Published at 31st of May 2024 12:09:13 PM

Chapter 18

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“What on earth are you talking about?”

Luke was taken aback by Dighton’s assertion.

Luke, who had never thought of herself as ‘that’ kind of guardian, was even more shocked.

“I thought there had to be some sort of procedure, so I just went along with it…”

Dighton nodded, then spoke again.

“I know it’s embarrassing, but we have to figure something out.”

“Make some sense. After all, deciding on such matters is Yerina’s prerogative, isn’t it? It’s not like my saying it would make it so.”

Indeed, that was true.

From the outset, Luke had nothing substantial to say.

“So don’t be rash, and start by explaining why you even entertained such thoughts in the first place.”

No matter how it was written down, Luke couldn’t see how tying the knot like that would be appropriate.

Having speculated that Dighton must have had some reason for making such an extreme choice, Luke asked to hear the explanation firsthand.

“Alright then.”

Dighton sighed heavily and began to speak.

“So, I’ve had feelings for her for about a year now…”


“Indeed, so it was.”

Having heard the explanation, Luke nodded.

Though Dighton’s narrative was somewhat scattered and chaotic, here’s the gist of it.

Dighton had been nursing a crush on Yerina for about a year now, actually eyeing several opportunities to confess.

However, being an inexperienced bachelor, expressing his love to someone was awkward for him, and it wasn’t as easy as it seemed, so the year passed by in a blur.

Of course, Dighton hadn’t been entirely idle during this time. There had been a few private meetings with Yerina, but each time, he missed the chance to confess due to embarrassment and circumstances.

He repeated this pattern over the year.

By now, Yerina should have picked up on the cues, but rather than just clearly rejecting him, Yerina seemed indifferent to his advances.

She neither liked nor disliked him.

If one were to analyze it, it could be said they were on ‘comfortable’ terms.

From a human perspective, a year might seem like a long time, but from an elf’s point of view, it’s relatively short, and being still a ‘young elf,’ Yerina hadn’t even considered dating ‘human males,’ making her even more insensitive to Dighton’s feelings.

Dighton had consoled himself with the thought that Yerina didn’t seem to want a partner yet, but the news that she was urgently seeking a husband, likely influenced by Luke, surprised him and prompted him to rush over.

So, the story was laid out. While Dighton’s feelings were understandable, Luke couldn’t help but exhale deeply.

“No matter what, saying ‘I’m fine with it even just on paper’ seems too indifferent. Reflect on that.”

Dighton, with a demeanor of repentance, replied, shoulders hunched.

“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry, I wasn’t in my right mind back then.”

With his head bowed, Dighton kneeled again.

“Anyway, it was hasty.”

“Well, I suppose so.”

Given that the woman he’d been crushing on for a year was seeking a husband, it’s understandable he couldn’t remain indifferent.

“So, don’t ask me for help; you need to express your feelings directly. If you find it hard to say in person, writing a letter is fine.”

Dighton said with determination.

“Alright. A letter… I’ve never done that. But I’m not good at writing…”

“Then bring it to me. I’ll proofread it for you.”

“Thanks for that.”

Though he said so, Dighton didn’t think his writing skills were so bad that even a 10-year-old girl would need proofreading.

But who knows what might happen.

Having already imagined a successful confession and a sweet family life in his head, Dighton suddenly began to think about Luke.

After all, wasn’t Yerina seeking a husband because of Luke?

Inevitably, Luke would become his daughter.

Dighton wondered how Luke would see him.

“Luke, what if I become your father?”

Luke spat out his words as if they were not worth considering.

“That’s disgusting.”


It was a voice that seemed to imply betrayal.

Luke raised her hand reassuringly as if to say not to worry.

“But I won’t give up on my meddling. The decision is not mine, it’s Yerina’s.”

“Is that so…?”

It was quite a mature response.

Dighton, on the other hand, began to feel uneasy.

‘Can I handle Luke?’

Honestly, he wasn’t sure.


As soon as Dighton said he would write a love letter and left, Luke felt as if a storm had passed.

Dighton was a man who was like a storm in many ways.


Luke breathed out heavily.

It was a mixture of relief and anxiety.

Though she spoke casually in front of Dighton, the conversation had been surprisingly unsettling and anxious.

“Yerina’s marriage…”

Well, whether she accepted Dighton or not was up to Yerina, but the problem ultimately was that Yerina had to get married.

It was an unexpected turn of events.

Was that what being a guardian meant?

Well, even if she was an orphan, it wouldn’t be much different from a slave system to hand a child over to just anyone.

If it was about protecting a child, he should have thought it would be adoption, but it was a mistake to think there could be some other way in society after 5000 years.

So was it his fault that he began to consider marriage as a solution?

‘Yerina must really feel embarrassed.’


Of course, if the temporary protection period were extended long enough, there would be no better option…

‘But the chances of that are low.’

Luke didn’t know much about the foster care system, but if it had the word “temporary” attached to it, he thought the end was inevitable.

“My head hurts…”

If only she could become independent as soon as possible, she wouldn’t have to deal with such troublesome worries.


As time passed, Luke became hungry.

Just as she was about to get up to eat some canned food she had brought…

“Luke, have you eaten?”

