Published at 31st of May 2024 12:16:19 PM

Chapter 43

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When the bell rang, indicating that there were 10 minutes left for lunch, Luke borrowed Mary and Sirud’s student ID cards and rented all 15 books.

Now, each of them was carrying five books for Luke.

Luke walked ahead with a pleased smile, looking at the two young students in front of her and muttered to herself.

“These days, kids really aren’t polite, are they?”

They didn’t even need to be asked before taking it upon themselves to carry the load.


Pie seemed unsure and tilted its head slightly.

Whether Pie didn’t understand the language or if this behavior was normal, it wasn’t clear, but it didn’t really matter.

“Holding hands like that, and trying to deny it now will not convince me~”

“No, that’s not what it is!”

“Then, does this mean you aren’t officially dating yet?”

“No, we’re not in that kind of relationship at all!”

As Mary and Sirud bickered while moving ahead, Luke smiled and murmured from behind.

“Kids seem to become friends so quickly, don’t they, Pie.”

Sirud had obviously kept his mouth shut before lunch time, saying he had nothing to say.

Now they were already so close.

“It seems Sirud has made a friend already, which makes me happy.”

One of the purposes of coming to the academy was already being achieved.

-Luke, …!

But Pie started frantically shaking its head and making bizarre noises, which Luke couldn’t understand.

The various noises made by Pie were so overlapped that it was impossible for an ordinary human to distinguish.

This just became noise instead of language.

Luke slightly furrowed her brow and said.

“Please keep the noise down, Pie. I’m quite tired right now.”

Luke was very fatigued due to excessive use of magic.

Without the mental strength of a Archmage, she wouldn’t have been able to get up so quickly as she had.


Pie sounded like a scolded puppy, looking quite deflated.


Time passed quickly, and Luke was now holding a wand in her hand.

She lifted the wand and inspected it.

“Ho, is this what a modern wand looks like.”

She was using magical vision again.

If she couldn’t disassemble it right away, she could only look.

The first thing she analyzed was what kinds of magic could be used.

‘A very basic wand, indeed. It’s locked to only use 1st class, and structurally, it can’t withstand anything more than 2nd class. If you force it, you may be able to use 2nd class a few times.’

She then analyzed the structure.

“The clue about storing a circle in an inanimate object… this wand won’t be easy. It’s basic enough that I can only roughly understand its shape.”

Compared to the ‘real’ wands used by adults like Gerard or Yerina at the scene, this one was too simple in output, structure, and form.

Metaphorically speaking, this was like a practice wooden sword.

The wands used by Gerard, Yerna, and Dighton each had different shapes, structures, and outputs.

Yerina’s ‘Iron wand’ was suitable for class magic that involved firing something.

Dighton’s ‘Gauntlet’ was suitable for magic that had a direct contact effect.

Gerard’s ‘wand’ was specialized for support type magic.

This one resembled Gerard’s the most, but it was too simple for Luke to find potential for development.

While a weapon should be simple, a wand is not a weapon but a tool.

A lack of sophistication in simplicity is not an advantage.

Her first impression of the wand was that it was interesting, but that was all.

It was like a toy for children to practice class magic with.

It was a bit underwhelming, but still, it was an opportunity to use class magic firsthand.

“With only using 1st class magic, I should be able to implement most magic. I wonder how many syllables this kind of wand can handle…”

As Luke was excitedly pondering this, the practice teacher spoke.

“Now, as we have a new student, let me explain the safety rules again. First, never aim magic at a person. I mean, the wands you kids use won’t do much damage, but just in case.”


The children responded in unison.

“From a young age, they’re really taught well about safety. Naturally, if everyone could use magic, it would be necessary.”

Luke nodded, thinking that such education had allowed a peaceful life to continue despite magic being widespread.

If people from 5000 years ago, who were generally less cultured, had been given magic like today, such a peaceful society would never have been achieved.

“Second, only use the magic you are told to use. The wand could break, and using spells not suited for it can be dangerous.”

That was also something Luke had figured out using her magical vision.

Luke nodded quietly, and the children all shouted ‘Yes-.’

“Lastly, stay away from the container with manadust. Got it?”


Luke knew the concept from books.

In modern class magic, which uses environmental mana rather than mana stored in circles, continuously using magic in one place would inevitably cause the wand to malfunction.

Moreover, connecting a mana conduit to a large field like this would be dangerous.

There are risks of leaks, and the construction and maintenance costs are non-negligible.

Thus, people needed a reusable means of storing mana, which was exactly this manadust.

It was a kind of fungus invented by a wizard named ‘Franche DeEnosca,’ capable of absorbing hundreds of times its body weight in mana.

Luke raised her hand slightly.

