Published at 12th of June 2024 05:29:03 AM

Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

"Yin, it's me, Manman." Zhou Man ran up, no longer afraid of the dog biting her.

Shen Yin still pretended not to recognize her, "Who are you looking for?"

Zhou Man suddenly pounced on her, trying to grab Shen Yin's arm. Xu Xiuhe was quick to react, untying the rope that secured Huahua to the door.

Huahua was no ordinary pet dog. It was large in stature, with a fierce appearance. Gentle and kind towards its owner, but extremely vicious towards strangers who behaved suspiciously.

Xu Xiuhe closed the main door. Now free, the energetic Huahua dashed around joyfully.

"Woof, woof, woof woof." Huahua barked chaotically, charging towards Zhou Man.

Shen Yin and Xu Xiuhe stood by the window of the small building, watching the chase unfold outside between the woman and the dog.

Huahua seemed to be catching up, but then slowed its pace, stepping forward and closing in on Zhou Man.

"Woof woof woof."

At first, Zhou Man backed away, but after a few steps, realizing retreating was too slow, she turned and ran towards the end of Qinghe Street. Her posture was awkward, drawing the attention of people from the small houses lining the street.

"Mom, Huahua, Huahua." Zhengzheng watched from the window, pointing at Huahua as he spoke to Shen Yin.

Zhengzheng clapped his hands, slightly excited by the sight of Huahua chasing and barking at Zhou Man. Since moving to this small building, he hadn't seen Huahua, and today, the dog was far more lively than he had ever seen at Ziyue Manor.

Xu Xiuhe was also surprised, not expecting the usually gentle large dog to be so energetic today. If he hadn't witnessed this wild behavior, he would have thought they had turned the Tibetan mastiff into a little white rabbit.

Only when Zhou Man had fled far enough did Huahua saunter back, sitting obediently at the entrance, as if it weren't the same dog from moments ago.

Huahua's leash was still on, and it sat calmly at the door, panting but well-behaved. Shen Yin was worried that Huahua might be thirsty after all that barking.

"Xiuhe, why don't we bring Huahua upstairs and give it some water?"

"Is that so? I don't recall who had a grim look and told me I wouldn't have an easy time." Shen Yin said nonchalantly.

A hint of embarrassment flashed across Xu Xiuhe's eyes as he quickly apologized, "Sorry about that. I didn't know it was you back then, and I did do a lot of things that harmed Zhengzheng."

"The original host probably didn't want to do those things because of her mental issues, but she couldn't control herself. It's good that she's in another world now, without those memories and still young." Shen Yin sighed.

"Yeah, I hope she meets someone in that other world who truly loves her, spoils her, whether male or female." Xu Xiuhe then remembered Zhou Man and asked, "What's the deal with Zhou Man? I only know she deceived Shen Yin."

It was only then that Shen Yin recalled she had only briefly mentioned to Xu Xiuhe that Zhou Man had lied to and stolen money from Shen Yin. She hadn't told him the specifics.

Well, she didn't know the details either. She had learned about it from Shen's Father, Shen's Mother, and Shen Lv.

Shen Yin relayed the information she had obtained from Shen's Father, Shen's Mother, and Shen Lv to Xu Xiuhe.

Xu Xiuhe fell silent for a few seconds. "You mean she married Guo Wei from Pei City?"

"Yes, that's what Father said. He said Guo Wei might even be older than him."

"Guo Wei is no ordinary man. He has a shady background and a harem of women." Xu Xiuhe commented, realizing he might be difficult to deal with down the line.

"Then why did she suddenly come looking for me? She already scammed 2 million from Shen Yin. With her current status, she shouldn't be short on money, right? Why do you think she came looking for Shen Yin?"

"It's never enough for the greedy. Even though you know martial arts, you should still be careful. I'll buy a few more Tibetan mastiffs." Xu Xiuhe felt the mastiffs were really impressive – gentle as lambs towards their owners, but vicious as wolves towards bad people.

"Ah?" After some thought, Shen Yin agreed. Since Zhengzheng liked them, and they could protect him, it was fine.

"What kind of person do you think Shen Lv is?" Shen Yin asked.

Xu Xiuhe didn't know why she was asking, but after considering, he answered, "He seems like a playboy, but he's alright to deal with. Not a bad person. He has some capability and is quite decisive in handling matters, though his flaw is not really considering the consequences of his actions. Like when he drugged Shen Yin and got me drunk – his intentions were good, for Shen Yin's sake, but it ended up causing her a lot of pain." As he spoke, Xu Xiuhe felt a twinge of envy for Shen Lv, who had a loving family and a carefree life.

"Yes, we often hurt others under the pretext of doing things for their own good."

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