Published at 17th of June 2024 06:00:48 AM

Chapter 60: Chapter 60: Chapter 60 Pajamas (2)

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Chapter 60: Chapter 60 Pajamas (2)

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Translator: 549690339

Unbeknownst to them, nearly four hours had passed, and the two had gone from their initial physical stiffness to now skillfully dancing in time with the music. They approached each other with ease, naturally pulling, embracing, and kissing.

Strangely, the two appeared to be full of desire while acting, but as soon as the director called cut, they would split apart at eight hundred times the speed, showing none of the closeness from moments before.

Wang Ju was almost at his wits end, Cant you two act a bit more naturally? Do you know what natural is?

If it hadnt been for the way they parted so quickly after each cut, and the unabashed disdain in each others eyes, Wang Ju might have suspected that Bo Yan was trying to take advantage of his co-star.

Yet, to accuse him of such wouldnt be quite right; after watching them for a while, Wang Ju realized that it was Bo Yan who actually struggled to let loose.

Bo Yans acting couldnt be called bad; there were layers to his performance. He did the embraces and the rolls, and was quite the gentleman, not making any offensive moves.

After another cut, Wang Ju, standing behind the camera, called the two over to watch.

They had been kissing for four hours, starting after lunch, followed by a script read-through in the afternoon, and now it was already deep into the night.

Time-wise. it perfectly matched the timeline set in the script.

Wang Ju didnt say a thing, but simply played back the segment they had just performed together.

In truth, after meshing for four hours, and since both had prior movie acting experience, this take actually had no major issues.

But as they watched, Bo Yan furrowed his brow, Sorry.

Wang Ju looked at him as he spoke, Its not that my performance was bad, or that because it was too good, it turned out bad. It was patterned, lacking in emotion; I still havent fully immersed myself into the character. Although it might not seem like a problem at first glance, a character without soul is just that to the audience, unconvincing.

Wang Ju nodded, then turned to Xia Siyu.

Frankly, Xia Siyus performance indeed made him take notice. Not to mention her inherent charisma, she seemed to be the more uninhibited one in their interactions, at least physically. But when it came to emotional engagement, she might have even been more reserved than Bo Yan.

This was understandable, though. Despite her formidable reputation in the press, in front of the camera, she was still a woman, and her restraint was normal.

Wang Ju t s silence didnt mean Xia Siyu felt justified.

She had come here to act and naturally hoped to give a hundred percent; otherwise, she wouldnt have gone out of her way to vie for this supporting role. Although Bo Yan admitted his fault quickly, she knew her own performance had been the more rigid one.

It didnt matter if her co-actor was Bo Yan; this was a job, and personal feelings shouldnt interfere with the work.

She took a deep breath, Im sorry, I wasnt fully invested; its my fault. I couldnt fully capture the character.

Seeing both actors own up to their mistakes, Wang Ju breathed a sigh of relief, especially in the case of Xia Siyu, whom he hadnt worked with before and had heard some not-too-flattering rumors about: being a diva and difficult to please.

A long take inherently demanded more effort, and many takes were scrapped, not necessarily due to any fault of theirs.

Lets try it one more time.

Wait, Bo Yan interrupted him..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!