Published at 17th of June 2024 06:01:13 AM

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Ex-Boyfriend (2)

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Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Ex-Boyfriend (2)

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Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

After that, he said nothing, all turning into a faint chuckle that slowly dissipated beside her ear.

Then, he released her wrist, took a step back, and looked up at her.

In that look, he regained his initial noble and elegant demeanor, an attitude cold as frost. It was as though the warm breaths and the softness of his lips that had approached her just now were nothing but illusions.

Before leaving, Bo Yan even tidied up his clothes slightly, and nodded politely to Wei Jingjing and the others who ran over, greeting them. Wei Jingjing didnt dare to offend him and quickly bowed in respect.

Afterward, Bo Yan took long strides, no longer paying attention to the group behind him, nor to Xia Siyu, who was still standing there in a daze. Without looking back, he walked towards the parking lot, towards his car.

The Maybach started and quickly drove out, disappearing at the end of the road.


On the way back, the atmosphere inside Xia Siyus nanny van was unusually silent.

Xia Siyu was the first to get into the car. After she got in, Wei Jingjing closed the door and began to handle the aftermath with an unusual calmness, Please keep todays events a secret. We are all unclear about the situation, so dont go spreading rumors. You all know about Siyus situation; she is like one with many lice, not afraid of bitingjust another scandal to add to her list. But to offend Bo Yan you should know the consequences.

Little Tang goes without saying, and the makeup artists and bodyguards were all brought by Huixing Agency Company. They were like a team. But the rumors between Xia Siyu and Bo Yan Such news would be worth more than ten million. With such a heavy profit at stake, its hard to guarantee that some wouldnt be tempted. It was best to warn them first.

Although everyone was shocked, they quickly calmed down. Not to mention Bo Yans own team, the Bo Family of Yancheng stood behind him. Even journalists had to show some courtesy; no one dared to provoke him that easily.

Fortunately, at this time, the film and television city had already closed, without any extra staff or tourists around. Otherwise, if someone else saw them kissing and leaked itwould the internet not crash within minutes?

The vehicle wound its way into the city, with Huixing Entertainment situated right at the midpoint of the journey. The two bodyguards and the makeup artist got off at Huixing. Before they left, Wei Jingjing warned them with her eyes to behave themselves. After they left and closed the door, only Xia Siyu, her, and Driver Xiaotang were left in the nanny van.

There were clearly three people, yet the atmosphere in the car was extremely rigid.

Wei Jingjing and Driver Xiaotang caught each others eyes in the rearview mirror, neither daring to breathe too loud.

In fact, Wei Jingjing had been holding back her curiosity all the way. But sometimes its strange, if a small thing happens, she might make a big fuss and investigate thoroughly. If Xia Siyu did something silly again, she might not be able to restrain from complainingjust like the time of the Gold Oscar Film Festival.

But when a real crisis occurred, she became hesitant, not daring to say or ask anything.

It wasnt until the car stopped at the intersection for the traffic light that Wei Jingjing couldnt take it anymore, and under the guise of work, she asked her, What exactly is going on between you and Bo Yan? You have to give me some details, so I can deal with it if anything happens.

Xia Siyu, who had been silent the entire way, leaning on the car seat, showed no expression on her face upon hearing this and just hummed softly, Its nothing much. If you really want to put it into words, he is my ex-boyfriend.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!