Published at 6th of June 2024 03:30:41 PM

Chapter 50

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A few weeks after Luke woke up.

She had only recently begun to adapt to this era, thinking that the world had changed so much and was so peaceful compared to the past.


“Run away!”

“Citizens, this way!”

A fleeing crowd, and a few people guiding them.

Luke was curious about what was happening, so she pushed through the crowd and saw someone laughing boisterously and throwing cars in the middle of the road.

No, it was more appropriate to call it a monster. The only human thing about it was that it walked on two legs and could speak.

“Ha ha ha! Is there no one who can stop me?”

The car it threw crashed upside down into the road, making a loud honking noise. Annoyed by the noise, it jumped and crushed the car, silencing it.

Standing arrogantly on top of the destroyed car like a vanguard leader, it had a face resembling a crocodile and wings like a bat’s sprouting from its back.

Its muscles were menacingly swollen, and its skin gleamed a dark blue.

At least it had the intelligence to wear pants. Even goblins and orcs knew to cover themselves. If it could speak, it might as well wear pants.

But what on earth is this monster that runs rampant in the middle of this big city?

Come to think of it, it was very strange. There is no one maintaining security in this large city.

“What has happened in the 5000 years I was gone…?”

Just as Luke wondered if she should step in, she took a step toward the monster.

“Stop, you villain! If you keep this up, the spirit girl Meruru won’t forgive you!”


At the voice of a young girl, Luke immediately turned her head.


She saw a girl, around 13 to 15 years old, wearing a flowing outfit quite different from modern attire, boldly pointing a fancy staff.

‘Is this child the deterrent force of this city?’

It was really strange. She had heard that 15-year-olds were not considered adults in this era. So, she must be a child.

Sending children into battle meant things were desperate, even in war.

This girl was too young to be engaging in vigilante activities.

“Wow! It’s spirit girl Meruru!”

“We’re saved!”

“Go, Meruru!”

Luke was bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

The girl called Meruru winked at the people after a brief glance.

“It’s going to get dangerous from now on, so everyone run away!”

“We’ll cheer for you, Meruru!”

Everyone turned to flee, but Luke couldn’t.

What madness was this? Letting a child handle it while the adults ran away?

Luke couldn’t understand it. She didn’t want to understand it.

If she accepted this, all her efforts, leaving the academy and the magic tower to join the war, would be for nothing.

She had joined the war to reduce the suffering of boys and girls of this era.

Therefore, Luke couldn’t step back.

“Kid, run away quickly!”

Meruru shouted urgently. Luke raised her hand toward her and activated the circle engraved on her heart.

‘Even though it’s just the 1st circle, I have enough magic power to kill the enemy if I use it well.’

If forced, she could manage up to a 2nd circle, and with some luck, even a 3rd circle once.

A monster that could talk likely had high intelligence. It might even use magic. Luke wrapped herself in a shield and lowered her body slightly.

A posture ready to launch herself in any direction.

But the monster, seeing her, laughed again and shouted.

“Ha ha! This kid must be terrified!”

To him, the 10-year-old looked like she was about to collapse with fear.

Luke didn’t bother to correct that perception.

The enemy’s complacency was always to her advantage.


“In that case, I’ll take you as a hostage!”

With a sharp, explosive speed, the monster’s claws shot out.

Luke immediately steadied herself and used temporary 2nd circle magic to coil around the monster’s arm.

Then Luke quickly activated her circle. She wrapped mana around her feet to reduce surface friction. It was basic imbuing magic, usually just making things a bit slippery.

But with Luke’s level of mastery, it was like a wet ice rink.

She fixed mana firmly on two points in the air, creating temporary space anchors connected by a thin line.

‘Grease, Mana Spot, Mana Wire.’

In an instant, a magical trap was created.

The combination of grease, mana spots, and mana wire allowed her to twist the monster’s attack trajectory easily.

With this, the attack will easily miss.

Thanks to the shield, they would be fine even if hit directly, but being thrown into the air made counterattacking impossible.


However, Meruru judged that it was an extremely dangerous situation.



Meruru shielded Luke with her body, taking the monster’s attack herself.

Crash- Bang!

Meruru and Luke flew for a while before crashing to the ground.

Luke immediately checked on Meruru’s condition and shouted.

“Meruru, are you alright?”

“Ugh, I’m fine. And you…?”

