zhengzheng, how can a man have such a good memory? A true man should be flexible and adapt to situations. Sometimes, being soft towards a woman is a strategy. You understand what tactics are, right?"

"What are tactics?" Zhengzheng asked.

"The current tactic is for you to act pitiful and cry. You see, this sofa is uncomfortable, isn't it? If you cry a little, mom will let us go inside," Xu Xiuhe persuaded gently.

Inside, Shen Yin was completely unaware of what was happening outside. She was perplexed by Shu Yi's few questions.

"Do you dislike him? Did your heart rate ever increase when you saw him? After the divorce, if other men pursue you, would you agree? Most importantly, if, and I mean if, there is a woman by his side, would you feel a bit uncomfortable?"

Shen Yin pondered the answers to these questions but didn't respond to Shu Yi.RreAd lateSt chapters at nô(v)e/l/bin/.c/o/m Only

"Think carefully, if you're thinking carefully now, it means you've already been moved by him, or at least you have feelings for him, but you're unaware of it yourself. If you say you have absolutely no feelings for him and are determined to get a divorce, you would definitely answer firmly: I dislike him, my heart rate doesn't increase. Instead of seriously considering the few questions I asked, like you're doing now."

Shu Yi continued, "Sometimes feelings aren't that complicated, we just overthink them. Look at you two, things are already great. If you truly like each other, you don't even need to prepare for marriage, and you even have such an obedient, handsome child. Do you know, nowadays many people who like each other eventually fail to make it to the altar due to reality?"

Shen Yin sincerely felt that Shu Yi understood emotions well, "What about you? I feel Chang Zhiyuan quite likes you, why are you avoiding him?"

"As for me, I don't know if he's just momentarily interested or has truly reformed. Even if he's a prodigal son returning, I dare not gamble easily. I'm afraid in the end, I'll be the only one hurt. All these years, I haven't dated for this reason - I overthink things, consider the outcome, and want a relationship that doesn't end in a breakup. Think about it, his family is wealthy and influential, would they agree for him to marry an ordinary woman from the entertainment industry?"

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Is someone knocking on the door?" Shu Yi vaguely heard a sound on the other end of the phone and asked.

"Yes, it's probably Xu Xiuhe knocking," Shen Yin replied.

"Then you should open the door. Oh, by the way, 'The Legend of Xian Xi' has been scheduled. It will air tomorrow night, so you can see Zhengzheng on TV." Shu Yi said before hanging up.

When Shen Yin opened the door, the first thing she heard was Zhengzheng's crying.

Xu Xiuhe wasn't asleep either. Seeing Shen Yin's movements, he immediately pretended to be asleep, terrified that she might take advantage of Zhengzheng's slumber to drive him out of the bedroom.

It's probably true that you can never wake someone who's pretending to be asleep. Shen Yin called out to Xu Xiuhe several times by the bed, but he didn't respond.

Perhaps her voice was too soft, but if she raised it, would she wake Zhengzheng? To be honest, Zhengzheng and Xu Xiuhe did resemble each other; looking at them together, one could tell they were father and son.

Xu Xiuhe kept his eyes closed, relieved that Shen Yin had stopped moving. Had she given up? He secretly rejoiced.

Suddenly, Shen Yin leaned closer. Xu Xiuhe's face did look quite like Zhengzheng's. She couldn't resist and gently pinched his face, just like she did with Zhengzheng's.

Xu Xiuhe could no longer keep up the act and opened his eyes, locking gazes with Shen Yin. She didn't expect him to open his eyes so quickly; her action wasn't forceful, just a light pinch like she did to Zhengzheng, who hadn't woken up. Embarrassed, Shen Yin retracted her hand and took two steps back.

Xu Xiuhe closed his eyes again, pretending nothing had happened.

"Since you're awake, don't sleep anymore. Let's go out and talk," Shen Yin cleared her throat and said.

Xu Xiuhe knew they needed to clarify things between them.

Shen Yin turned and went to the living room, with Xu Xiuhe following behind. On his way out, he quietly closed the door.

They sat on the sofa in the living room in silence for a moment before Xu Xiuhe spoke first, "About what was said earlier, I disagree. I don't want a divorce, and it's not because you're the mother of my child, but because I have feelings for you."

Shen Yin was shocked by this sudden confession.

Xu Xiuhe continued, "Why did you suddenly bring up divorce? Weren't we doing well just a few days ago? Weren't you going to make clothes for me?"

As soon as Xu Xiuhe mentioned making clothes, Shen Yin remembered that he had kissed her without her consent.

"You kissed me without my consent," Shen Yin muttered.

"So if I had your consent, I could kiss you?" Xu Xiuhe shamelessly said.

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