Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:47 AM

Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

That evening, when Xu Xiuhe arrived at Qinghe Villa, he felt relieved to see a dog sitting at the entrance.

Shen Yin was in the kitchen, and when Xu Xiuhe went upstairs to the third floor, Shen Yin was just setting the dinner on the table.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come back earlier to help you with the cooking, there was some business at the office that held me up."

"It's fine, work is important, let's eat first," Shen Yin said.

"Aren't you going to ask what the matter was?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

Huh? Shen Yin didn't understand, she didn't know anything about his company's affairs, so what was the point of asking?

Xu Xiuhe walked to the living room and picked up Zhengzheng, heading to the washroom. "Did Zhengzheng behave well this afternoon?"

"Yes, Zhengzheng fed Huahua, the moon, and the ball," Xu Yunzheng suddenly forgot the names of the other two dogs.

"What else?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

Xu Yunzheng thought for a while and said, "And Zai Zai and Shuang Shuang."

"Who named them?"

"Me and mom, mom even played a game with me and made me recite a poem."

"Oh? What poem?"

Xu Xiuhe glanced at Shen Yin outside, who didn't seem to notice the father-son conversation in the washroom.

"The bright moon before my bed, its brightness seems like frost on the ground. Lifting my head, I see the bright moon; Lowering my head, I think of my home," Zhengzheng's voice was soft and sweet.

"Zhengzheng is so great, he can already recite poems, tonight I'll reward Zhengzheng with some meat."

"Mom said she's going to take Zhengzheng to see the moon tonight."

Xu Xiuhe carried Xu Yunzheng out of the washroom and placed him in the baby chair at the dining table.

Then he walked up to Shen Yin and said, "You're taking Zhengzheng to see the moon tonight, but not your husband?"

Xu Xiuhe's voice was soft and a little teasing as he leaned in close to Shen Yin. Shen Yin took a step back and said, "Let's eat."

On the dining table were four dishes and one soup.

"Really, you're not going to ask what the matter was?"

Shen Yin shook her head. "Our work is fundamentally different, I don't understand your work, so I don't ask. So I'm going to open another studio next, is that okay? Don't try to stop me."

"Okay, but you have to make sure to rest and not overwork yourself."

"Auntie, my mom only had me."

"My mom only had me too," Zhengzheng echoed.

"Hahaha, child, you shouldn't call me auntie, you should call me grandma."

"Hahaha" The others couldn't help but laugh as well, this chubby child was too amusing.

"With such good genes, you shouldn't waste them, child, have your parents ever talked about giving you a younger brother or sister?"

Xu Yunzheng looked up, glanced at Shen Yin, then turned to look at Xu Xiuhe and asked, "Dad, are you going to give me a younger brother or sister?"

Xu Xiuhe squatted down: "Zhengzheng is still too young, in a few years you can have a younger brother or sister. Say goodbye to grandma and grandpa, we should go now."

"Bye bye grandma and grandpa!" Zhengzheng waved his little hand.


After the family of three left, the grandparents were still discussing animatedly.

"Zhengzheng, look, the moon is out," Shen Yin pointed to the moon in the west.

Xu Yunzheng immediately looked up, seeing the full moon suspended in the sky.

"The moon is round, like a ball," Zhengzheng pointed at the moon, his voice sweet and soft.

"Yes, like a ball."

"Are you tired from walking?" Xu Xiuhe asked, since Zhengzheng had been walking for a long time and had just been playing a bit, he was probably tired.

Zhengzheng nodded.

Xu Xiuhe picked up Zhengzheng, and despite Zhengzheng's restlessness, twisting and turning in his arms, Xu Xiuhe's strong physique was able to hold him securely.

It wasn't long before Zhengzheng fell asleep.

Walking beside Xu Xiuhe, Shen Yin saw that Zhengzheng had fallen asleep, and suggested, "Let's head back, carrying him like this while walking will tire you out."

"I won't get tired, you know how strong I am," Xu Xiuhe replied.

Shen Yin thought of that night, blushed, and didn't want to talk to Xu Xiuhe anymore, turning to walk back without waiting for him.

"Slow down, I'm still carrying the child, wait for me," Xu Xiuhe called out softly from behind.

But Shen Yin could still hear him, and slowed her pace, saying, "Didn't you just say you were strong? Now you can't even keep up?"

Xu Xiuhe caught up and said, "Hmm? Want to try again tonight to see how good it is?"

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