Published at 31st of May 2024 12:09:13 PM

Chapter 17

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“A guardian….”

“Yes, as Yerina knows, if temporary guardian lasts too long, eventually they’ll be forced into the facility.”

“I know. I know, but…”

Temporary guardian.

Literally, temporary means it’s only temporary.

Although there aren’t many documents required for temporary guardian procedures, after a certain period, they must go to a facility designated by the government.

They’ll receive government-supported medical care, food, and shelter until they reach adulthood.

Perhaps Yerina, who thought it might be better for Luke, but she couldn’t just see it that way.

She had tried contacting every facility that might be suitable for Luke to stay, but didn’t all of them turn her down?

Moreover, Luke had a serious heart condition.

A very powerful one.

No matter how cute Luke might be, there were hardly any people willing to adopt a child whose life expectancy was uncertain, and the amount of mana consumption that would be difficult to handle under normal circumstances would clearly be a problem.

Certainly, it was almost certain that Luke would barely survive in a place that was no different from prison until she became an adult.

“So, are you suggesting we apply to become her guardians altogether?”

Daphne strongly argued.

Certainly, the end of the temporary period was approaching, and if time passed, Luke would be forcibly placed in a designated facility.

Isn’t it too cruel for a child who has just escaped slavery?

“Luke seems to like Yerina Unni too, what’s the problem?”

“Well, that’s…”

Certainly, that was the case.

Even Yerina thought Luke followed her very well.

Moreover, Yerina couldn’t find a suitable place to live with Luke other than the forest.

So, her job as a forest keeper suited her very well.

It felt like destiny.

But the biggest obstacle was this.

“But to apply as guardians… you know you can’t do it alone.”

Yerina sighed and leaned against the door of the off-road vehicle she had parked.

“Oh. Right.”

Indeed, there was such a problem. Daphne nodded with a look of realization.


It’s practically adoption.

And there was a screening process to prove that it was an environment where they could raise a child.

And in that screening process, it was emphasized that the applicant must be a married woman.

Yerina had no partner.


Although she had lived for half a century, she had never found a suitable man.

Part of it was due to being caught up in work, but at the outset, stable elven men weren’t common in the world.

And her job was a bit of a forest keeper, so her charm as a woman wasn’t that great…

“Unni, lower your standards a bit. Half the world’s men are still men.”

“Daphne, and half of that, you have to eliminate elves from.”

“Oh. Right. Being a rare species is a problem for Unni.”


Yerina, whose head became complicated, covered her face with both hands and groaned.

The elven population in the world was about 12% as of last year.

Among them, if you’re looking for eligible male partners, it’s so scarce.

Elves are such a rare species.

Elves, who can live an average of 250 years, perhaps due to their lifespan, don’t have as strong a reproductive drive as other races, so finding a partner…

Originally, it was even more difficult for elves to find mates due to their lifespan of approximately 250 years, which resulted in less pronounced reproductive instincts compared to other races.

In fact, even Yerina, who was barely over a century old, had such thoughts.

“It’s still too early for marriage,” she thought.

Though she wondered if she had never truly experienced proper romance, Yerina typically stopped herself from dwelling on such thoughts before they arose.

She asked, “Is there anyone trustworthy?”

“Well… Among my friends, there’s no one suitable for you except for Luke,” Daphne replied.

Daphne shook her head nervously.

“What should we do? There’s only a week left now.”

“A week? Has it really been that long already? Then there’s not much time left…”

Even by human standards, finding someone and getting married within a week was incredibly fast.

After all, you needed at least a month to get to know someone a little.

“I need more time,” Yerina murmured.

As if suddenly remembering something, Daphne suggested, “Then try applying for an extension review.”

“An extension review?”

“If the temporary protection period is extended, there’s a system where you can apply for an extension based on that review. And if there’s a valid reason, you can also apply for support funds.”

“Is that true?”

Yerina looked up hopefully at Daphne.

Smiling warmly, Daphne nodded in response.

“Yes, back when I was still in administration, there was such a system.”

“I see!”

Come to think of it, Daphne used to be an administrative officer but requested a department transfer to fieldwork due to her rapid promotion.

Thinking how knowledgeable Daphne was about such matters, Yerina grabbed her hand excitedly.

“You really are my ‘guide’! Thank you so much, Daphne! I’ll treat you to something nice later!”

“Oh, no need for that. Ah, by the way, if you happen to have any cute photos of Luke later, please send me a few.”

“Of course!”


“I see, an extension review for temporary protection period.”

Luke nodded as she listened to Yerina’s explanation.

Temporary guardian.

Even if the period passed and she was sent to a facility, it didn’t really matter to her, but she was reluctant to be too far away from Yerina.

