Published at 31st of May 2024 12:09:13 PM

Chapter 19

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After a satisfying meal, Luke, having eaten more than her fill, drank water and breathed heavily.

“I ate way too much than I thought… I’ve always tried to control my food intake appropriately…”

For Luke, who had only eaten bland food lacking in flavor and spices from 5000 years ago, modern spices were cheating.

During her active duty as a wizard, Luke lived in an era where there was a shortage of food due to the great war, and immediate awareness of cooking wasn’t significant due to the effects of the war.

For someone like Luke, who lived in such a time, modern spices were overpowering.


And so, Luke overate.

Watching Luke forcefully stuff skewers into his mouth, Dighton asked with concern, “I told you to stop eating…”


Despite Dighton’s objections, it wasn’t someone else who stuffed food into her mouth.

Feeling ashamed, Luke avoided Dighton’s pitiful gaze.

Dighton said to Luke, “If it’s too hard, why don’t you just vomit? Should I pat your back?”

“I can’t do that. Didn’t you work hard to make this food? And wasting food like that isn’t right.”

Though Luke felt truly embarrassed for underestimating her stomach’s capacity, vomiting the food she already put into her mouth would be wasteful.

Having lived with limited resources, Luke disliked such waste.

Of course, the wizard’s rationality also prevented him from appreciating such waste.

Nevertheless, to overeat at her age. Luke chuckled at the thought of whether she had lost her senses over the years.

Seeing the years reflected in her response and smile, Dighton wondered just how impoverished her past life had been, but then muttered, “Well… as long as you enjoyed it…”

“Yeah, it was really delicious.”

As Luke gently massaged her bloated stomach, she pondered if there was anything she could do to repay Dighton.

“Hey, are you doing well with your love letters?”

Upon hearing Luke’s question, Dighton sighed deeply and said, “Ah… no. I don’t seem to have a way with words. I have no idea what to write.”

“Hmm, alright. Since you treated me to this meal, let me help you. Follow me to my room!”

Although Dighton didn’t expect much, he decided to trust Luke’s confident voice.

“Alright. I’ll go get some paper and a pen.”

Even so, Dighton didn’t expect Luke to write the love letter for him.

So what was Luke helping with?

“Alright, I’ll teach you the art of writing a love letter. Listen carefully.”

“Yes, Sir Luke. Please teach this humble mortal.”

Luke, smiling slightly at Dighton’s exaggerated tone, placed paper on the desk and picked up a pen.

With Dighton standing by, ready to listen, Luke moved the pen on the paper as she explained.

“Well, a love letter is essentially conveying one’s feelings.”

Writing ‘feelings’ on the paper, Luke drew a large circle around it.

“So, it’s most important to express your feelings clearly.”

“I see.”

Initially responding appropriately, Dighton momentarily lost his focus as Luke continued her speech.

“Huh, this is more serious than I thought.”

The words that came out of a 10-year-old kid’s mouth, are they correct?

Dighton was slightly taken aback but nodded.

“Yes, they are.”

With Dighton’s change in attitude, Luke became a bit more enthusiastic and started to explain in more detail.

He spoke while writing down the words ‘when’ and ‘how’ on paper in order.

“It’s better to first describe the process of when and how you started liking her. Your recipient won’t be expecting this letter at all, so the most important thing would be ‘since when?’ I assume. Do you agree?”

“Uh, yes. I agree.”

“So, it’s best to write that first. It’s the premise for the recipient to vaguely gauge the depth of your emotions. You mentioned a year, right? It’s quite a long time for a human, but your recipient is an elf. Elves have a lifespan more than twice as long as yours. So, a year isn’t that long for her. It would be better to dedicate a bit more writing to the emotions you’ve experienced during this year.”

“Uh? Uh.”

“Then you should write about what you liked about Yerina and how it made you feel. But the important thing is, don’t use too metaphorical or figurative expressions. What you’re writing now isn’t literature. In a love letter, it’s better to be a bit more direct.”


“So, don’t write something like ‘your eyes sparkle like jewels’… Don’t write that. Just say her eyes are beautiful.”

Luke pointed to the sentences written on the crumpled paper, possibly folded by Dighton, as he spoke.

Responding to Luke’s advice, Dighton scratched his head and replied.

“I also thought that wasn’t great.”

“That’s why it’s crumpled. I understand that too.”

Luke nodded and continued his lecture with a smirk.

“Okay, you’ve written about what you like about Yerina, now write about how you’ll proceed. Don’t rush too much, keep it moderate. So, what’s the one thing you’d want to do most if Yerina accepted you?”

Dighton awkwardly twisted his body as if embarrassed.

“Um, well… like going on a date… things like that, you know.”

Seeing him like that, Luke felt a mix of the youthfulness of the boy and the awkwardness of a man who doesn’t match his stature.

‘His size is nowhere near someone like Kale Probson…’

After closing his eyes briefly, Luke wrote the word ‘date’ on the paper.

Luke knew what a date was.

She had come across that word in a novel she had read earlier, so she understood.

“Yeah, well… I guess that’s fine. But try not to be too blatant.”

“I know that too.”

“And make sure to include ‘I love you’. That should do it.”


