Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:52 AM

Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Every time Shen Yin didn't know how to respond to Xu Xiuhe's out-of-sync words: "It seems like I don't have any feelings for you."

"Really, not even a little bit?" Xu Xiuhe's eyes were fixed on Shen Yin, not missing any of the subtle expressions on her face.

Shen Yin hesitated for a moment and said, "No." In reality, whether she had feelings or not, she knew in her heart. Of all her body parts, her mouth was the most stubborn, and she didn't know whose lead she was following.

"It's okay, as long as I have feelings for you, I like you. As long as you don't resist me, we can slowly cultivate feelings. One day, there will be," Xu Xiuhe said confidently.

"I'm not the Shen Yin I used to be," Shen Yin said.

"I know," Xu Xiuhe replied.

Shen Yin felt anxious and uneasy. How did Xu Xiuhe know? Did she reveal herself?

"Don't be afraid, I like you as you are now," Xu Xiuhe recalled what Ji Qingyan had said, that the present Shen Yin was a different persona.

"So from now on, I'll pursue you. Don't run away, and don't mention divorce again, unless I'm gone. Otherwise, in the spouse section, only my name can be there." Xu Xiuhe's tone was a little domineering.

He was domineering by nature. He was unwilling to say more to others, but after understanding his feelings, he couldn't wait to share everything with Shen Yin. This must be love.

In comparison, his feelings for Qi Yan could hardly be considered liking her. During the more than a year he was with Qi Yan, she took the initiative in many things. Now, looking back on his attempts to keep her, it was just the routine a boyfriend should go through when breaking up.

Shen Yin didn't know if she had revealed herself to him, but Xu Xiuhe's expression was very sincere. For a fleeting moment, she seemed to see a light in his eyes. If he liked her as she was now, did that mean she didn't have to be so cautious anymore?

"I still don't know what to do," Shen Yin said. Everything was too sudden, she had never faced such a direct confession. At Dashen, she barely interacted with men.

"Just give me time, leave the rest to me. Take your time accepting it," Xu Xiuhe's expression was serious and determined.

Shen Yin thought for a moment and nodded. At the same time, she felt she was overacting, but it didn't matter, at least she had an answer in her heart now.

Xu Xiuhe stood up, heading towards the bedroom: "Let's go back to sleep then."

Before Shen Yin could say anything, he immediately said, "Xu Yunzheng will be sad if he doesn't see me when he wakes up."


After sitting down, Xu Xiuhe opened his phone and saw a flurry of messages pop up in the group. Things like dark circles, physical vigor, how long each time lasted—you name it, it was all there.

Could his dark circles really be that bad? Xu Xiuhe opened the camera. It didn't seem that serious. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't tell at all.

"Liu Bo, come in here."

These days, Liu Bo's life was a living hell. His boss now often left work early and frequently asked questions beyond his ability, treating him like a search engine.

"Do I have obvious dark circles?" Xu Xiuhe asked. Shen Yin had said the same thing before.

Liu Bo took a few steps forward. He had actually noticed when he was inside earlier. The truth was, the CEO had fair skin, so any slight dark circles were noticeable. But these dark circles wouldn't be visible on an ordinary person's face.

"It's not too bad. If you don't look closely, you can't tell," Liu Bo answered honestly.

"Then who is this person, and how did he notice?" Xu Xiuhe pointed to the ID in his phone.

Liu Bo had already revealed one person, so revealing another didn't matter. "CEO, this is Chang Xue, the company receptionist. When we recruited her, the requirements included 5.0 naked vision, courage, attentiveness, and good communication skills. She's also a die-hard fan, so no pimple on anyone's face can escape her eyes."

Liu Bo thought Xu Xiuhe would have him summon Chang Xue again, but instead, Xu Xiuhe said, "Go to Ziyue Ting this afternoon and sort out my clothes and daily necessities from my room, and send them to No. 5 Building on Qinghe Street. Oh, and take Flower Flower home to look after her for a few days."

"Qinghe Street?" Liu Bo asked.

"My wife is there, so of course I have to go too." This time, Liu Bo was certain he heard a boastful tone in Xu Xiuhe's voice.

After Liu Bo left, Xu Xiuhe took out his phone and sent a message in the Heyuan Group and Yuanji Group chat: [I've had dark circles recently too, so how do I get rid of them?]

[Use eye cream.]

[Go to bed early, exercise and sleep in moderation.]

Xu Xiuhe directly called the most expensive luxury goods store in Rongcheng and ordered 10 bottles of high-end eye cream to be sent to No. 5 Building on Qinghe Street.

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