Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:07 AM

Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

"I'm here," Xue Jingrui said as he pushed open the door to the private room.

The eyes of the four people inside were drawn toward him. Xue Jingrui held the door open but didn't enter. Instead, he turned and spoke to someone outside, "You come in first."

A young woman entered the room. She had fair skin, a cute and adorable doll-like face, and a petite figure of about 160 cm tall. Her sweet and lovely appearance made her look like a quintessential "sweet girl."

"Hello everyone, I'm Qi Ji," she introduced herself.

As Chang Zhiyuan heard her voice, he realized that Xue Jingrui was right—this young lady did indeed have a doll-like, sweet voice.

Xue Jingrui walked over and stood next to Qi Ji, announcing, "Qi Ji, my wife."

Shen Yin and Shu Yi exchanged glances, with Shu Yi looking particularly shocked. In her eyes, Xue Jingrui had already hit rock bottom, yet he was married. Why did he act so attentive toward that waitress they had encountered twice before? What a dog of a man. Indeed, there was no good man to be found, and she started feeling disdain even toward Chang Zhiyuan, who was standing nearby.

This introduction stunned not only Shen Yin and Shu Yi but also Chang Zhiyuan, who asked in disbelief, "Wife?"

Xue Jingrui rubbed his nose and said, "Yes, we just got our marriage certificate this morning, on Monday."

Chang Zhiyuan thought to himself, "Good heavens." He had forgotten that Xue Jingrui had mentioned getting married on Monday, so the gathering Xue Jingrui had organized today was to introduce his new wife to them. The two brothers next to him were both married men.

"Come and sit down," Xu Xiuhe said, arranging the chairs around the table.

"Beautiful sister, may I sit here?" Qi Ji stood next to Shu Yi and politely asked, her eyes blinking sweetly.

At first, Shu Yi didn't want her to, as she had intended for Shen Yin to sit next to her. However, she couldn't resist Qi Ji's soft, sweet voice that sounded like a natural, unaffected plea. More importantly, Qi Ji had called her "beautiful sister." In contrast, the waitress Qi Yan seemed even more uncouth.

Shu Yi pulled a chair over for Qi Ji. "Sure, sure," she said, noticing Qi Ji looking at her. She immediately averted her gaze, thinking to herself that she had been rude to stare at someone like that.

The six of them sat down, with little Zhengzheng also seated in a baby chair.

"Qi Ji, let me introduce you," Xue Jingrui said, pointing to Chang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiuhe. "These are my two brothers. We've been friends since childhood—Chang Zhiyuan and Xu Xiuhe."

He then looked toward Shen Yin and Zhengzheng. "This is Xiuhe's lover and their child."

Shu Yi put down the glass with an embarrassed smile.

The others didn't understand the reason. "What's wrong? Doesn't it taste good?" Chang Zhiyuan asked.

Shu Yi shook her head. She couldn't very well say that she couldn't drink anything cold because she was about to get her period.

Shu Yi gave Shen Yin a knowing look, and only then did Shen Yin feel reassured.

"Have some meat. Look, you're too thin," Chang Zhiyuan said, using the shared chopsticks to place a slice of beef on Shu Yi's plate.

Shu Yi thought to herself, "..." She needed to control her figure for her on-screen appearances.

"What's wrong? You're not eating what I served you?" Chang Zhiyuan asked.

Shu Yi shook her head again. "I need to watch my figure."

"Health is most important. Even if you gain weight, it's no big deal. I'll take care of you."

"You..." Shu Yi didn't want to continue the conversation.

"Zhiyuan, I saw Sister Ning Jing downstairs earlier," Xu Xiuhe said.

"Yeah, she probably has some business to attend to here," Chang Zhiyuan replied.

"Haven't you been home in a while?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"No, if I go home, my mom will nag me about getting married. My sister is older than me, yet she's pressuring me first." As he spoke, he looked directly at Shu Yi, making his intentions clear to everyone present.

Shu Yi turned her head away, pretending not to have heard him. She couldn't afford to take that gamble, nor did she dare.

"You really can't bear to let Sister Ning Jing handle such a large company all by herself?" Xue Jingrui asked again.

"What else can I do?" Chang Zhiyuan replied. He didn't want his sister to work so hard, but secretly, he had been helping Ning Jing a lot behind the scenes.Gêtt the latest chapters on no/velbin(.)com

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