Published at 17th of June 2024 06:00:51 AM

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Chapter 53 Kissing Scene (3)

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Chapter 53: Chapter 53 Kissing Scene (3)

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Song Fengzhi hesitated for a moment. Bo Yan was an actor, and actors generally maintain a distance from the public, trying to participate in reality shows as little as possible to avoid being typecast and losing their sense of mystery, which would make it difficult for audiences to immerse themselves in their movies next time.

Moreover, he had signed with the company three and a half years ago and officially debuted in films three years prior, having shot five movies within three years, leaving him no time to join any reality shows. His personality was also the steady type, and to protect his image, the company rarely allowed him to appear on variety or talk shows, let alone reality shows.

If he were to go, this would be his first appearance on a reality show, which was quite significant.

Do you have any idea what kind of show youd like to join, Bo?

Bo Yan leaned back against the sofa, holding a schedule in his hands, his expression unmoved, A travel-themed one, I suppose. Its sort of a paid vacation. Ideally, itd be an overseas trip. In China, just walking around would get me recognized by everyone, and thats not very interesting.

Song Fengzhi nodded, Then Ill bring it up with the company.

Bo Yan added, Of course, if its my variety show debut, it cant be a poor choice. The team should be good, and so should the broadcast platform. As for the price, you guys can decide, Im just going for fun.

After hanging up the phone, Bo Yan looked at the notes on the schedule. There was an obvious circle drawn around Sicily.

As he looked, his gaze sharpened slightly, Sicily, huh

Wei Jingjing arrived at Qingcheng Apartments at nine in the morning.

The shooting was scheduled for twelve noon, and it would take at least an hour to drive there from Qingcheng Apartments.

But she had followed Xia Siyu for three years, and knew her all too well. That girl was the type who, even if living next to the school, would arrive just in time for class. Wei Jingjing rushed over with the makeup artist, instructing Little Tang and the makeup artist to wait in the car while she went to ring the doorbell.

The elevator arrived quickly, and as soon as the door opened, Wei Jingjing charged inside. She had barely taken a few steps when she saw Bo Yan, wearing a white T-shirt and casual pants, walking away from her with his back turned. He must have just taken a shower; his hair was still wet, the clothes clinging to his body as he dabbed the water from his hair. Obviously, the person who had opened the door for her was Bo Yan.

Wei Jingjing watched Bo Yans figure from behind. Although she feared

trouble from these two living together, she couldnt help but sigh at the sight of his good looks. Was Xia Siyu living with such a man every day?

Then, the next second, Xia Siyu emerged from behind the door with her hair a tangled mess, her eyes bleary, and a face full of sleepiness.

Wei Jingjing felt as though reality had slammed into her like a basketball.

Xia Siyu had just woken up. She scratched her head and went to the bathroom to freshen up. The bedroom door was wide open, and Wei Jingjing deliberately looked inside, noting that all the personal items belonged to just one person. Clearly, they werent living together in the same room.

Of course, Xia Siyus room wasas everdisorderly.

Turning back to look at Bo Yan, he had quickly changed his clothes. A man didnt need to dress too fancilysimple T-shirts, casual pants, crisp and clean. Although she didnt know what his bedroom was like, seeing him calmly eat a hot sandwich, brew coffee, and gracefully check his phone while eating breakfast was a sight to behold.

Then there was Xia Siyu, who, after having freshened up, carelessly put on some loungewear and unapologetically took half of his sandwich and coffee..

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