Published at 31st of May 2024 12:16:19 PM

Chapter 41

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Sirud, who had never been good at concentrating in class, found himself completely unable to focus.

Thinking about what I want and what I desire turned out to be more enjoyable than I thought.

If school learning felt like hammering information into my brain, conversations with Luke were not like that.

“Mana… could it be water?”

“Water…! Why did you think that?”

“Well, it’s everywhere, and it can take any form.”

“Hmm, I see. Water can exist everywhere, as gas, liquid, and solid. It’s an interesting analogy, but… then what about fire?”

“You just said water, and now suddenly fire?”

“Unlike water, which exists everywhere and constantly changing its form, fire consumes wood and itself to spread its influence around. Doesn’t that resemble us using mana in magic?”

“Uh… that’s true?”

The conversation felt like a Zen dialogue, but Sirud genuinely enjoyed it.

Luke listened carefully to his words and filled in the gaps in his logic, making their exchange quite enjoyable.

Sirud continued excitedly, “Then…”

That’s when it happened.

“Sirud! The new student! What are you guys talking about?”

Their conversation had apparently been loud enough to disturb the teacher at the front of the class.

Well, it was true they were messing around during class.

It was bound to be annoying.

“Sirud! What are you gossiping about with the new student from the first day?”

“That… well…”

Sirud blushed and avoided the male teacher’s gaze.

The male teacher seemed to have taken offense with Luke as well and remarked.

“Even if you did perfect on the entrance exam, you shouldn’t disrupt the class.”

“I’m sorry about that. I’ll reflect on it.”

“Good, if you reflect on it, try solving this problem.”

The male teacher pointed to a chalkboard with a problem written on it.

The problem on the chalkboard was a simple calculation question:

“When the total mana is 20 Lanes, calculate the maximum duration ‘Avet,’ a class 1 ultra-small levitation spell, can keep 1g afloat using the mana consumption formula for ‘Avet.'”

“Assuming ‘keeping it afloat’ means at a negligible height close to zero.”

Luke immediately solved the calculation.

“The answer is about 2 minutes.”

“Uh… correct.”

But the teacher was slightly startled.

It was a bit complicated for a 10-year-old to get by simple mental arithmetic.

“What about this problem then?”

The next problem was a bit more ‘annoying.’

Only the numbers had changed, and now altitude was added.

‘Assuming it lifts to an altitude of 1 meter, ignoring the loss rate at the moment of lifting and lowering? Isn’t that assumption overly narrow and lacking practicality?’

The intention to exclude the formula related to lifting speed was evident.

This wasn’t magic; it was a simple problem.

This was hardly different from an ‘entrance exam question.’

“The answer is about 3 minutes.”


‘Well, she must have solved it beforehand.’

The answer came too quickly, and he thought so as he shifted his target to Sirud.

The teacher erased the problems that Luke had already solved from the chalkboard and created one on the spot.

“Sirud, try solving this. Come out here.”


Sirud obviously couldn’t do mental arithmetic like Luke.

He hadn’t been paying attention to the lessons, so answering like Luke was impossible.

Even if he came out to try, he couldn’t do it.

As Sirud hesitated, unable to stand up, Luke stood up next to him and raised her hand to point out the problem.

“Sir, you’ve written the problem incorrectly. If you calculate using that formula, the time comes out as negative. I’ve checked and rechecked, and it seems you’ve made a mistake.”


The teacher calculated on the chalkboard and indeed, the answer was negative.

It seemed he had made a careless error in the units due to haste.

It was an embarrassing mistake, but the problem had only been visible to Luke for a brief 2-3 seconds.

To solve it correctly, even the teacher needed to write out the solution for a quite complicated problem.

That he had completed the calculations and double-checked them in just a few seconds?

Whether she actually checked or not, the fact that she had identified the problem’s flaw in that instant was impressive.

She couldn’t have prepared for it in advance this time!

‘The kid really must be smart…’

What an astounding new student, right?

“Wow, that’s impressive.”

“She really is perfect.”

Clap clap clap.

A few kids started clapping, and it didn’t take long for the crowd psychology to fill the entire class with applause.

At the center of the event, Luke’s face began to burn with embarrassment.

Caught off-guard by the sudden applause and praise, Luke quickly sat down and buried her face in her hands.

“What on the earth is this…?”

Receiving applause for such a thing.

I felt like dying of shame.

Isn’t this too low level?

Luke had no time to think that her embarrassed look actually sparked a playful spirit in the children.

Thanks to that, the applause and cheers lasted quite a while.

In the share of applause and cheers, even Sirud joined in shyly.

The soft applause coming from the seat next to her stirred Luke’s emotions even more.

With this much, she might even have a mana explosion from embarrassment.


Through the desk, Pie tilted her head and locked eyes with Luke.

Then suddenly, imitating the applause and cheers, she trembled as if delighted.

“You too… Stop it!”

Her quiet but firm muttering was surprisingly answered from nearby.

“So-sorry… If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.”

“…It wasn’t specifically about you, so don’t worry…”

As Sirud turned away, avoiding Luke’s gaze in a shocked voice, Luke quietly consoled him.

‘Phew, this child really has too much emotion for his own good…’

That’s not good for the circle.


Time passed, and it was lunchtime.

Meals were always a joyful time for the children, so the atmosphere was lively.

