Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:51 AM

Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

"What do you mean by that? Did Xue Jingrui say something?" Shu Yi sounded a bit indignant.

Qi Ji shook her head, "At lunchtime, I met a woman named Qi Yan. She didn't look at me in a very friendly way, and I felt that Jingrui looked at her in an odd manner too. Were they in a relationship before?" Qi Ji said as tears fell from her eyes.

Shu Yi pulled Qi Ji to sit on the sofa, took some tissue from the table to wipe Qi Ji's tears, and poured her a glass of water. "Don't cry now, have some water. You didn't do anything wrong in this."

Qi Ji took the glass of water, drank a few sips, and her tears were wiped away as she obediently sat on the sofa.

"Beautiful sister, you know about their history, right?" Qi Ji's eyes were already big, and with the tears she had just shed, her eyes glistened like a doll's. If the situation wasn't so serious, Shu Yi would have wanted to pinch Qi Ji's cute little cheeks.

"I don't know much, but it's enough. That Qi Yan was Xu Xiuhe's ex-girlfriend, who is the husband of one of the sisters from yesterday."

Qi Ji was stunned, clearly not expecting such a situation, wondering how things had become so complicated, even involving another sister.

"It's like this, Qi Yan and Xue Jingrui were childhood friends. They met Xu Xiuhe in high school, and Qi Yan stubbornly pursued Xu Xiuhe for a long time until she finally got him. But in college, she became materialistic and dumped the poor Xu Xiuhe, going abroad. When she came back, Xu Xiuhe had lost interest in her. She couldn't accept it, often coming to show her presence, but Xue Jingrui liked her. She always knew but pretended not to notice and never responded to him. So, you see what's wrong, what did that b*tch say to you?"

This information Shu Yi got from Chang Zhiyuan, while the more detailed parts were from her own observations.

Upon hearing this, Qi Ji thought for a moment and said, "She glared at me. I thought she and Jingrui had been together, so I apologized to her. But she told me not to pretend to apologize."

"That green tea b*tch, who is she pretending for? You should have slapped her. How dare she speak to you like that?" Shu Yi felt angrier the more she thought about it, even wanting to confront that b*tch herself.

"What about Xue Jingrui, what did he say?" Shu Yi asked further.

"He told Qi Yan to leave, then said sorry to me," Qi Ji replied.

"Didn't he say anything else?"

Qi Ji shook her head.

Shu Yi fell silent for a while, unsure of how to explain to Qi Ji that things between her and Xue Jingrui had progressed too quickly before she could fully comprehend the situation.

"Come in."

The two men's entrance made some noise, causing Qi Ji to pause peeling the tangerine and turn to see Xue Jingrui.

"Qi Ji, it's my fault for not explaining things clearly to you. I was blind before and liked her," Xue Jingrui said.

Qi Ji didn't demand much. As long as they were married, she wouldn't interfere with other relationships out of principle. Now that she understood the situation, she was fine as long as she didn't intrude. With this thought, she felt relieved, "It's okay, I was just angry at myself earlier for not figuring things out. I'm sorry for making you come all this way to find me."

Upon hearing this, Chang Zhiyuan was confused. What was going on? How did everything get resolved as soon as he arrived without him knowing the details?

"Beautiful sister, I disturbed you when you had a guest over. I'll head back now. I was rude to my parents earlier when I left, so I'll go apologize to them." Qi Ji looked at Shu Yi, sweet and obedient like a doll. If the current issue wasn't so serious, Shu Yi would have wanted to pinch Qi Ji's cute little cheeks.

But was Chang Zhiyuan really her guest? If they left, it would just be her and Chang Zhiyuan, which felt too awkward.

Xue Jingrui was relieved to see Qi Ji return to her usual self, fortunately not staying angry. Otherwise, he might have been kicked out by his parents.

In the car, Qi Ji still chose to sit in the back seat. She had a strong sense of boundaries. Since Xue Jingrui had someone he liked, even if his taste was poor and she was a b*tch, Qi Ji had to respect Xue Jingrui and maintain a distance from him.

Xue Jingrui looked at Qi Ji through the rearview mirror several times. Didn't she just calm down? Why was she still sitting in the back seat?

"Jingrui, I know marrying me was inevitable, but this involves two families, so divorce is not an option now. So don't worry, I absolutely won't interfere with anything you do. There's also a significant age gap between us, which isn't very appropriate. From now on, just treat me like a younger sister. I promise I won't hinder you." Qi Ji's voice was sweet.

Xue Jingrui's first reaction upon hearing this was: Does Qi Ji think he's old? He's not that old, is he? It's just a six or seven-year age gap.

"Am I that old?" Xue Jingrui couldn't help but ask as he turned his head.

"No, no, Jingrui, focus on driving," Qi Ji was truly afraid of an accident happening.

Xue Jingrui was quite puzzled. So according to Qi Ji's words, he had married a younger sister?

"It's my fault for not explaining things clearly to you. If you don't understand something in the future, just ask me directly, and I'll answer you. And as for Qi Yan, there's absolutely no possibility between us. You don't need to worry."

"I'm not worried. At lunch, I just thought I had interfered with your relationship."

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