Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:46 AM

Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

Shen Yin still had her head down.

"Today is our second date. Let's watch the moon together."

Shen Yin's heart raced again. During the Dasheng Dynasty, the moon represented purity, completeness, and fidelity in love. Generally, when a man and a woman watch the moon together, it carries the meaning of being together for life. Because in Dasheng, women's status was not like today, and love could often not be expressed directly. Personal feelings were only conveyed through music, poetry, and the moon. So the moon became a symbol of lovers, a witness to love. It was deeply meaningful and thought-provoking.

So did Xu Xiuhe know what it meant for a man and a woman to watch the moon together?

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight," Xu Xiuhe said.

Shen Yin nodded in agreement.

"Now you say it too."

"Say what?" Shen Yin did not understand. Were they supposed to compose a poem about the moon on the spot?

"Say the moonlight is beautiful tonight."

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight," Shen Yin said.

"The breeze is gentle too," Xu Xiuhe replied, then laughed. This was the first time Shen Yin had seen Xu Xiuhe laugh like this.

Xu Xiuhe's laughter was youthful, like that of an 18- or 19-year-old boy. There was no trace of his usual coldness, only a pure, heartfelt joy.

Shen Yin was a bit puzzled. She had just said the moonlight was beautiful, so why was he so delighted, acting like a carefree youth?

After hearing the satisfactory answer, Xu Xiuhe walked forward, and this time it was Shen Yin who followed behind, baffled.

Shen Yin took out her phone and searched, "the moonlight is beautiful tonight." The screen displayed a lot of information about this popular phrase: it was a romantic expression, a translation from a Japanese love phrase, and a literary way of saying "I love you," originating from Natsume Soseki's work.

So just now, Xu Xiuhe was so happy because Shen Yin had said the equivalent of "I love you" in a gentle, subtle way?

"What's wrong? Are you tired too?" Xu Xiuhe noticed that Shen Yin was walking slower and turned around to ask.

Shen Yin caught up to him. "That just now didn't count, I didn't know what it meant."

"You don't need to know, as long as I understand," Xu Xiuhe replied, still very happy, as if all the gloom had dissipated.

Shen Yin thought to herself: She didn't say it, she didn't know. Even now, she still didn't understand how this workaholic, straightforward man could say such romantic words so naturally and know all these internet terms.

"How do you know these, these phrases?" Shen Yin asked in a more tactful way.

"I'm just naturally gifted." Xu Xiuhe would never admit that since hearing Xiao Li'er's advice, he had read several romance novels and boss novels. Now he dared to say that he was better than Chang Zhiyuan, no, he had already surpassed Chang Zhiyuan. Chang Zhiyuan still hadn't made a move.

"So your changes towards me are also quite significant."

"Well, I didn't like you before."

Shen Yin didn't expect Xu Xiuhe to be so direct.

"I'm done." Xu Xiuhe ran his fingers through Shen Yin's hair, feeling its smoothness, and was reluctant to leave.

Shen Yin's hair quality had improved significantly since she arrived in this world. She had been living a regular life and taking various supplements, even adding some medicinal ingredients to her shampoo.

"Actually, you shouldn't have washed your hair just now," Xu Xiuhe said.


"Because you'll need to wash it again later."

Xu Xiuhe put down the hair dryer, picked up Shen Yin, and laid her on the bed, then lay down beside her.

This time, Shen Yin did not resist, as she had quite enjoyed the previous experience. But she also didn't take the initiative, as the lead was still in Xu Xiuhe's hands.

Xu Xiuhe kissed Shen Yin's lips, and this kiss was particularly gentle.

Xu Xiuhe's lips gradually moved downward, and with both of them freshly bathed and lightly dressed, the atmosphere became...

Amid Shen Yin's trembling, Xu Xiuhe asked, "Darling, is the moonlight beautiful tonight?"

"It's... beautiful," Shen Yin replied in a slightly shaky voice.

"Then does that thing you said earlier count?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

"It... counts," Shen Yin said, a bit uncomfortable.

Xu Xiuhe got the answer he wanted and said, "Wait a moment, after all, it's you who doesn't want to have a child too early."

Xu Xiuhe's voice was also a bit unsteady. After putting on protection, Shen Yin could no longer hold back and let out several soft moans.

"Okay, let me in," Xu Xiuhe soothed.

Hearing this, Shen Yin tried to relax.

"Can I?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

At this moment, Shen Yin suddenly realized the meaning of Xu Xiuhe's words. Earlier, he had said on the street that he would let her try it tonight.

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