Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:23 AM

Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Was it fast? No, it wasn't fast, Xu Xiuhe thought to himself, "I won't do anything else, I'll just sleep obediently."

Shen Yin froze, not daring to move. Xu Xiuhe naturally knew his wife was tense, "I promise, don't worry and go to sleep." When would his wife be able to let down all her guard around him?

Shen Yin and Xu Xiuhe fell asleep, but Shu Yi couldn't fall asleep for a long time. It was all because of her simple thinking that got Shen Yin entangled in this situation, going to find him late at night, even alarming Chang Zhiyuan.

"Knock, knock, knock" someone was knocking on the door. Shu Yi regretted that she shouldn't have softened and agreed to let Chang Zhiyuan take him in. With a single man and a lone woman, what if Chang Zhiyuan really did something to her? As a woman, she would have no way to resist.

Shu Yi got out of bed, put on her slippers, and reluctantly went to open the bedroom door. She didn't open the door all the way, but left a small crack and asked, "It's so late, what's the matter, Mr. Chang?"

"Something came up, should I come in or you come out?" Chang Zhiyuan asked.

Shu Yi thought for a moment, then decided she should go out. After saying that, she closed the door and went into the dressing room. She couldn't possibly go out to see Chang Zhiyuan wearing her pajamas.

Downstairs in the living room, Chang Zhiyuan was sitting and waiting for Shu Yi to come down. Shu Yi wore an oversized T-shirt and came downstairs to sit on the sofa.

Now Chang Zhiyuan felt he couldn't look at her enough, "Are you so afraid of me? Why?"

Shu Yi lowered her head, "Afraid you'll keep me as a mistress." After saying that, she was afraid Chang Zhiyuan would get angry, so she quietly observed his expression.

Chang Zhiyuan was amused and annoyed, "What's wrong with this woman? When did I ever say I wanted to keep you as a mistress? Do women's thought processes work in such strange ways?"

Shu Yi heard the questioning tone in Chang Zhiyuan's voice and felt he didn't understand. But wasn't that the case? No one would be kind to someone for no reason. Many relationships had ulterior motives. She couldn't possibly think Chang Zhiyuan was being good to her out of true love. She didn't think she had that kind of charm.

Those involved often lose perspective while onlookers see clearly. Right now, she felt that Xu Xiuhe's love for Yin Yin was true love. Buying her a hairpin, although a bit silly, showed how much he valued Yin Yin. If that Cha Sister had really taken away the hairpin, she would have thought Xu Xiuhe wasn't a real man. To pursue his wife, giving up living in this grand Ziyue Manor villa to move into a small room, Xu Xiuhe did well on that.

Now, this playboy in front of her, was he just after her body?

At the hospital, Shen Tianzheng had already woken up, and Fang Yue was wiping his face. When Shen Yin arrived, she happened to meet Shen Lv at the door. "Brother, you didn't go to the company today?"

"No, there wasn't anything important at the company today," Shen Lv replied.

Shen Yin looked at Shen Lv. People do grow through experiences. Seeing Shen Lv this time, Shen Yin clearly felt he seemed much more composed than before, no longer that unreliable and careless manner.

Shen Yin held a lunch box in her left hand and a large bunch of sunflowers in her right. Shen Lv reached out to take the sunflowers, saying, "Next time, don't buy these again. The room is already full of them."

Shen Yin entered the sickroom and indeed, all kinds of nutritional supplements, fruits, and fresh flowers were placed under the cabinet. Of course, for the director of a large group falling ill, friends and employees would definitely come to visit.

Fang Yue came out from inside the sickroom and saw Shen Yin, saying, "Where's Xu Yunzheng? You have a child and work, how can you come here every day?"

"It's fine, Xu Xiuhe took Xu Yunzheng to the office," Shen Yin said as she went inside and looked at Shen Tianzheng. She noticed Shen Tianzheng's condition was much better than yesterday and the day before. "What did the doctor say?"

"The test results came back last night. They said it's under control now, and there won't be any life-threatening risks as long as there are no relapses," Fang Yue said, looking at Shen Tianzheng with a sigh.

"Brother, bring the lunch box in."

Hearing this, Shen Lv brought the lunch box inside and handed it to Shen Yin. Shen Yin opened the lunch box and took out the few side dishes and glutinous rice porridge.

"Mom, they're all quite light. You and Dad should have some," Shen Yin said.

"Alright," Fang Yue replied as she took them.

However, Shen Yin sat by the bedside and held the glutinous rice porridge. Seeing this, Shen Lv raised the head of the bed a bit. Shen Yin spooned the porridge into Shen Tianzheng's mouth, one spoonful at a time.

As Shen Tianzheng sipped the porridge, tears streamed down from the corners of his eyes. "Yin Yin, all these years, Dad wronged you and made you suffer," he said in a small voice that Shen Yin could hear clearly.

Seeing this, Shen Yin's heart couldn't remain unperturbed. The spoon in her hand stopped, and she had fed him almost all the porridge in the bowl. Shen Yin was about to say something when her father spoke again.

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