Meruru pulled Luke out from her embrace and quickly checked if she was hurt anywhere.

Of course, thanks to the shield, Luke was completely unharmed.

“You look alright. Thank goodness…”

But despite saying that, she didn’t look alright herself.

Due to her youthful appearance, had she exposed this child to unnecessary danger?

Should she have explained things beforehand? But she could not have anticipated Meruru’s agility.

For her to have shielded her from that distance…

Luke gently touched Meruru’s back, which had taken the monster’s blow, intending to tell her not to worry about her.

“You don’t need to worry about me,”

Just as Luke was about to speak, one of the evacuating citizens approached her.

“Meruru, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just take this child to a safe place!”

“Got it, don’t worry. Meruru!”

It happened in an instant.

“Ugh, wait…!”

“Stop, it’s dangerous over there!”

Luke struggled, but the distance between her and Meruru kept increasing due to the citizen desperately carrying her away to safety.


A few days after the incident, a blue spirit introduced herself as Pie and appeared before Luke.


-Become a spirit girl!

“A spirit girl?”

-Right now, you’re the only one in this city with an affinity for spirits!


Indeed, seeing the blue spirit before her, she understood.

Without an affinity for spirits, they wouldn’t even be visible.

“Sorry, Pie. But I am not a girl.”

-Okay, then I’ll call you a lady.


That’s not what I meant…

-Anyway, you must become a spirit girl now! We never know when the monsters will reappear! Meruru is injured and can’t fight right now!

The reason Meruru was injured was probably her fault.

Thinking that made Luke’s chest feel uncomfortably heavy. She groaned and touched her forehead.

“What exactly is a spirit girl?”

-A Spirit Girl is a being who purifies monsters that have transformed through evil hearts into strange beings, giving dreams and hope to people!

Monsters? Purification? Wasn’t it just a monster?

Dreams and hope, what story is this?

Although there was nothing that could be rationally understood, Pie pulled out a wand decorated flamboyantly from somewhere as if that explanation was enough.

-If you want to become a Spirit Girl, take this wand.

At that moment, Luke’s attention was captivated.

Summoning a wand out of thin air?

Opening a subspace requires high-level magic, at least an 8th-circle spell!

With that realization, all previous doubts vanished.

“Where did you summon that wand from?”

-That’s not important at all! If you want to become a Spirit Girl, take the wand quickly. Otherwise, I have to find someone else.

Luke made up her mind.

Curiosity about what a Spirit Girl was played a part, but ultimately, it was guilt and a sense of responsibility that led her to decide.

Wasn’t it her fault that Meruru got injured?

Besides, there’s no way it’s okay for a small child (though Meruru was 25 cm taller than Luke) to fight monsters.

Fighting is something adults should do.

“Fine, I’ll become a Spir… that.”

It seemed awkward to refer to herself as a girl.

-You’ve made a wise decision! From now on, you’re a Spirit Girl!

Pie shouted joyfully.

Luke looked down at the wand she held.

‘This is quite an intricately and complexly engraved wand… but the magic circuit doesn’t seem to be fully functional…’

The wand had a very unfamiliar shape.

Was it because it wasn’t meant for class magic?

Perhaps it was a new type of magic system?

Her curiosity was piqued.


-Then, I’ll teach you the spell right away! What’s your name, young lady?

Her mind froze at the term “young lady.”

Did this spirit really intend to call her a young lady?

“… It’s Luke Irushi.”

-I see! But ‘Luke’ isn’t cute at all, so let’s call you ‘Lulushi’ from now on! It’s a spell derived from Luke and Lucy!

“How can you arbitrarily decide my name!”

Changing her name without permission felt extremely insulting…

-Now, raise the wand and shout ‘Spiriru Piriru, Lulushi transform!’ and you can become a Spirit Girl!

“What kind of incantation is that…?”

Spiriru Piriru sounded like something children would say for fun without any meaning.

However, the incantation had a real magical effect.

Luke could tell that well.

‘Yeah, just because the incantation sounds silly doesn’t mean it should be dismissed…’

Rather, it was quite a good incantation if it was easy to pronounce. ‘Spiriru Piriru’ was very simple to articulate.

However, Luke felt somewhat embarrassed.

She couldn’t pinpoint why exactly.

“Spiriru, Piriru, Lulushi… transform…!”


The room was engulfed in a bright light.

