Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:19 AM

Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

As soon as Shen Yin stepped out of the elevator, she saw Xu Xiuhe holding Xu Yunzheng in his arms, standing at the elevator door.

"How did you know I was coming?"

"A mutual understanding of the heart," said Xu Xiuhe, not caring about his image in front of the employees. He took Shen Yin's handbag from her. Carrying the bag in one hand and holding Xu Yunzheng in the other, he followed Shen Yin into her office.

After entering, Xu Xiuhe set the bag on the desk and placed Xu Yunzheng on the sofa. He turned and poured a glass of water.

"Mommy, hug," Xu Yunzheng stretched out his arms, gesturing for Shen Yin to hold him.

"Xu Yunzheng, you've grown up. Mommy just got here and is too tired to carry you," said Shen Yin.

Xu Xiuhe's tone was somewhat stern. Xu Yunzheng looked at him, pouted, then turned his gaze back to Shen Yin, his face crestfallen, his eyes almost turning red. Unable to bear it, Shen Yin walked over and picked Xu Yunzheng up.

"He's still little, why are you being so harsh?" Shen Yin held Xu Yunzheng and gently patted his back.

"Mommy," Xu Yunzheng rubbed his eyes and whined.

"I was just afraid you'd get tired," said Xu Xiuhe.

Shen Yin was momentarily at a loss for words, wondering why he was acting like this, regardless of the setting.

"Mommy, hungry," Xu Yunzheng didn't want to stay any longer and wanted to go out.

"Little greedy cat, didn't you just eat?" Shen Yin playfully pinched Xu Yunzheng's nose, and the baby giggled.

Fearing his wife might get angry, Xu Xiuhe brought their son back home shortly after arriving. He glanced at his watch and said, "It's getting late. Let's have lunch at the company."

Shen Yin thought about it – it was so hot outside, and Xu Yunzheng was hungry too. If they went back, she'd have to cook. So she agreed.

Xu Xiuhe was delighted inwardly. This meant that his wife had accepted him a little more.

At the company cafeteria, there were private dining rooms specifically for high-level executives. When the manager learned that the CEO was bringing his wife to eat, they prepared the best room. However, Xu Xiuhe said, "No need for a private room, we'll eat out here."

[So handsome, so wealthy, so capable, yet still worried his wife would leave him. I suddenly feel it's normal that I haven't married after all these years.]

Shen Yin didn't expect Xu Xiuhe to react so strongly, especially in a public setting. "That's not what I meant. Let's eat first, and we'll talk about it later upstairs."

But how could Xu Xiuhe eat after that? Seeing that Xu Yunzheng had eaten enough, he picked him up and walked out of the cafeteria. Shen Yin followed behind him, and the passing employees kept their distance, afraid of accidentally offending the CEO and getting fired, unable to find another job.

Xiao Li'er was now so scared that she was about to cry. Ever since the assistants found out the CEO was in the group chat, they dared not speak in it, usually discussing the group's happenings offline during breaks.

Xiao Li'er hid in the restroom, wiping away tears as she looked at her reflection, her face forlorn. She hadn't told anyone, including her closest friend Yang Mo, about the CEO's wife wanting a divorce. She had never been this tight-lipped before, so why did everyone in the group know?

With one hand wiping her tears and the other turning on the faucet, Liu Bo came out of the restroom and was startled when he went to wash his hands. "A ghost!"

If he hadn't called out, it would have been fine, but his exclamation only made Xiao Li'er feel worse. Not only was she about to be fired, but she was also being called a ghost. "Wah wah wah." Xiao Li'er looked at her smeared makeup in the mirror, and indeed she did look like a ghost, unable to stop crying.

"Auntie, why are you crying? I haven't done anything inappropriate to you," said Liu Bo, the Special Assistant, who was most afraid of seeing women cry.

Xiao Li'er continued to sob, "I... I'm going to be fired."

Liu Bo thought for a moment. He hadn't heard any news, and the CEO had been in a good mood lately. How could she suddenly be fired?

Liu Bo took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Li'er, but she was too busy crying to take it. On the principle of not being able to bear seeing a woman in tears, Liu Bo used the tissue to wipe Xiao Li'er's eyes himself.

"Auntie, don't cry. What's going on?"

"It hurts," she said.

Liu Bo realized he was being too rough and lightened his touch. It wasn't his fault – he had never wiped a woman's tears before.

His phone in his pocket started ringing. Liu Bo took it out and saw it was the CEO calling. He put a finger to his lips, gesturing "Shh" to Xiao Li'er.

Xiao Li'er also saw the caller ID on the screen and immediately stopped crying.

"Special Assistant Liu, come to the office for a bit," said the CEO before hanging up.

Liu Bo didn't dare delay and said to Xiao Li'er, "Let me go see what's going on first. Wash your face and don't cry anymore."

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