Published at 31st of May 2024 12:16:19 PM

Chapter 39

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In the car on the way home.

Luke spoke up as if she’d heard something strange.

“Tig Academy?”

At Yerina’s words, Luke raised her eyebrows in question.

“Yeah, Luke, you like to study, and you can make friends.”


Honestly, Luke felt awkward that she was supposed to be a ‘student’ at the Academy.

What on earth did she lack that she needed to learn as a student?

Once upon a time, long, long ago, Luke had gained circles and gained knowledge at an unusually fast rate, graduating early and serving as the Academy’s dean.

‘I’m re-entering the academy in this body…….’


The academy then and the academy now are certainly not the same……. It’s not the worry of performing that makes me think it’s a waste of time.

“If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to go, but……. but you do need to graduate from the academy, it’s mandatory.”

“I see.”

Luke sighed heavily.

As if in response to her sigh, a pie flew out of the sky.

-Luke, school…?

The word ‘school’ was not in the elemental language, but it was pronounced correctly in the human language.

It probably meant ‘going to school.’


Luke couldn’t think of anything to gain by closing the academy.

What was the point of being stuck in a room with a bunch of kids, listening to lectures about stuff they already knew?

You can study at home, and unnecessary connections are just a hindrance.

If you want to learn, you might as well go to Gerard.

-School, school!

Pie was dancing excitedly, drawing a figure eight on her stomach, but Luke had no intention of going.


How to say no.

Luke was thinking about it now.

Yerina looked at her and wondered if she was thinking that money would be a problem.

Luke had always felt bad that Yerina spent money on her, so it was possible.

“If you do go, Serena has agreed to pay for your uniform, wand, and other school supplies…….”


Luke’s thoughts were interrupted by a word that slipped past her ears.

“Wait, Yerina, what did you just say, a wand? Does that mean you can use a wand?”

“Yes……, because if you go to school, you’ll definitely need it in class.”


A wand, a wand.

Luke certainly had an academic curiosity about wands.

However, the staffs of Yerina and the other foresters were dangerous devices that Luke was never allowed to touch, so she had to suppress her curiosity and desire to explore and look forward to the future.

‘If I could use a wand…….’

That’s a whole different story.

After a moment of thought, Yerina asked again.

“What do you want to do, Lu. Do you want to go to school?”

“It wouldn’t be strange if Lu didn’t want to go to school, but…….

It’s definitely more fun than staying at home and reading books.

She had fun with Diana the other day, so it’s not like she doesn’t like company.

Luke shook her head and replied.

“No, Yeina. Tig Academy, I’ll have to check it out. I’m interested.”

“Are you sure about that? Woohoo, we’ll have to go get our uniforms fitted first.”

“Fitting school uniforms……?”

Can’t schools in this era just go with what they’re wearing now?


A dress code.

Luke didn’t know who the hell came up with that, she thought.

The question was a natural one.

Would there have been school uniforms 5000 years ago?

Uniformity of dress is one of the devices used to create a sense of unity in organizations such as armies and sports teams.

But why would an academy, of which there are only three or four in a country, need to have a uniform to create a sense of belonging?

When I say uniform, I don’t just mean the clothes you wear to school, I mean a specific type of uniform.

“Why is there such a thing as a school uniform in this day and age?

It doesn’t fit the purpose of a place of learning, and it’s a waste of material.

Clothes that only exist to go to school are the ultimate in unnecessary…….

“Okay, I’m done taking your measurements.”

“They’re done, Lu. Make a face.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Luke pressed her brow, suddenly realizing she’d been frowning.

She felt uncomfortable with the tailor’s touch and the way she was treating her.

Yerina spoke accusingly to the tailor, keeping her voice low so Luke wouldn’t hear.

“I mean, why do you say she’s cute?”

The tailor chuckled and lowered his voice as well.

“Haha, I didn’t expect her to hate being called cute.”

For the tailor, it was just a little girl going to school for the first time, and he was taking her measurements and telling her she was cute, but for Luke, it was a creepy and unpleasant experience.

Because inside that body was an old man who had been alive longer than both of them combined.

From Luke’s perspective, she was nothing more than an old man who had been told she was cute beyond her years.

Yerina thinks Luke’s frown is for a completely different reason.

“How long do you think it will take to make it?”

“A few days, probably. If you give me your number, I’ll call you when it’s ready, or you can leave me your address and I’ll deliver it to you.”

“Sure, have it delivered to my address.”

“Okay, I’ll have it delivered!”

Luke grumbled from her chair in the corner of the uniform shop as Yerina scribbled down the address.