It was truly impeccable timing.

Luke internally praised it as quite a skill and replied.

“Is it Dighton? Don’t worry, I have some canned food.”

“Canned food?”

Dighton furrowed his brow as he looked at the can of tuna in Luke’s hand.

“You just eat it raw?”

“What’s the problem? It’s tasty enough for me.”

“This girl, she’s got quite the peculiar taste buds, like a cat or something. Come over here.”

Dighton, seemingly resigned, pulled Luke along.

Following him, Luke was surprised.

Skewers were laid out on the foldable table.

Of course, skewers might be quite common, but the stimulating aroma of some unknown scent was impressive.

“What is this?”

“Well, I showed off my skills a bit.”

Dighton confidently puffed out his chest.

Did he cook?

Honestly, since waking up in this body, Luke hadn’t tasted ‘cooked’ food.

The fact that Yerina didn’t know how to handle fire for cooking was the main reason, and the subtle taste of canned tuna already provided enough satisfaction.

So, seeing skewers with freshly rising steam and meat on them in front of her after a long time, her salivary glands seemed to secrete on their own.

“So, when I saw the freshly grilled skewers with steam rising off them after a long time, saliva started secreting in my mouth involuntarily, as if it would flow out at any moment.”


“I never knew you had such skills…”

“Surprised, aren’t you? Haha! Hurry up, eat before it gets cold.”

“Alright, I’ll enjoy it.”

Luke, with trembling hands due to nervousness, reached for the beautifully grilled skewers with a glossy brown surface, thinking to herself.

It’s like a piece of art. But the true essence of food lies in consuming it.

As Luke finally seated herself and cautiously picked up the skewer, the already tantalizing sweet aroma wafted into his nostrils.

‘What kind of spice is this?’

Undoubtedly, even for Luke, who lived a life of scarcity 5000 years ago, this aroma was unprecedented.

It was already so stimulating just from the scent alone; what would it be like when chewed in the mouth?

A tense moment.

Dighton chuckled as if finding it amusing, then opened his mouth.

“You’re so nervous just for a skewer.”

“Oh, sorry. I was a bit nervous.”

“Why are you so tense even during a meal? You’re really something.”

Dighton shrugged, chuckling.

Luke thought to herself, ‘Why was I so nervous just for a skewer? I’ve had many meals like this before…’

Luke closed her eyes and took a bite of the skewer.

With a crackle, the well-grilled surface touched her teeth.

Inside, the hot juices burst out like when biting into a fruit, coating her tongue.

Even just that was satisfying, but the subtly balanced flavors of savory and sweet overwhelmed Luke with a sense of wonder.

It was the first time she had been moved by a dish.

To Luke, cooking was merely sustenance.

After all, in Luke’s era, spices mostly consisted of salt and sugar.

Even then, spices were so expensive that they were considered luxuries.

Thus, commoners’ food was overly bland, while nobles’ food was excessively stimulating with spices.


For someone like Luke, who lived in such a time, experiencing a spice meticulously designed for taste was nothing short of extraordinary, even for a simple skewer dish.


Before she knew it, she had swallowed the piece of meat in her mouth in one gulp.

‘It reminds me of the past…’

The taste was so reminiscent of the past that it brought to mind the skewers Renye and Kale had forced her to eat at the market.

The taste of those skewers was incomparable to this one, which was excellent, but the memory of the two came to mind because of how remarkable this skewer was.

‘I wish I could let them taste this…’

Surely, they would have loved it.

Tears welled up in Luke’s eyes.

It was truly tears of emotion.

“What… what’s wrong all of a sudden?”

However, Dighton was just puzzled by Luke’s sudden tears, scratching his head awkwardly and avoiding Luke’s gaze.

Luke quickly wiped away her tears and smiled at Dighton.

“It’s just… it’s really a fantastic taste!”

“I-Is it really that good?”

Dighton felt a bit embarrassed, avoiding Luke’s gaze while scratching the back of his head.

“Of course. This is the first time for me. Thank you so much for making such a dish.”

Dighton paused at Luke’s words.

‘What’s this? She’s saying it’s his first time trying something like this? But I just put some sauce from the store on the skewers… Where did she grow up and how?’

“What… Well, if that’s the case. Eat plenty. If it’s not enough, I’ll make more for you.”

“Really? Thank you, thank you! In that case, can I ask for a few more?!”

“Well, as you wish…”

Dighton turned away abruptly as if fleeing from the spot.

Wondering if it’s okay to be this happy over skewers, Dighton felt a pang of guilt in his heart at the innocent smile of the young girl.

Dighton, out of Luke’s sight, leaned his head against a tree and pondered.


“What on earth have I done to such a little kid…”

Today, Dighton began to feel unusually ashamed of himself.

“All right, let’s roast some more skewers…”

Having lived without even trying such common things until now.

That young one had been through so much hardship!

As a forest guardian, Dighton had an exceptional sense of justice.

“Darn it, it’s the rotten adults who are the problem in the end…”

Having vaguely heard about Luke from Yerina, Dighton gritted his teeth as he thought.

At least for today, he wanted to make her feel full.

That day, Luke was able to eat skewers until her belly was full.

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