Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:32 AM

Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

"Oh right, why didn't Auntie come?" Shu Yi asked again as it was nearing noon.Rread latest chapters at n/ov(e)lbin(.)co/m

"My mom said she has something to attend to. I'll ask what it is later. Watch Zhengzheng for me, I'll go make lunch," said Shen Yin as she got up.

Having opened up about her troubles, Shu Yi knew the answer and felt much better. "Zhengzheng, I'll play with the building blocks with you."

"Okay," the two lay down on the carpet.

"This triangle piece should go here," Shu Yi picked up a block, about to place it on the rectangle.

"Ugly, put it here," Zhengzheng pointed to a curved block.

"Hmm, so you know what's ugly now. But I want to put it here," Shu Yi acted a bit childish, teasing Zhengzheng.

Xu Yunzheng looked at Shu Yi, blinked his eyes, lowered his head to continue stacking his blocks, but said: "A real man yields."

"Ah hahahahaha, sweetie, who taught you that? You're cracking me up!" Shu Yi, not looking like a celebrity at all, burst into laughter.

Shen Yin heard it from the kitchen and smiled too. Not far from the living room, she said, "Xu Xiuhe taught him, always telling him weird things."

"How nice, our Zhengzheng is such a gentleman. If I were ten years younger, Auntie would definitely wait for you," Shu Yi joked.

Shen Yin was shocked to hear such racy words. Shu Yi was around the same age as her, 24, so ten years younger would only be 14 - how could she wait for him? "Ahem, don't corrupt the child now."

"Just kidding," Shu Yi and Zhengzheng picked up the blocks again.

The phone on the desk rang. Shen Yin was cooking, so she turned and said, "Shu Yi, can you get that for me?"

Shu Yi got up, saw "Mom" on the caller ID and said, "Yin, it's Auntie calling."

Shen Yin turned off the stove, wiped her hands, took the phone from Shu Yi and answered, "Hello, Mom, what's up?"

"Yin, I can't make it over this afternoon either," Fang Yue's voice sounded solemn.

"No, it's my dad who's hospitalized. I'm going to see him," Shen Yin said.

After hanging up, Xu Xiuhe immediately had his assistant Liu look up which hospital and room Shen Tianzheng was in. In the past, he might have thought it wasn't his business since they were just business partners. But now it was different - that was his father-in-law. Even if Shen Yin wasn't the original Shen Yin anymore, in the eyes of others, these relationships were very real.

"Get some fruit and nutritional supplements and put them in my trunk," Xu Xiuhe instructed.

After getting off work, Xu Xiuhe didn't return to the Qinghe Villa, but went straight to Rongcheng First Hospital. When he arrived at the ward, Shen Yin and Zhengzheng were already there.

It was a two-room ward, with the sickbed inside and a bed for caregivers outside, along with a sofa and cabinet.

Xu Xiuhe put the items he bought in the cabinet and asked, "Is it serious? What did the doctor say?"

"Liver cancer. It wasn't detected too late. He had surgery last night and may need chemotherapy after," Fang Yue's spirits were low and she looked haggard.

"Don't worry too much, he'll recover," Xu Xiuhe comforted her.

In her past life in Da Sheng, Shen Yin had no concept of cancer. But after being here for over two months, she had some understanding of it.

"Mom, don't worry, medical treatments are so advanced nowadays," Shen Yin consoled her too.

Zhengzheng in Shen Yin's arms didn't fully understand, but could sense his grandma's sadness, so he reached out to pat Fang Yue's shoulder.

Xu Xiuhe and Shen Yin stood by the door to the inner sickroom. Shen Tianzheng lay on the bed, eyes closed, looking much thinner. Shen Yin didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but for a fleeting moment, she felt a pang in her heart.

"Where's my brother?" Shen Yin asked.

"He went to the company this afternoon. Probably won't be here until later," Fang Yue replied.

"Mom, have something to eat first," Shen Yin put Zhengzheng down and took the dishes out of the lunchbox.

"I'm not hungry," Fang Yue had zero appetite at the moment.

Xu Xiuhe spoke up, "Mom, you still need to eat something. If you starve yourself, who will look after Dad?"

This was the scene Shen Lv walked in on when he arrived.

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