“Ah, new student. What’s on your mind?”

“I’d like to see the manadust in person.”

Luke was, after all, a wizard.

“Hey, didn’t you just hear what I said?”

But the teacher looked down at Luke with a look of disbelief, and Luke, receiving that gaze, pleaded.

“Just once, please. Can’t it be done?”

The teacher was swayed by Luke’s earnest eyes, but still, it obviously couldn’t be allowed.

“…No! Without protective gear, manadust can absorb a person’s mana. If you were to take it out of the container and breathe it in… it could be very dangerous for kids like you.”

“Is that so…”

The book had indeed described the dangers.

She thought there might be a way since it was an academy…

If it was for safety reasons, there was nothing to be done.

“Alright, I understand. Sorry for being stubborn.”

“Right, it’s not possible—huh? Oh, alright.”

The teacher was surprised that the student gave up so easily and scratched the back of his ear.

Kids can be quite stubborn, it’s tough to break their resolve.

Well, if Luke has given up on her own, it’s probably better for her.

“Alright, everyone line up. New students to the back. Watch what the students in front do and follow along.”


The children lined up in order according to their roll number.


Mary was somewhere in the middle, and Sirud was almost at the end of the line.

Once the children had lined up, the teacher nodded and said,

“Okay, now I’ll tell you the magic you need to use. First, ‘Avet’, we’ll try to lift the red ball on the table by 20 centimeters.”

It was a very basic magic.

Avet is helpful in learning target and coordinate designation, and its characteristic as a levitation spell makes it visually striking, making it relatively simple for children to grasp.

It’s easy for children to use too.

Although very common and simple, it is surprisingly not used for purposes other than education.

The reason is that the heavier the weight, the more mana it consumes, so only very light objects can be levitated, and it’s simpler, more convenient, and cheaper to just move them by hand.


At the teacher’s command, the first child swung his wand.


The red ball, placed on a plate, lifted about 10 centimeters from the table before falling back down onto the plate.

The ball didn’t bounce when it hit the plate, suggesting that this red ball wasn’t a regular ball but made of a lightweight, non-bouncy material like sponge.

“Michel, that was too low. Try again.”


Michel got two more chances, but he didn’t manage to lift it by 20 centimeters.



It was Mary’s turn.

The red ball lightly lifted 20 centimeters and then came back down.

“Oh, Mary, you succeeded on your first try! How come?”

“I went to the library today, maybe I got some energy from there?”

Mary giggled and scratched the back of her head, and the boy standing behind her teased,

“Wow, you went to the library?”


Mary, always energetic and with a good personality, seemed to have many friends.

Sirud, too, thought that if he became friends with Mary, he might quickly develop his social skills. Time flew by, and soon it was Sirud’s turn.

“Sirud, come forward.”


Though he responded well, Sirud seemed slightly nervous.

A slight tremble of mana was felt.

It must be due to Sirud’s anxious heart.

Luke whispered words of encouragement to him.

“Sirud, don’t be nervous. It’s nothing big.”


As Luke clenched her fist slightly, Sirud also clenched his in response, feeling encouraged.

‘Okay, it’s nothing big…’

But he was still anxious.

Because Sirud had always struggled with using class magic due to his circle.

Even normally, he wasn’t skilled with magic and always felt nervous and made mistakes, but since the circle had been engraved, it fed on his anxious emotions every time and made it even harder for him to concentrate on magic.

When he didn’t even know it was the circle, he would just say his chest hurt and go to the nurse’s office.

It might even seem like he was running away.


The teacher called Sirud.

Snapping back to reality, Sirud nodded towards the red ball.

“Do it.”

It was a brief command.

Sirud nodded and adjusted his grip on his wand.


He took a deep breath and recalled the sense of meditation.

He had calmed down when he did this with Luke.

Within the calmed sensation, Sirud truly felt something.

It felt like water, like fire, like wind, and like stone.

‘This is mana.’

In that moment, Sirud truly felt the mana.

‘Mana is like this!’

It was definite, though hard to describe succinctly.

Feelings are abstract, descriptions concrete.

This sudden realization advanced Sirud further.

2nd circle, that was the result of Sirud’s realization.

Luke watched Sirud with a mana sight and smiled.

“My boy, you’ve made a good step.”

Already, Luke’s mana was sufficient in his circle.

That moment of realization had allowed him to advance to the next level.

This meant Sirud would no longer need to suffer from mana bursts.

That fact was very satisfying.


Somewhere, the wind blew, celebrating Sirud’s second circle.

Second circle, it was authority over phenomena.

Phenomena would now be subject to his will.


Sirud’s murmur was filled with intent.

And in that moment, the table began to lift.


The teacher was greatly startled.

