Published at 6th of June 2024 03:30:41 PM

Chapter 48

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Holidays are back.

Dighton sighed deeply, shaking his head.

“It feels like the house is cramped now that you’re all here.”

“What do you mean? I’m not fat!” Sorby, who was brushing Luke’s hair, snapped irritably, as if she had heard something she shouldn’t have.

Dighton waved his hand dismissively, saying that wasn’t what he meant.

“What do you think, Luke?” Sorby asked.

“Certainly, it does feel a bit cramped with everyone here,” Luke replied.

“Luke, not you too…!” Sorby looked as if she had been betrayed. Luke quickly tried to console her.

“No, it’s just that Dighton’s house is small. Don’t take it personally.”

“Really?” Sorby sighed with relief. Luke heard her mumble something about gaining only a kilogram, but she chose to ignore it.


“Stop criticizing my house, ladies,” Dighton interjected.

Luke, Sorby, and Kirke had gathered at Dighton’s house for Luke’s cooking. This was because Yerina’s house didn’t have a proper kitchen setup. Yerina hadn’t attempted cooking, and the vague instructions in cookbooks left Luke utterly confused.

Tablespoon, teaspoon, low heat, high heat…

Luke couldn’t grasp these ambiguous terms. Without an internationally standardized spoon size, using them as units made no sense to her. What temperature constituted low or high heat?

The recipe, written for a child’s perspective, used figurative language that Luke found hard to comprehend. Thus, a cooking instructor was necessary.

“Alright, everything’s ready! Go and cook!” Sorby declared.

“Thank you, Sorby,” Luke said, standing up. Sorby had tied her hair back to keep it out of the way while cooking. Due to her awkwardly placed horns, she couldn’t do it herself and needed Sorby’s help.

Despite the tedious task, Sorby smiled nonchalantly. “No need to thank me! Now, call me ‘Unni’!”

“…No, I’ve said that enough already,” Luke replied, recalling the day she received her cellphone. She had been so embarrassed when every forest guardian heard her say it at least once. She couldn’t say it again soberly.

Luke stepped away from Sorby and hurried towards Dighton, as if escaping. “Ahem, I’m ready, Dighton.”

“Good. Wear this,” Dighton said, handing her an apron. It was a child’s apron.

“Is this Diana’s?” Luke asked.

“Yes. She sometimes helps prepare meals.”

Luke looked at Diana in surprise. The cute, red-haired girl nestled in Kirke’s arms beamed back at her. It was impressive that someone so young was already helping with meals. This gave Luke confidence; if she could do it, so could Luke.

Once Luke had tied the apron, she looked up at Dighton.

“I’m ready. Let’s start cooking.”

Dighton sighed, confirming Luke had properly tied the apron.

“As I said before, no seafood cream pasta.”

“Why not?” Luke’s disappointment was evident.

Dighton remained firm. “It’s too difficult for a beginner like you. Handling seafood is too challenging.”

A beginner wanting to make seafood cream pasta? Ambitious. She had asked for something manageable and seafood cream pasta was too much.

“It was very delicious, though…”

“You asked for something you could handle, remember?”


There was nothing more to say about that.

Well, it was true that she was a beginner at cooking.

Even back in the old days when the three of them were adventuring for the subjugation war, Luke was just a flint.

Renye was good at cooking, and Kale was excellent at preparing ingredients.

So, other than starting a fire with magic, Luke didn’t have much to do.

Looking back, it was quite something to think that a Archmage of the 8th circle was only starting fires.

It was quite an extraordinary experience for the last adventure of one’s life, wasn’t it?

‘I couldn’t receive any support in the demon dimension, and it was an environment where only an 8th circle wizard could use fire… … .’

The horribly altered mana and dimension, which were fundamentally different from the material world humans had lived in, made it difficult to adapt magic.

Considering the completely different constellations, planetary arrangements, and coordinates, how many trials and efforts were needed to do mental calculations?

