Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:26 AM

Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

From the moment Shen Yin heard the urging to drink, she grabbed her car keys. If anything happened to Shu Yi, she would never forgive herself.

"What's wrong? Are you going out?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

Shen Yin looked anxious, changing her shoes and putting on a mask. "Shu Yi might be in danger. I'm going to find her. Give Zhengzheng a bath and don't wait up for me tonight."

Xu Xiuhe felt uneasy, so after cleaning up the bowls and dishes on the dining table and washing his hands, he picked up Zhengzheng from the high chair. "I'll go too."

Shen Yin didn't stop him. After leaving, Xu Xiuhe insisted on driving since his driving experience was much more extensive than Shen Yin's.

Shen Yin sat in the backseat with Zhengzheng, and her Bluetooth earpiece was still on, allowing her to clearly hear the conversation on the other side. Shu Yi wanted to leave, but some women asked for her autograph, others asked how she transformed into her current appearance. Some men urged Shu Yi to drink, others asked how she became a celebrity. One man with a lecherous voice even asked how much she charged for a night.

Shen Yin felt disgusted by these people once again. Shu Yi replied, "Can you afford a billion?"

"Stop pretending to be so high and mighty. Aren't you all promiscuous in the entertainment industry?" the lecherous man said unabashedly.

"Moon." Wei Yuan called out in an unsatisfied tone, feeling that Shu Yi's words were too unpleasant.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Shu Yi glared at Wei Yuan with an unpleasant expression.

Wei Yuan was too afraid to speak, recalling that Shu Yi had a bodyguard capable of taking on five men.

The lecherous man took two sips of his drink, feeling a bit tipsy, but still insisted on urging Shu Yi to drink. "Just have a little, it won't kill you. Drink it for me." He even tried to reach out and touch her.

Shu Yi took a step back, and others intervened, saying, "Yang Meng, just let it go."

"Let it go? She has to drink today, or else her ugly high school photos will go viral on social media tomorrow."

"Let's see who dares to post them. For every one posted, I'll take one down." Shen Yin entered and spoke in a clear, emotionless voice. Everyone looked over, recognizing her but unable to immediately recall who she was, though they were all stunned by her presence.

"Yin Yin, why are you here?" Shu Yi asked.

Shen Yin gave Shu Yi a reassuring look. A few girls seemed to recognize Shen Yin, whispering, "Isn't she the wife of the CEO of Yuanjituan Corporation?"

[You'll just cause trouble if you go in.]


[Shen Yin is inside], Xu Xiuhe replied.

Upon hearing Shen Yin was there, Chang Zhiyuan felt relieved since he wouldn't have to worry with her present. His presence would indeed be disruptive.

"What do you want to eat?" Shu Yi asked.

Hearing her voice, Chang Zhiyuan immediately closed his phone and looked over at the two women.

"Why is he here?" Shu Yi noticed Chang Zhiyuan and asked again.

Shen Yin shook her head, already knowing the answer in her heart. So Shu Yi would go with him instead? She wouldn't be a third wheel.

With that thought, Shen Yin got in the car and asked, "Did you tell him?"

Xu Xiuhe didn't dare hide it from his wife's question, so he nodded honestly. "After all, she's an artist under his company. It's better for him to handle any issues that come up."

"Shu Yi hasn't eaten yet. I was going to accompany her to eat, but it seems unnecessary now. I wonder what Chang Zhiyuan is thinking? Is it a passing fancy, a lustful impulse, or a reformed playboy? Shu Yi is quite sensitive, and she can't afford to gamble."

"I think he's sincere. Although he's been with many women over the years, it was all just acting. Sometimes in life, people can't help but be swayed. But with you, I've been absolutely sincere. It's not a passing fancy or lustful impulse, but a decision I made after careful thought. I like you."

Xu Xiuhe didn't miss any opportunity to express his feelings. In his view, Shen Yin no longer resisted him, but that didn't mean she liked him, so he had to keep trying. One day, Shen Yin would develop feelings for him.

"Zhengzheng is still here?" Shen Yin noticed Xu Xiuhe's sincere gaze and felt a bit embarrassed.

"He's asleep."

Shen Yin turned to see Zhengzheng asleep in his car seat, his head tilted to one side, snoring with bubbles coming from his nose.

"Chang Zhiyuan is here, so don't worry. He won't let Shu Yi go hungry. Zhengzheng is sleeping uncomfortably in the car, so let's go home."

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