Published at 12th of June 2024 05:28:43 AM

Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

["I've practiced enough, I think I can now take on a woman single-handedly."]

Shen Yin was speechless.

["Then do you want to challenge me?"]

Shu Yi didn't dare, as she knew Shen Yin's abilities.

When Shen Yin returned to Qinghe Villa, she played with Xu Yunzheng for a while before preparing lunch. At the Yuangroup, Xu Xiuhe summoned Liu Bo to his office again and asked him about the progress of the marriage banquet preparations and whether the detailed plan was ready.

Liu Bo was truly surprised that the president was serious and asked him for the plan. Fortunately, he was diligent in his work and efficient in handling matters, so the plan was already finalized.

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Xu Xiuhe told Liu Bo to send him the plan later.

Liu Bo readily agreed.

"This afternoon, go to Qinghe Villa and take my wife and child to the industrial and commercial bureau." Then, as if Xu Xiuhe had thought of something, he said, "Never mind, just handle the remaining documents, I'll go back myself."RreAd lateSt chapters at nô(v)e/l/bin/.c/o/m Only

Liu Bo looked at the pile of documents on the desk, feeling a bit panicked. The president was becoming more and more unreasonable, having just arrived and his butt was still warm, and he was already leaving.

It must be said that Xu Xiuhe timed his arrival at Qinghe Villa perfectly. When he got home, Shen Yin and Xu Yunzheng were having their meal.

"Mommy, Yunzheng got up this morning and slept in his own room," Xu Yunzheng said, pointing to the bedroom next to theirs.

"That's because Yunzheng wanted to sleep in the small bed last night, and your father carried you to that room," Xu Xiuhe said, changing his shoes in the stairwell.

Shen Yin and Xu Yunzheng both turned their heads: "Daddy."

"Have you missed me?" Xu Xiuhe said the words to Xu Yunzheng, but his eyes were on Shen Yin.


Shen Yin: "Why are you back?"

Worried about Shen Yin's health, Xu Xiuhe picked up Xu Yunzheng, holding the child with one hand and holding the umbrella with the other. In fact, he could have simply asked someone else to help handle the production license, but Shen Yin didn't want to bother others and didn't trust anyone else, so he just accompanied her.

Xu Xiuhe accompanied her the entire time. In the end, the documents were submitted to the staff for stamping. After waiting for a long time, they still hadn't gotten the documents back.

Just as Xu Xiuhe was about to call the head of the industrial and commercial bureau, the person came out and said that the furniture factory did not qualify for the production license, the reason being that the provided information was incomplete.

Xu Xiuhe didn't know when getting a certificate had become so strict.

Xu Xiuhe made a phone call. Shen Yin didn't know who he called, but soon the person responsible for stamping the documents hurriedly came out, apologizing profusely, serving tea and water. They also stamped the documents.

Xu Xiuhe's tone was not very good, and now everyone in the office recognized Xu Xiuhe, and no one dared to speak.

On the way back, Shen Yin thanked Xu Xiuhe. Shen Yin didn't understand, thinking it was because her documents were incomplete that the industrial and commercial bureau didn't issue the license, but Xu Xiuhe knew that with the materials they had, they should have been able to get the license easily, unless someone had interfered.

"Hey, look up the details of the person in charge of the industrial and commercial bureau and the staff on duty today."

A few minutes later, a bunch of messages were sent to Xu Xiuhe's phone. He looked at them, and his expression became even worse.

"Make it so that her studio can't get any business." Xu Xiuhe said on the phone.

Shen Yin didn't know what was going on, only hearing the studio asking, "Did something happen?"

"No, don't worry about it." Xu Xiuhe replied, but in his heart he was thinking that this might still be too light, as he still had a lot of leverage.

"Xiuhe, can I discuss another thing with you?" Shen Yin said cautiously.

"Go ahead."

"I'm going to Yang City tomorrow. I found a furniture craftsman whose family has been woodworkers for generations, and his skills are quite exquisite. I want to invite him to do the work, but he's usually not easy to get and has a very peculiar personality, so I want to go there in person to invite him."

"How long will you be gone?" Xu Xiuhe asked.

Shen Yin was still unsure if one day would be enough, so she replied, "I'm not sure yet, maybe one day."

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