Something was wrong, this wasn’t Avet!

A children’s wand shouldn’t be able to produce such output.

Lifting the table with Avet?

“Sirud, stop! Something’s wrong!”

The teacher immediately demanded Sirud to stop.




Sirud was also startled.

What was this all about?

I just wanted to lift the red ball…

The fear of the unknown power consumed Sirud.

The intent filled in the magic was overridden by fear.

Normally, Sirud’s intent should have dispersed, but the existence of the second circle and sufficient mana did not allow it.

Even if he lost consciousness, his intent would not scatter.

Because a stop in the circle meant a ‘stop of the heart’.


Feeling this, Pie urgently called out to Luke.

But Luke’s circle had already shared mana with Sirud, so there wasn’t enough mana left.

Moreover, Sirud was now at the second circle.

Interference is not possible between the same second circles.

“I say this repeatedly, but you are too emotional, Sirud.”

Considering his magical talent, it wasn’t in his nature to be like this.

Initially, Sirud must have been dogmatic and arrogant.

Positively speaking, it was confidence in himself.

Such a person would not doubt what he has done.

However, Sirud is now terrified because he cannot understand what he has done.

He must have lost the confidence he once had.

In Luke’s magic vision, Sirud’s wildly scattered will was heading towards a container filled with manadust.


A slight crack appeared in the container holding the manadust.

If left as is, the container will certainly be destroyed.

‘I must first collect this rampaging will.’

Luke thought of a way to suppress the mana in the surroundings.

The circle is not sufficient to resolve this situation.

But Luke has a wand in her hand.

Using chants of the first class, possibly up to second class level, she should be able to calm the current situation.

Calm the mana? But the grammar of class magic is not suitable for handling mana itself.

Should I just recklessly use magic to burn up all the mana? No, this wand couldn’t handle that output.

If I can’t act on the mana, then I should act on the target.

The chants of class magic Luke knew were specialized for ‘targeting,’ which is a more efficient way to consume mana.

So, who should be immediately affected?

Without a doubt, it was Sirud.

Luke calculated.

A way for Sirud to safely collect his will.

‘Labeth, Ahanum.’

She mixed life targeting and mana manipulation.

This chant was part of the chants Gerard had once demonstrated.

Physical enhancement.

In other words, it means that one can influence the body through magic.

Then, by applying it to Sirud, it might be possible to forcibly slow down the rotation of Sirud’s circle.

This would end the situation.

Originally, ‘Labeth’ and ‘Ahanum’ were second and third class chants, but she broke down the calculations to the basic units and extended the chant.

“Riu, Vera, Tridi, Anu, Hau, Numen.”

Divided like this, each part became a first-class chant.

The formula becomes more complex as the chant lengthens, but that doesn’t matter much.

If it’s not completely impossible, there’s always enough possibility to squeeze through.

Forget about whether using class magic for the first time will work or not.

After completing the lengthy calculation, Luke pointed her wand at Sirud, and the magic shot from the wand struck Sirud’s heart precisely.


Crash, thud.

A table and a red ball fell, and Sirud grasped his chest, gasping for breath.

“Haugh, hah…”

It wasn’t a surge of mana, but a surge of will.

Clearly, his heart wasn’t hurting.

Confused, Luke and the teacher hurriedly approached Sirud to help him up.

“Sirud, are you okay?”

“Are you not hurt any further?”

“Yes, I’m… I’m fine.”

The teacher sighed and gestured to Mary.

“Class president, take this guy to the infirmary.”


Mary hurried over and supported Sirud.

Since Mary was taller, she could support him easily.

Luke felt a bit relieved seeing this.

What would have happened if the calculations had been slightly wrong?

She wasn’t very familiar with on-the-spot calculations for class magic.

Looking back, splitting the chant was also a gamble with uncertain outcomes.

“The wand is completely split. Was it defective?”

Suddenly, the teacher’s words made Luke grasp her own wand.

Her wand was also split in two.

Realizing this, the teacher slowly stood up and looked down at Luke.

“Wasn’t it the new student Luke?”

“…Yes, that’s me.”

The adult’s body looking down on a child’s body seemed quite imposing.

He seemed quite angry.

“Didn’t I tell you not to use magic on people?”

“I had no choice, I needed to calm Sirud’s rampaging will…”

“Enough with the excuses. Regardless of the reason, using magic on a person is a serious issue. Causing trouble on your first day of Class, aren’t you a problematic child? Follow me to the wand room after this class.”


“Good, then return.”

The teacher pointed towards the seats where the students who had finished the practice were sitting.


Luke walked weakly and sat down among them.


Concerned, Pie called out to Luke, to which she replied with a faint smile.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine once I explain the situation.”

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