A very strong light.

But her eyes didn’t hurt at all, clearly a magically safe light.

What kind of magic was this, Luke observed the entire process with her magic sight activated.

Then, with a “pyoing” sound, her clothes were enveloped in light and exploded off.


For a fleeting moment, Luke could only watch as her clothes disappeared in the light.

‘Wait, my clothes…?’

They were expensive clothes Yerina bought with a lot of money, and now they just vanished! This was too much!

‘To suddenly make me naked…’

It might have felt slightly chilly, but the light enveloped her like clothing, forming a shape and maintaining a state that was neither cold nor hot. The light approaching her head gently stroked her hair as if brushing it, tidying it up.

In another instant, with a poof sound, the light that had formed the shape of clothes burst out, transforming into a complete outfit.

As if signaling the end of the transformation, the light that filled the room disappeared.

-There, the transformation is complete! Take a look at yourself!

Pie conjured a mirror with magic in front of Luke.

Revealing Luke’s appearance, she saw a cute girl with neatly parted twin-tails, wearing a fluttering outfit with a small vest adorned with a large ribbon and bell on the chest, frills, small ribbons, long gloves, and stockings.

“What is this…!”

-That’s the battle costume of a Spirit Girl!

“Why is changing clothes called transformation! This outfit is not suitable for battle at all! Armor like a knight’s would be much more…!”

-Lulushi, you’re wrong!

Pie said to Luke, as if teaching.

-The source of a Spirit Girl’s power is people’s dreams and hopes. Thick and heavy clothes carry no dreams or hopes at all!


Luke looked down at the outfit she was wearing, covering her body and face.

It was too embarrassing.


‘Indeed, this outfit is enchanted to an incredible degree…’

What she was wearing wasn’t just simple clothes but magic itself.

An array of magical patterns, so complex that their origins and structure were unknown, were interwoven and read by Luke’s magical sense.

Despite the strange design, the enchantments on it were extraordinary, and Luke felt a sudden surge of magical curiosity.

‘If I could fully interpret the enchantments on this outfit…’

Then she looked at the staff in her hand.

‘The magical technology contained in this staff is just as intriguing.’

Embarrassment and confusion washed away from Luke’s face, replaced by insatiable curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

Her eyes were shining brightly.

-It seems you like it now!

Seeing this, Pie smiled at Luke.

Without any idea of what was going to happen next…


On a sunny spring day, Luke was walking through the city.

It could be considered a peaceful day.

While enjoying a leisurely walk in the breeze, she suddenly heard a shout from the blue spirit following beside her.

-Lulushi, there’s a monster reaction over there!

Following Pie’s gaze, Luke saw a monster laughing boisterously while harassing people.

Luke immediately raised her hand and muttered.

“Spirilu Meteor Light Saber.”


“Hahaha! Run away, humans…!”

A pure beam of cleansing light made of pure magic descended from the sky.

The monster was completely obliterated by the white pillar of light.

A hollow conclusion.

-…This is too much, there’s no dream or hope in this…

“Dreams and hopes can bloom even in peace. It’s best to take action before daily life is threatened.”

Once a monster starts rampaging, it’s too late.

The best strategy is to unleash the strongest attack as quickly as possible before any damage occurs.

-Without even transforming!

“I’ve already deciphered the enchantments on that ‘battle costume,’ haven’t I? I’ve embedded those enchantments into all my everyday clothes, so there’s no need to transform.”

Luke had decoded all the magical formulas and spells of the battle costume and personally enchanted all her outfits with them.

She replaced the uncertain magical power source of dreams and hopes with a circle revolving around her heart.

-You even destroyed the staff!

“I didn’t destroy it; I disassembled and miniaturized it. As long as it’s well-equipped, there’s no problem.”

The red jewel that adorned Luke’s chest like an accessory was the former ‘Spirit Girl’s staff.’

By removing unnecessary magical patterns and rearranging them compactly, she could now cast spells without holding it in her hand.

-Something’s wrong, something’s strange…

Pie grumbled.

“By the way, there’s something I couldn’t ask because of all the research and development…”


Luke responded to Pie with a slightly cold voice.

“By the way, how many girls have become Spirit Girls in this way?”

-…I can’t tell you that! I don’t know anything!

The only thing Pie knew was that ‘Lulushi’ was the last Spirit Girl.

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