Though surprising, Dighton was extremely flustered by Luke’s words.

It was indeed an unexpected lecture from a kid who sat on a pile of books because she couldn’t reach the chair.

Luke, being the former headmaster of an academy, was accustomed to teaching someone, and her experience in counseling young people’s love lives in the village in her later years had manifested. But Dighton, who had only expected the level of a child’s play, couldn’t help but be bewildered when reality turned out to be so different from her expectations.

‘What on earth?’

What kind of experience does this kid have?

Maybe studying hard leads to knowing these things?

“Where on earth do you pick up this stuff?”

“It’s all about experience. I’m not as young as you think I am.”

Dighton, looking at Luke with a confident expression, raised one eyebrow and said.

“Kid, Could you show some respect to me?”

The word “kid” was indeed offensive.


When Dighton returned to write the love letter following Luke’s advice, Luke was also going through a book.

It was a language learning journal titled ‘Complete Our Child’s Language Study in One Book!’

Luke also planned to show Dighton an example by writing a suitable love letter.

Now, there was no problem with reading the text, but writing was still clumsy.

Even though Luke had written ancient scripts for a hundred years, being a great wizard didn’t mean she could master modern writing perfectly in just a few weeks.

There’s a big difference between reading and writing.

While she could now easily read modern text, the task of combining modern expressions in her mind and weaving them into sentences with modern emotions was a whole different matter.

Ignoring the transformation of characters was unavoidable, and there was a need to filter out expressions that were no longer used.

“Hmm, as expected, there are too many different expressions.”

In fact, it wasn’t like Luke hadn’t thought about writing to Dighton as an example. However, judging from the fact that he left a letter for Yerina and that she was unable to read it properly, it seems that there was some variation in modern writing.

So Luke, who could not write long articles, started writing by comparing expressions and examples in the language workbook.

“Hmm.. “

But when I actually tried to write it, it wasn’t easy. A love letter without an object is just empty, and you can’t just give an example of an empty love letter without emotion.

‘You have to think of someone–….’

After thinking deeply, Luke was finally able to think of someone.

‘I’m sorry I think of you every time, Renye. That’s because your death hasn’t felt real yet. Please forgive me.’

Of all the relationships in her past life, she was the only one who was closest to the feeling of love. Hers was the deepest relationship, and it was also the most enjoyable relationship. Even though Luke could not be her lover, the only thing that could make the wizard’s cold heart beat was the memories Luke had with her.

That’s because she was a shining person. So, Luke thought about Arinseia and wrote down her love letter.

With all my heart. But is it because I was too focused?

Luke, who had been writing seriously without even knowing that Yerina had come in, was startled by the sign of presence she felt right next to him.

“Uh, wow! Did something happen?”

“Lu, what are you doing now?”

“Yes, Yerna. When did you come here? You were surprised.”

Luke asked in a mumbled manner as she stroked her chest, and Yerina placed her index finger on Luke’s jawline.

“I just got here, Lu, but what on earth are you using?”

When Yerina became curious about the love letter she had written, she hastily crumpled it up and hid it behind her back.

That’s because it’s not something Luke want to show to a third party, and there’s no need to show it.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“Hmm, what is it?” Although Yerina was puzzled by Luke’s reaction, which was unfamiliar to her, she found it quite cute, so she felt like playing a prank on him. It’s not too severe, just mild.

“Huh, what is our Lu trying to hide? By any chance she write a love letter?”

But the joke was fatal to Luke. Because it was true.

“Did you see it…?”

‘Was it always this embarrassing to be caught writing a love letter?

She explained it to Dighton in a boastful way, but she was so embarrassed because it was the first time she had actually written with all her heart.

Moreover, the reality that she had been caught writing a love letter gave Luke a terrible chill, and she was unable to answer for a moment.

Yerina’s immediate shame was greater than her ability to figure out whether she was joking or serious.

“Uh, really?”

In response, Yerina covered the corner of her mouth and opened her eyes wide as if surprised.

“I was just looking at it and I saw something about red hair……. The only man Luke has seen is Dighton, right? if…….”

It was an absurd misunderstanding.

Yet in Yerena’s mind, it was already being accepted as truth.

This was Dighton’s fault, anyway.

Yerina couldn’t help but think so.

“How much of an age gap is there? What on earth did Dighton do?”

“…Yerina, what’s wrong?”

Seeing her suddenly stiffen, Luke approached with concern, asking as she briskly placed some documents on the desk and opened the door to the lodging.

“Just a moment, I’ll be back soon.”

“What’s going on? Your expression doesn’t look good…”

“It won’t take long. Don’t worry.”

“Alright… I understand.”

Thinking she might be feeling down for some reason and wanting to get some fresh air, Luke simply nodded and said no more.



And a while later, screams began to echo from Dighton’s lodging.

“Seriously! Yerina!! I didn’t do anything to Luke! I just grilled some skewers, but that’s it, I swear!”


“Don’t joke! You skewered him with the skewers! You pervert, lolicon!”


Meanwhile, Luke concluded the day by burning the love letter he had written, too embarrassed to show it to Dighton, citing it as an example.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!