Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:54 AM

Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

Shen Yin and Xu Xiuhe walked side by side, their arms touching. Xu Xiuhe even wanted to pull Shen Yin into his embrace.

Shen Yin appeared calm on the surface, but her heart was already turbulent.

"Shu Yi just said that Qi Ji wants to commission me for her wedding attire. Let's head back soon after we're done shopping."

"We've just started, no rush. Their wedding is still nine days away, they probably won't have time to find you today," said Xu Xiuhe.


"Qi Ji and Xue Jingrui got their marriage certificate yesterday, you know?"

Shen Yin blushed.Visjt novelbin(.)com for new updates

"I want chocolate! I want cheese sticks!" little Zhengzheng murmured from the shopping cart.

Although Xu Xiuhe didn't approve of Zhengzheng eating too many snacks, he still grabbed some chocolates and cheese sticks from the snack aisle.

"Honey, do you want anything?" Xu Xiuhe turned and asked.

Shen Yin shook her head. She really didn't have any cravings.

Xu Xiuhe added a few more snacks to the cart. When they reached the vegetable section, Shen Yin finally started picking items.

Shen Yin placed her selections in the cart, and Xu Xiuhe followed closely behind, staying near Shen Yin to ensure she could easily put items in the cart when she turned around.

As the cart was almost full, little Zhengzheng sitting inside wore a disdainful expression, prompting Shen Yin to stop.

"Let's go, we're done. Time to check out."

Xu Xiuhe pushed the cart to the cashier, where the store manager hurried over to greet them and arranged for employees to load the groceries into Xu Xiuhe's car outside.

As Xu Xiuhe paid with WeChat, he noticed an unread message in their group chat with three people. Opening it, he saw a message from Chang Zhiyuan.

[Jingrui, how was the wedding night? ;)]

[Ahem, nothing happened. She fell asleep.] Xue Jingrui replied. Indeed, as he had never had a girlfriend before, he wasn't prepared and worried about disappointing her on their first time. But last night, after Qi Ji came home and took a shower, she fell asleep in the bedroom.

She was still at home drawing illustrations now.

[Be good to the little lady.] Chang Zhiyuan advised, fearing that Xue Jingrui might still be hung up on that other woman.

[I'm treating her well.] Xue Jingrui replied before calling Qi Ji.

Ye Rong smiled and nodded. "Good, good. If he mistreats you, tell us, and we'll stand up for you."

Xue Kai chimed in, "Yes, we'll stand up for you."

"Thank you, Dad and Mom. Brother Jingrui hasn't mistreated me."

"No need for thanks among family. You two go on now, before you get hungry."

As Xue Jingrui drove, Qi Ji sat in the passenger seat. He felt a bit unaccustomed and struggled to find a topic.

"Qi Ji, what would you like to eat?"

"Anything is fine with me."

Xue Jingrui didn't press further, driving them to an upscale Western restaurant.

"Is Western food okay?"

The young lady nodded again.

At noon, the restaurant wasn't crowded, with only a few occupied booths. Xue Jingrui chose one near the window and let Qi Ji take a seat.

"Take a look and order," he handed her the menu.

After perusing it, Qi Ji ordered a steak, a fruit salad, a pizza, then asked, "Brother Jingrui, what would you like?"

"Same as you is fine."

Qi Ji then added another steak order.

As they waited, Xue Jingrui broached a topic, "Were you bored at home this morning?"

Qi Ji shook her head. "No, I'm used to being alone. My work involves drawing illustrations, so I have flexibility with time and location."

"Mom said after our wedding, we'll move out. I have a place near the court with a good environment and security. I'll take you to see it this afternoon. If it's not suitable, we can find another."

"Okay, sounds good."

Qi Ji was so obedient that Xue Jingrui felt she would agree to anything he said, either nodding or replying with "okay."

"Which university did you attend?"

"In Rong City, Rong City Art Institute."

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