To put it bluntly, Luke discovered the spatial or space coordinate system formula based on that experience.

However, when she published the book, the Magic Tower didn’t react favorably.

Not because it was wrong, but because others couldn’t understand the theory.

It took a whopping 300 years for the formula to be officially recognized as correct, and even now, it remains a core element of modern magic.

Of course, many aspects have been improved over time.

But to Dighton, Luke, who was lost in thought for a moment, seemed genuinely disappointed about not being able to eat pasta.


It looked like she really wanted to eat that seafood cream pasta.

Dighton consoled Luke by saying,

“…But you like meat, right?”

At the mention of meat, Luke’s ears perked up slightly.

If it could be expressed in sound, wouldn’t it be something like a jingle sound?

“Of course.”

In the past, meat that required chewing wasn’t something Luke liked, but how about now?

Her evenly grown teeth were perfect, with nothing missing or painful, allowing her to fully enjoy the pleasure of chewing.

When she was young, she took it for granted, but after losing it once due to her age, she appreciated it deeply.

So how could she dislike the sensation of chewing something?

Luke just liked to chew things.

It would be best if it tasted good too.

When Luke looked at Dighton with eyes full of anticipation, Dighton cleared his throat and said,

“So, what we’re going to make today is Roast Beef.”

“Roast beef, you say?”

Meat roasted in the oven.

It’s quite simple.

Well, if it’s roasting in the oven, it shouldn’t be difficult at Yerina’s house either.

Although there are no cooking  appliances that create fire, there is an oven at Yerina’s house.

However, since Yerina is a vegetarian, the oven is useless.

So now it’s just used as a dish storage.

“Yes. You can eat the leftovers in sandwiches. Yerina must have a lot of vegetables at home, right?”

“That’s right. It’s all vegetables.”

“…And those canned goods?”

Dighton said, slightly weary.

“Of course… Ah, I recently changed the flavor. That one is slightly spicy and really delicious!”

Dighton shivered slightly.

In the end, it’s just canned food anyway.

‘I guess I should forget about having breakfast if I ever get married.’

Thinking ‘Well, it doesn’t matter, I can just do it myself,’ Dighton handed Luke some vegetables like potatoes and carrots and said,

“Do you have things like these at home?”

“Of course. The boxes are full of them.”

“Then there’s nothing to worry about for now. Oh, and later, I’ll teach you how to buy meat too.”

“Oh, thank you very much. That would be a great help.”


Luke gave a slight smile to Dighton , who whispered, ‘So you have to speak well of me to Yerina.’

She had never said anything bad about him before.

Of course, she hadn’t said anything particularly good either.

“Of course.”

But from today, perhaps she should give Dighton a bit more support.


“Do you miss Yerina not being here?”

“Indeed, I do.”

Dighton closed his eyes slightly and shrugged his shoulders.

Well, it’s a given that inviting Yerina when we’re cooking meat would be impolite, and since one of the rangers had to be on duty, Yerina was not here.

That’s right.

Kirke and Sorby were here instead.

“Anyway, what you need to do now is peel these potatoes and carrots.”

“Leave it to me.”

Peeling them isn’t too difficult.

Receiving the potatoes and carrots, Luke immediately took out a knife.

It appeared to be an ordinary kitchen knife.

‘Hoho, this is quite sharp and sturdy. Even without basic magical power or enchantments, this level of craftsmanship is impressive.’

For a simple household kitchen knife to have this level of sharpness, Luke had an eye for swords.

In the past aristocratic society, swordsmanship was also a basic form of etiquette, and Luke was a wizard at the forefront of the war.

Naturally, her level of swordsmanship was good enough to face most sword masters.

The slicing sound was quite intimidating.

Indeed, with such sharpness and hardness, there would be nothing in the kitchen that couldn’t be cut.

If you use some magic, you can also harm others, of course…

“Hey, put that knife down. This is what you’re going to use.”

What Dighton handed to Luke was a small vegetable peeler.

Yes, the kind designed to only peel skins.

