Published at 12th of June 2024 05:32:31 AM

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Shen Yin carried Zhengzheng and went out. The driver had taken Aunt Song back, so Shen Yin planned to walk with Zhengzheng. Even if she got tired, she would carry him if he couldn't walk anymore.

Chang Zhiyuan noticed the situation and casually placed his hand on Xu Xiuhe's shoulder, saying, "Since your wife and child have gone out, why don't you go and see them off?"

Xu Xiuhe disdainfully removed Chang Zhiyuan's arm from his shoulder and brushed off his own shoulder.

Chang Zhiyuan initially wanted to invite Shen Yin to have a meal to make up for his mistake. But now that he saw the whole family had gone out, he felt like he had come in vain. He followed behind Xu Xiuhe and also went out.

Xu Xiuhe walked briskly to his own car and parked it at the gate of the courtyard.

Shen Yin couldn't believe that this man actually knew to see them off. She held Zhengzheng and sat in the backseat of the car. Without wasting any time, Chang Zhiyuan opened the door of the passenger seat and got in.

Frowning, Xu Xiuhe asked, "Why did you get in? Aren't you driving back?"

Chang Zhiyuan, thick-skinned as he was, said, "I want to accompany my godson." He crossed his legs and added, "Can I come along, sister-in-law?"

Shen Yin was speechless. He had already gotten in the car, and he was still asking. She replied calmly, "I mind."

Upon hearing this, Chang Zhiyuan's expression cracked open. He never expected Shen Yin to respond so directly. If one observed carefully, they would notice that Xu Xiuhe's lips curled upwards slightly.

But who was Chang Zhiyuan? He didn't care about Shen Yin's opinion. Lowering his head, he persisted, "Zhengzheng, it's been a long time since your godfather played with you. Can your godfather go out with you?"

Zhengzheng nodded.

"Looks like my godson treats me well," Chang Zhiyuan said, looking at Xu Xiuhe with a smug expression.

Xu Xiuhe ignored him and turned to ask Zhengzheng and Shen Yin where they wanted to go.

"Let's go to the supermarket," Shen Yin replied.

Upon arriving at the supermarket, Shen Yin grabbed a shopping cart and placed Zhengzheng inside. Then she went to the children's snack section and picked out some snacks for Zhengzheng. She thought that with two big men following behind her, they wouldn't let her pay, would they? She had come once before with Aunt Song, and although she had a rough idea, going through the whole process by herself was still a bit challenging. Free labor and a free wallet should not go to waste.

With these thoughts, Shen Yin's mood improved, and she had a smile on her face. She lowered her head and asked the little sweetheart in the shopping cart what he wanted to eat.

This scene happened to be seen by Xu Xiuhe and Chang Zhiyuan who were following behind.

Chang Zhiyuan was even more shocked and moved closer to Xu Xiuhe, asking, "Didn't you say that Shen Yin has severe depression? I also heard from Liu Bo that she even abused my godson some time ago. Isn't she depressed? Isn't she suffering from schizophrenia?"

Xu Xiuhe had also had doubts, so he personally asked Shen Yin's psychologist, Ji Qingyan, who clearly told him that Shen Yin's condition had greatly improved and she had basically recovered to normal.

Perhaps psychological illnesses were strange, or perhaps Shen Yin had truly found a way to let go.

Chang Zhiyuan paused for a moment and asked, "Are you still planning to get a divorce? I saw the divorce agreement in your office last time."

Xu Xiuhe had considered divorcing before, but now that Shen Yin had become so important to him, he couldn't bring himself to present the divorce agreement. After all, there was still a blood relationship between them.

Chang Zhiyuan continued, "Qi Yan is coming back next week."

Xu Xiuhe's expression noticeably changed, and he replied, "Hmm, please don't mention her in front of me again."

Sensing that this topic was sensitive, Chang Zhiyuan tried to change the subject, "Did she really cook lunch today?"

Xu Xiuhe couldn't bear it any longer and kicked Chang Zhiyuan's foot under the table, saying, "That's enough, don't deceive my son in front of me. I can fulfill his wishes."

Chang Zhiyuan awkwardly smiled.

Shen Yin, of course, noticed it and asked Zhengzheng with a lowered head, "Zhengzheng, do you want to go and play at the filming location?"

Zhengzheng shook his head and replied with enthusiasm, "I want to."

Chang Zhiyuan chuckled, "As expected of my godson. And sister-in-law, why is the food you cooked so delicious?"

Shen Yin's cooking was undoubtedly delicious. She dared to say that there weren't many people with culinary skills surpassing hers. Chang Zhiyuan thought to himself that he couldn't rely on Chen Siming for meals anymore.

After finishing the meal, Shen Yin took Zhengzheng to the bathroom to wipe his mouth and wash his face. Chang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiuhe remained seated at the dining table, and Shen Yin didn't plan on cleaning up. Since she had cooked the meal, whoever wanted to wash the dishes could do it.

Sure! Here's the translation of the Chinese novel into English:

Sure enough, men lack this self-awareness. Shen Yin had already finished washing her hands, but the two of them hadn't made a move yet.

Shen Yin had a touch of OCD and a slight cleanliness obsession. She couldn't stand it when the dining table wasn't cleaned after a meal. In her mansion, with four maids, everything was always in perfect order. Unless she wanted to do something herself, she didn't have to do anything.

Unable to bear it any longer, Shen Yin walked into the dining room and said to the two of them, "Which one of you has time to clean up the table and wash the dishes?" After saying that, she picked up Zhengzheng and went upstairs.

Xu Xiuhe and Chang Zhiyuan sat there without moving, looking at each other. Chang Zhiyuan, in need of help and lacking hands, obediently cleaned up the table and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. This was probably one of the few times he had entered the kitchen.

Seeing this, Xu Xiuhe curled his lips and went upstairs. The villa had a total of three floors. The first floor consisted of the living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and cloakroom. The second floor had the master bedroom, two guest bedrooms, and a study. Xu Xiuhe entered the study and continued working.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the study. Xu Xiuhe thought it was Chang Zhiyuan, but when he opened the door, he was surprised to see Zhengzheng. "Zhengzheng, what's the matter?"

Zhengzheng took small steps and hugged Xu Xiuhe's thigh. "Daddy, I want to read too."

Xu Xiuhe carried Zhengzheng into the study and handed him an art book.

When Chang Zhiyuan arrived at the study, he saw this scene: Xu Xiuhe typing on the computer keyboard while Zhengzheng looked at a book. He couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Seeing Chang Zhiyuan enter, Xu Xiuhe said, "Perfect timing. Zhengzheng going to act has some conditions."

"Tell me, tell me."

"Go and get the documents from the printer."

In order to make Xu Xiuhe happy, Chang Zhiyuan hurriedly went to the printer and retrieved the documents.

Xu Xiuhe spoke, "Take a look for yourself. Can you meet the conditions written on the document?"

Chang Zhiyuan took a look. It was nothing more than ensuring Zhengzheng's safety and not disclosing his personal information.

"Don't worry, I will absolutely ensure the safety of my godson. It's just that..." Chang Zhiyuan paused for a moment.

"Just say what you want to say."

"We'll be joining the film crew the day after tomorrow."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!