Luke felt better seeing the children’s excited faces.

“Luke, I heard our school meals are quite tasty. Well, I haven’t tried other schools’ meals.”

Mary chatted away next to Luke.

Seeing Mary talk, Sirud seemed somewhat uncomfortable just listening.

“Sirud, why don’t you say something too?”

Sirud hesitated before replying.

“…I have nothing to say.”

“Well, then…”

Forcing a conversation wasn’t really a good approach.

But a good friend was definitely needed for Sirud.

To Luke, Mary seemed suited for that role.

‘If the two of them become friends, it would ease my mind…’

The circle is especially affected by negative emotions. Fear, loneliness, depression…

Those things are nearly resolved if one has trustworthy friends.

Isn’t there a saying, one friend is better than a thousand magics?

It wasn’t completely wrong.

Finding a kindred spirit in this vast world is truly a magical occurrence.

But it’s funny to think a wizard would choose thousands of magics, isn’t it?

Thinking of the adage, a slight smile came to Luke’s face.

Mary noticed Luke’s timid smile and really liked her expression.

“What are you thinking about so deeply, Luke?”

“Heh, nothing much. But I do wonder when I’ll get to use a wand.”

“That might be next class! The next class is practical magic! Did you receive your wand, Luke?”

“Not yet. I heard the school provides them, is that right?”

“Right! You’ll probably get it at the start of the next class! Make sure to write your name on it?”

“I’ll remember.”

A wand is dangerous for a child to handle alone, and taking it outside the school is strictly forbidden until graduation.

Luke was somewhat displeased by this, but she understood.

As they continued to discuss various school norms and the upcoming class, they soon arrived at the cafeteria. Entering the queue, Sirud lightly nodded and quickly left.

“Where is Sirud going? To the bathroom, perhaps?”

Mary laughed and said that wasn’t the case.

“No! Elves have a separate place for their meals. Elf dishes mustn’t include meat.”

“Is that so?”

Considering the religious and nutritional reasons why elves can’t eat meat, that made sense.

Their digestive systems react negatively to certain mana in meat, causing indigestion, stomach pain, and even more severe reactions like rash or hives, and in extreme cases, death.

If an entire race has a meat allergy, it makes sense to accommodate them in societal facilities.

As she thought this, Luke’s eyes lit up slightly as she received a tray made of white plastic.

“This has quite a unique shape.”

The tray was just like its name suggested, a board with several bowls set into it.


In the past, there was no need to think much about such trays.

Originally, the concept of ‘distribution,’ which involves sharing meals among many people in one space, was not familiar.

Back then, wizards were an extremely rare resource, and thanks to that, there were only about 30 students at the academy, which was a time when only the military maintained group living like the current academy.

And they too used dishes, not trays, and ate buffet-style, so there was no need or time to think about such trays.

He thought it was quite efficient.

Though it wouldn’t be very useful at home.

“Why are you staring so intently at the tray? Is something on it? Should I change it?”

As Luke continued to stare at the tray, Mary, worried, spoke to her.

“No, it’s fine. Let’s go quickly.”


As the smell of the meal drew closer, Luke found it embarrassing how eagerly saliva was attempting to flow from her salivary glands.

Gulp, gulp.

Saliva continuously swallowed, Mary looked at Luke and laughed.

“Right? Smells good?”

“Yes, it’s as good or better than Dighton’s skewers…”

Apparently, the talk of the cafeteria food being delicious was no joke.

“Dighton’s skewers? What’s that? Is it the name of a shop?”

Hearing Luke’s muttering, Mary asked.

“No, just someone’s cooking I know.”

“Really…? I’m curious about that!”

“It’s quite good, if I have time, I’ll ask if he can make some for Miss Mary next time.”

“Wow! Are you inviting me?”

“It’s not impossible… but I’m not sure.”

Inviting her home would inevitably let Yerina know that she was in her temporary care.

Mary wouldn’t spread bad rumors even if she knew, but caution was necessary.

Being without parents usually brought unnecessary pity, and Luke found such pity uncomfortable.

It felt like an insult to those who had peacefully passed away having lived full lives.

Anyway, as they chatted away, they soon arrived in front of the meal.

“So you’re that perfect transfer student? Enjoy your meal.”

Luke, wondering why she had become so famous, received her meal with an awkward smile.

It was because Serena had requested the teachers and other adults to be considerate about ‘the new transfer student.’

Ironically, telling them not to ask about her family matters had made all the adults aware of Luke.

Unaware of this, Luke just wondered why being perfect was such a big deal.

Shortly after.

As the food piled up on the tray and the aroma became unbearable, Luke almost had to swallow his saliva like water.

“Can I have a little more, please?”

“Is it not enough? It seems I’ve already given you quite a bit?”



Watching Luke, Mary burst into laughter.


“Luke, you’re a beast when it comes to eating! You really can eat a lot!”

“Well, that’s…”

“Bring the empty tray when you’re done, it would be a shame to leave any.”

“Okay, I will.”

The meal was utterly satisfying for Luke.

Modern spices!


Luke filled her tray once again after completely emptying it, and she cleaned that up neatly too.

Pie looked on and muttered something, but Luke let it pass.

It sounded like a pig’s squeal…

If that was meant as a tease, she might be a bit angry.

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