Firstly, because Yerina was so grateful, it seemed best to stay by her side to repay her kindness. Secondly, because Yerina seemed so unwilling to go to a place called ‘facility,’ and thirdly…

“Luke, what do you think? You don’t dislike being with me, right?”

“…Of course, how could I possibly dislike it? I’m just sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry at all!”

Yerina’s reaction was why.

Anyway, there didn’t seem to be any choice left for Luke, considering it was what Yerina wanted.

If that’s what the benefactor wished for, then it should be done accordingly.

So, Luke stroked her chin and could only answer.

“So, what do I need to do for the review?”

“Nothing! You don’t have to do anything special. Oh, a few examiners might come by, just answer their questions well. Can you do that?”

“Yeah, I understand. Don’t worry.”

Just answer their questions well.

Certainly, it wasn’t particularly difficult.

“Well, I have some documents to sort out. Oh, since we’re in the forest, never go out alone and always make sure to call someone to accompany you. Understand?”

“Yeah. I’ll make sure to do that. Well, I don’t think I’ll have any reason to go out anyway.”

And so, left alone in Yerina’s quarters again, Luke passed the time by reading a book.

At this point in creating the circle, accumulating knowledge took precedence over accumulating mana.

Hadn’t she inadvertently burdened Yerina with his lack of common knowledge?

For Luke, what she needed now was not books about magic but books about society and culture.

Luke, who realized her ignorance, needed a means to inject indiscriminate and comprehensive common knowledge into her state of not knowing what she didn’t know.

And the novel was perfect for allegorically compressing the zeitgeist.

Luke randomly picked any book from the shelf and, following his instincts, sat down wherever she wanted and began flipping through the pages.

For a while, the sound of paper rustling and flipping filled Yerina’s room.



Of all things Luke could have picked, it had to be a sensational novel.

The title and cover seemed quite decent, but the content was not so much.

Of course, being a novel, there was a preparation process for the story, but the beginning was of a sophistication that was quite perplexing, considering Luke initially thought it was just a simple romance novel.

Above all, she was surprised by how explicit the written words were.

In her time, even if a book contained somewhat erotic descriptions, since books were quite expensive back then, most of those who purchased and read books were of noble status.

Therefore, to Luke, who was accustomed to a series of actions described in a sophisticated and metaphorical manner tailored to the tastes of the nobility, the modern romance novel adorned with direct expressions felt quite immune.

“I guess I should look for something else.”

Luke felt a slight flush on her face.

As a wizard with exceptional imagination, Luke even felt a sense of guilt as if he had peeked into someone else’s intimate affairs.

“Does Yerina usually read things like this…?”

‘So elves aren’t devoid of sexual desires.’

Thinking so, Luke quietly returned the book to the shelf and then, this time, unfolded a bit of the middle to first confirm what kind of book it was.

‘This feels similar too…’

Even the second one she picked up, Luke thought.

Are such expressions common in this era?

No, they must not be.

It’s just that luck wasn’t on his side, that’s all.

Thinking so, Luke pulled out the third book,


“Luke, are you here?!”

“Uh, ah!”

Shouting out in surprise at the sudden opening of the door, Luke’s voice echoed.

Confirming the person who had just entered, Luke breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, it’s you…”

The person who entered was a red-haired man.

Dighton Gennefer.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Why are you so surprised?”

As if finding it strange, Dighton stroked his chin, and Luke hastily responded, shaking her head.


“Oh, it’s nothing. But, weren’t you a bit sudden? Wouldn’t knocking be more appropriate?”

Realizing she was acting more flustered than her age warranted, Luke felt a bit embarrassed, but Dighton didn’t seem to mind.

“More importantly, Luke, I heard you need a guardian.”

“Oh, right.”

Extending the temporary guardian was ultimately a preparation for becoming a guardian herslef.

Although it was not explained how she could become a guardian.

Dighton suddenly kneeled down and clasped his hands together.

Luke, taken aback by his actions, shouted out in protest.

“What is this? How can a man kneel so easily!”

She tried to stand up hastily, but she couldn’t budge at all.

With the strength of a fragile 10-year-old boy, she couldn’t lift herself up.

As a wizard, only basic privileges were lifted in the state of being a level 1 wizard.

Therefore, the fact that physical enhancement was still elusive was a limitation for Luke.

Ignoring Luke, who was struggling to lift herself up, Dighton said firmly.

“I’m asking you to please tell Yerina for me.”

“What are you asking me to tell her?”


“Apparently, she need a spouse to apply for guardianship? Even if it’s just on paper, it’s fine, so please connect me once.”


Luke froze in place.

“A spouse, you say?”

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