“So, Pie. I don’t understand why there’s such a thing as a school uniform. You know, you’ve seen the world, haven’t you?”

Pie bounced and bounced, making excited noises as if to answer Luke’s question.

She looked like a spinning top.

-Luke, ……School!…….

“I still don’t know what it’s saying.”

Luke listened to the spirit language for a long time, but she couldn’t make out any of it, except for one simple word that sounded like a doorbell and meant ‘fool.’

Seeing Luke talking to herself like that, Yerina realized that she was talking to her imaginary friend again, and said, “Luke, Pie is talking to you.

“Lu, don’t you think Pie is excited for Luke to go to school?”

Pie nodded in Yerina’s direction, as if she were right, and then looked from Luke to Yerina and back again, making a repetitive, music box-like sound.



“No way, does that mean you’re looking forward to it?”


As if that was right, Pie bounced and stuck to my face.

-Luke, I’m looking forward to school!

Feeling the mana on hER face, Luke said reluctantly.

“Okay, okay.”

Luke hoped she hadn’t let herself down by agreeing to go.


The admissions process went smoothly with Serena’s help.

“Ms. Yerina, we’re almost done with the admissions process. Luke will be placed in the same grade as Sirud as a transfer student. he’s a year younger than Sirud, but that should be fine.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, she got a perfect score on her entrance exam……. So she shouldn’t have any problems in class.”

Although I told Luke to get in, Tig Academy is a prestigious academy.

Even Serena couldn’t just admit a student with a low level at will.

So they made her take an entrance exam, which she passed with flying colors.

Luke’s submission was a perfect answer sheet with neatly organized solutions, leaving no doubt about the perfect score.

“To be honest, I didn’t expect her to get a perfect score either, but how do you usually teach her to study? What kind of school did she go to?”

“Haha……. I didn’t really do anything…….”

“Really? Would I feel bad if you kept it a secret?”

“Gee, it’s true! She studied all by herself…….”

Indeed, even Yerina was surprised by Luke’s performance.

She’d always been a bit of a student, but she’d never expected her to get a perfect score on the entrance exam for Tig Academy.

Getting perfect scores in history, magic, math, and etiquette was no easy feat.

I studied on my own and passed the entrance exam with a perfect score.

Honestly, Tig’s entrance exam is said to be one of the best in any academy if you get half of it right.

It’s definitely not easy to get a perfect score as a self-taught student…….

“I really hope Luke gets along with Sirud!”

“She’s a good student and a cute kid, isn’t she?”

It didn’t hurt that we were close.

At first, I approached him because of his circle, but the more I got to know him, the more I realized he was really nice.

“Oh, and by the way, I’ve asked the teachers not to ask about Luke’s family history. I don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about.”

“Thank you so much, you’re paying all my tuition and……. I don’t know what I can do to repay you…….”

“Hoo-hoo, if Luke can get along with Sirud, that would be a good enough repayment, wouldn’t it?”

“Well, would it? Ahaha…….”


The bag was fairly light, containing only a notebook, handkerchief, and writing utensils.

It rattled, rattled, rattled, indicating that it was empty.

Luke’s mind flashed back to a time long ago, when she and Kale and Renye had gone on adventures together.

She remembered traveling with a rattling bag just like this one.

Thinking back to those days makes her feel a little nostalgic.


“Looking back, it was such a fun time.”

At the time, it was quite dangerous.

The rattling sound was a ration bag.

Still, there’s no denying that it was an unnecessarily exhilarating sound.

In a way, it was my first adventure in this era.

What to teach, who will be the educators, and what will be their level of knowledge.

It’s 5000 years later. Surely pedagogy has evolved a lot since then?

When I think about that, I honestly wonder if my initial reluctance was justified.

However, even at this moment, there was something that made my heart flutter with excitement.

“Do you have your phone or wallet?”

“Don’t worry, my phone is in my hand and my wallet is in my inside pocket.”

“Lu, aren’t you cold? If you are, let me know, I’ve got a jacket.”

“It’s okay, Yerina, I’m warm enough in these clothes.”

“Well, do you want me to carry your bag? Isn’t it heavy?”

“I don’t have anything to carry, it’s light, so it’s okay.”

“Well, do you want me to walk you to school?”

“Yerina, didn’t you say you don’t come to school?”

“Oh, yes, I did. Look at me. Well, you know how to take the bus, don’t you? Take the 120 from here…….”

“Yerina, don’t worry about it, you’re good enough on your own.”



Luke sighed heavily and thought to himself.

“Yerina, you’re so polarizing.”

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