Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:32 AM

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chang Zhiyuan's eyes lit up. Feeling there was hope, he continued: "I've been pursuing Shu Yi from our company recently, right? She's the female lead in this TV series and needs a boy to play her son for two weeks."

Xu Xiuhe knew that Chang Zhiyuan had been pursuing Shu Yi recently, and thought Chang Zhiyuan had succeeded.Findd new stories on nov/e(l)bin(.)com

Chang Zhiyuan went on: "This woman doesn't give in no matter what I try. It's so frustrating that I can't even get an artist from my own company when I'm the boss."

Xu Xiuhe ...

He knew Chang Zhiyuan's character all too well. Up until now, the girlfriends he had talked about could be counted on one hand.

"Find Shen Yin yourself and see if she's willing to go to the set. That's all that matters." Xu Xiuhe casually threw out this line. But he thought to himself, what ghost would make Shen Yin agree.

Chang Zhiyuan didn't have high hopes either, but he didn't want to give up even a glimmer of opportunity: "Thanks, brother. Give me Shen Yin's phone number."

Xu Xiuhe was holding a pen and paused for a moment: "Go find her yourself." Only then did Xu Xiuhe realize they had been married for three years but didn't have each other's phone numbers.

Chang Zhiyuan readily agreed and drove straight to Ziyue Manor.

When Shen Yin came back from Blue Mountain Café, it was already 9 p.m. Aunt Song's luggage was in the living room. She was holding Zhengzheng in the living room waiting for Shen Yin.

Aunt Song handed Zhengzheng into Shen Yin's arms, teaching her how to hold him: "Madam, hold one hand under Zhengzheng's bottom and the other supporting his back."

Aunt Song was reluctant to leave. Before departing, she exhorted Shen Yin again.

Shen Yin did as told, holding Zhengzheng in her arms.

Aunt Song instructed further: "Madam, Zhengzheng is very well behaved and can say a lot now. Sometimes he likes looking at books. If you're busy, just let him sit there and read the picture books on the shelf. My number is on the sticky note behind the door. Call me if anything comes up."

Aunt Song bowed her head again: "Zhengzheng, Granny Song has to go home. Say goodbye to Granny."

The two-year-old child could understand words now. Zhengzheng's expression clearly showed incomprehension: "Granny is not leaving. Granny plays with Zhengzheng."

As soon as Zhengzheng finished speaking, his eyes became wet.

Aunt Song instantly felt distressed too, with traces of tears at the corners of her eyes: "Zhengzheng, what did Granny teach you? Boys can't easily shed pearls." After speaking, Aunt Song turned her face to cover her nose. Pulling her suitcase, she left.

Seeing Aunt Song leave, Zhengzheng finally couldn't hold back and burst into loud crying.

Shen Yin had no experience with children and didn't know how to soothe him. She could only hold him gently in her arms, patting his back lightly while murmuring: "Good boy Zhengzheng, don't cry. Boys can't easily shed pearls."

Shen Yin was stunned for a moment: "Why are you both back..."

Before Shen Yin could finish, Xu Xiuhe dragged her arm to the living room. Chang Zhiyuan carrying Zhengzheng also went inside.

Xu Xiuhe's face was livid: "Speak! What happened this time?"

Shen Yin still didn't know what was going on. "What's the matter?"

"Aunt Song just left yesterday and you're already treating Zhengzheng like this. We could hear him crying from the yard." Xu Xiuhe accused.

Only then did Shen Yin understand Xu Xiuhe and Chang Zhiyuan had wrongly blamed her for abusing Zhengzheng. She wanted to explain but was afraid they wouldn't believe her.

So Shen Yin came in front of Chang Zhiyuan and clapped her hands: "Zhengzheng, come, Mommy holds you."

Indeed Zhengzheng reached out his hands to let her carry him. In fact she was nervous inside, afraid Zhengzheng would reject her. Then she really wouldn't be able to prove her innocence.

Feeling they still didn't believe her, she went on asking Zhengzheng: "Sweetie, tell Daddy why you were crying."

In his tender crying voice, Zhengzheng replied: "Granny left. Granny doesn't want Zhengzheng anymore."

Shen Yin finally heaved a long sigh of relief, giving Xu Xiuhe a look.

Chang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiuhe also knew they had wrongly accused Shen Yin, but Chang Zhiyuan wouldn't admit his mistake openly: "I knocked for a long time without anyone answering, and hearing a child cry, how could I not overthink?"

This excuse was reasonable enough. After all, Shen Yin did have a history. Not wanting to argue further, she continued: "Aunt Song left this morning and Zhengzheng cried badly. I couldn't soothe him no matter what, so I wanted to take him out to play to distract him. When you rang the doorbell I was upstairs changing his clothes."

Xu Xiuhe saw that Zhengzheng's clothes had indeed been changed and were different from his usual wear. Aunt Song focused solely on keeping him warm without considering appearance or comfort. But with his high cuteness level, Zhengzheng could still attract looks when out. Shen Yin was clearly different. She had dressed Zhengzheng in a white sweater with a blue gilet over it, pants underneath, and sport shoes - a stylish little man.

Chang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiuhe only now realized that they had wrongly blamed Shen Yin this time. Xu Xiuhe was just about to apologize when Zhengzheng interrupted: "Dad, did you come home early to take us out to play?"

Xu Xiuhe looked at Chang Zhiyuan, his eyes clearly saying: You can leave now.

How could Chang Zhiyuan easily give up when his business was not yet finished: "Does Zhengzheng want a godfather? Godfather will take you out to eat delicious food." He had already realized that Shen Yin seemed to care quite a bit about Zhengzheng, which was completely different from what he had heard before. This was interesting - he had decided to use Zhengzheng as an entry point.

Zhengzheng scratched his head and shook it, saying: "Zhengzheng wants to go out and play, and eat the meals mom makes."

Zhengzheng had eaten Shen Yin's cooking for several days and was now completely subdued by her culinary skills.

Xu Xiuhe again glanced at Shen Yin - shocked that Zhengzheng had apparently forgotten his dad now that he had a mother. Although he had to admit that Shen Yin's cooking was indeed delicious.

Standing on the sidelines, Chang Zhiyuan felt like he had discovered some extraordinary secret. How could this Shen Yin be so different from the one he had heard about before? Adhering to his principles of respect, Xu Xiuhe had not had Shen Yin investigated before marriage, only starting the investigation after they wed. Other than a beautiful appearance and great figure, she didn't seem to have any other merits - but had a whole pile of faults. Quick temper and bad personality in college, smoking, drinking and partying abroad, coasting through her studies just enough to graduate, and then coming for the arranged marriage. If one other merit had to be found, it was that she had a clean record with no relationships. Otherwise, Xu Xiuhe would not have allowed her to give birth to Zhengzheng. During the pregnancy, Aunt Song was kept very busy, basically monitoring Shen Yin 24 hours a day to ensure she didn't smoke, drink or even secretly abort the baby.

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