“What is this?”

Luke, holding the vegetable peeler, tilted her head slightly at its odd shape.

“Oh, don’t you know how to use it?”

“That’s right.”

“Here, this is how you use it.”

Dighton wrapped her hand around Luke’s and started peeling the potato’s skin with a scraping sound.

Luke found the sensation quite unfamiliar but interesting.

A feeling you can’t get with a knife.

“Wow! This is quite amazing!”

The blade wasn’t exposed, making it very safe.

Whoever designed this must be quite an impressive person.

“How is it, think you can do it?”

“Of course!”

As Luke enthusiastically began peeling the skin with the vegetable peeler, Dighton wiped his sweat with a whoosh.

If Luke gets hurt, it’ll be me who gets scolded by Yerina.


The roast beef, seasoned and baked with vegetables, was incredibly delicious.

“Did Luke make this? It’s really amazing!”

Sorby was devouring the meat with a surprised look on her face.


Dighton shook his head and said,

“No, actually, I made this. I thought I’d better show Luke an example.”

“He’s right. All I did was peel the skins off the potatoes and carrots. Dighton did everything else.”

Sorby looked extremely disappointed.



“I said it was delicious thinking Luke made it. Now it feels like I’m complimenting you. No wonder it tasted so good.”

“Is that a compliment or an insult? Make up your mind.”

Dighton, still, crossed his arms and looked away, seemingly embarrassed.

“It is tasty, though. Hmm, Luke. What do you think?”


Luke almost forgot her table manners and was about to shout how delicious it was.

The meat, freshly grilled and cut into perfect pieces, was something she could never taste in the school cafeteria.

Kirke, watching Luke silently chewing the meat, said,

“Seems like it’s delicious.”

“Yeah, everything my brother makes is always delicious!”

Diana laughed and nudged Dighton with her elbow.

Luke also nodded in agreement while looking at Dighton.

Then, as if embarrassed, Dighton scratched the back of her neck and muttered as he looked down at them,

“Yeah, it’s good to enjoy the food, but… do I not get any?”

Dighton couldn’t find a seat at the dining table due to lack of space, and the roast beef was almost gone.

Seeing this, Sorby said slightly reproachfully,

“You do this kind of thing all the time, so you could eat later too.”

“I don’t do it all the time.”

Diana agreed with him.

She said her brother doesn’t do it all the time.

Then, Kirke suddenly remembered something and said,

“But if you want to eat what Luke will make later, you should stop eating now.”

“I’ve already finished everything…”


Dighton cleared the plates while speaking to Luke,

“Well, whatever. Got it? Let’s make it now.”

“Right, I’ll follow your lead!”

It was indeed very delicious.

Isn’t it great to be able to learn things like this?


“… Why did this burn? Is the oven broken?”


Was it because she secretly adjusted the heat in her eagerness to eat quickly?

She thought her control of the firepower through Circle Magic’s was perfect…


But it burned to this extent.

‘Was it a problem to adjust the firepower with the demon dimension in mind?’

Since creatures from that side inherently had high magic resistance, it was natural that it wouldn’t work as calculated.

Why didn’t she think of that?


Despite looking for something to say, Pie couldn’t say anything other than a small sigh.

Luke, holding back her embarrassment, she raised her voice.

“Everyone makes mistakes at first! Well then, I’ll prepare the next one.”

“We’re not showing this to anyone, right?”

She couldn’t show this to guests, of course.

“This is a secret between you and me… So, could you please finish it all?”

“Are you trying to poison me…? Fine, I got it.”

Although Dighton complained, he ended up finishing it all.

Luke’s original dish was small in quantity, and now that the burned part was removed, there wasn’t much left to eat.

But really, how did it happen like this?

Well, since it was originally meat, the taste of the cooked part was quite good.

Afterwards, the newly made roast beef turned out quite decent and tasted good.


“As expected, patience is a virtue.”

“What did you say?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Luke vowed not to use magic when cooking in the future.

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