Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:57 AM

Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

"Why suddenly ask about Shen Lv? You must have some impression of him in your memory," Shen Yin pondered and said.

"Father's health is not good now, and Shen Lv may have to take over the company in the future. He seems to treat Shen Yin quite well, always doting on her. But sometimes he bullies her. There's not much age difference between them, so Shen Yin often gets bullied by him and then runs to our parents in tears," Shen Yin searched her memory and suddenly remembered that Shen Lv had a close friend who confessed to the original owner. However, the original owner, afraid that Shen Lv would manipulate her if he found out, rejected him. Then that friend went abroad. Shen Lv still doesn't know about this incident."

"Oh, I see," Xu Xiuhe nodded in understanding.Finndd new updates on n/ov/e/lbin(.)com

"Your brother is so old, and he still doesn't have a girlfriend?" Xu Xiuhe became curious. Now that he has a wife, he finds it strange and incomprehensible that others don't have girlfriends or aren't married, even feeling anxious for them.

"Huahua is full!" Zhengzheng shouted from the living room.

Xu Xiuhe walked over, tidied up the bowls and plates, and put them at the bottom of the stairs on the third floor.

Turning around, he saw Zhengzheng standing beside Huahua, pouting, one hand clutching the other, looking at Xu Xiuhe with a particularly innocent expression, saying, "Daddy, Zhengzheng is hungry too, Zhengzheng wants to eat meat."

Seeing him like this, Xu Xiuhe found him too cute and couldn't help teasing him, "All the meat has been eaten by Huahua, there's none left."

Upon hearing this, Zhengzheng looked at Zhengzheng, his pout turning into a frown, his expression even more innocent than before, as if saying, "Bad Huahua, stealing my meat."

Huahua, looking at the little master's expression, felt helpless, sitting on the ground, blinking, and yawning, as if saying, "It's none of my business."

"Don't tease him," Shen Yin entered the kitchen, poured a pot of milk, and handed it to Zhengzheng.

"Meat." Although Zhengzheng said it with his mouth, his hands were honest, taking the milk bottle and holding it with both hands, gulping it down.

Afraid that Zhengzheng would blame her for not giving him meat, Shen Yin explained, "It's almost lunchtime. If you eat meat now, you won't be able to eat lunch later."

Hearing that there would be meat for lunch, Zhengzheng nodded happily, holding the milk bottle and drinking it, his feet not idle, taking small steps, swaying back and forth, swaying to the side of the sofa, looking at Xu Xiuhe, holding the milk bottle, and showing it to Xu Xiuhe.

Shen Yin really feared that Zhengzheng would stumble and fall again.

"Aren't you going to the company?" Shen Yin asked again.

Xu Xiuhe replied, "Just thinking about chasing your husband away, huh?"

Here it comes again. Every time he said something like this, Shen Yin didn't know how to respond.

"Are you saying outsiders can't enter Ziyue Manor's supermarket?" Shen Yin asked.

Shen Yin hadn't lived in Ziyue Manor for long, so she had no idea.

"Ziyue Manor is a project of Heyuan Group, and the supermarket also belongs to Heyuan. What's wrong? Can't I build a supermarket for myself?"

Shen Yin was speechless for a moment. It was really ridiculous. Last time she went to the supermarket, she indeed noticed that there were more sellers than buyers.

"Zhengzheng is a little celebrity now, so it's safer to go to Ziyue Manor," Xu Xiuhe added.

Actually, Xu Xiuhe wanted to suggest moving back to Ziyue Manor sometime, but he was afraid. There were more beds in Ziyue Manor, but he couldn't sleep in the same bed as Shen Yin.

When they arrived at the supermarket, the person in charge had already recognized Xu Xiuhe. It wasn't surprising that it took him a while to recognize him. After all, it had been so long since this top boss had come to the supermarket.


Shen Yin heard a familiar voice and suddenly turned her head.

"Yinyin, you moved back to Ziyue Manor?" Shu Yi seemed a bit surprised.

"No, I just came to shop at the supermarket. When will your next drama start filming?" Shen Yin asked, curious.

"I was originally planning to join the crew the day after tomorrow, but now that they're saying they've changed the male lead actor, it's postponed until 10 days later. It just so happens that I can be Qi Ji's bridesmaid," Shu Yi said, rambling on. "Having more vacation time isn't a bad thing, right? I was still thinking of going on a trip with my parents these days."

"Yeah, sounds good," Shen Yin wanted to say more, but Shu Yi noticed Xu Xiuhe's expression and didn't dare to take up more of Shen Yin's time.

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Qi Ji heard that you design dresses, and he wants to ask for your help in designing the toast gown," Shu Yi almost finished her shopping, busy bidding farewell.

Xu Xiuhe pushed a shopping cart over and put Zhengzheng in it, pushing it himself while Shen Yin followed beside.

Suddenly, Xu Xiuhe said, "Darling, you should push too."

Xu Xiuhe had done his homework, read the dating manual, and knew that shopping with his girlfriend, pushing the cart together, could bring them closer.

Seeing Shen Yin not moving, Xu Xiuhe pushed the cart with one hand, moved closer to Shen Yin, and with the other hand, he took Shen Yin's hand and placed it on the other handle of the shopping cart.

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