Published at 17th of June 2024 06:00:44 AM

Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Playing Against Each Other (3)

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Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Playing Against Each Other (3)

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Translator: 549690339

She got out of the car right at nine oclock, just as the clock struck the hour.

Xia Siyu was the last to arrive on the red carpet, tried out her scene just as the audition was about to end, and it was the same for filming. It wasnt that she was being a diva; she just genuinely liked to arrive right on time.

As soon as she got out of the car, she remarked, Everyones here? So early.

Shang Feifei glanced at the script, pretending not to hear and not responding.

Bo Yan frowned and said, Not early, we were just waiting for you.

Xia Siyu let out an Oh, not bothered by it. After all, she hadnt been late, so was there really a need to be thirty minutes early just to show how diligent she was?

Shooting began.

The location for the scene Shang Feifei was given was still on-site; she followed the director of Group A to the exterior. Meanwhile, Bo Yan and Xia Siyu were once again crammed into the same small room they had used the night before. At most, they expanded from the small room to the outside, in the dance floor of the bar.

Especially since their script required them to be very close and intimate.

After yesterdays rehearsal, Wang Ju was actually quite confident. Though it had taken four hours to get through the long take yesterday, anyone who has ever filmed one knows that it can take an entire week just to perfect a few minutes of footage. Yet, they had managed to shoot the scene with great tension in only four hours, something even Wang Ju hadnt expected. Although the set had been fraught with harsh criticism, the footage they reviewed afterwards was quite good.

Todays script involved flashback scenes. Xia Siyu would dance, making it clear she wasnt yet playing the role of the madam at that time, with her makeup also looking much fresher. Bo Yans attire also looked more youthful. There was trouble at the bar, and Bo Yan would play the hero, saving Xia Siyu who first tries to break up the fight and later joins in the brawl, ending with the two of them embracing and kissing.

The script was straightforward, and the focus for Siyu today waspole dancing.

Bo Yan also had his work cut out for him. Since there was a fight scene, the production team had arranged for vocal and guitar teachers as well as a martial arts instructor for him.

Their training was separate, with Xia Siyu practicing pole dancing in one room while Bo Yan received martial arts guidance on the other side.

Bo Yan had learned martial arts before, and though he hadnt practiced it in a long time, his regular exercise allowed him to catch on quickly with just a bit of instruction.

After completing his martial arts training, he wanted to practice guitar in the music room. As he passed by the dance studio, he saw Xia Siyu practicing.

He knew Xia Siyu could dance. What he didnt know was how well she could dancea pole dance.

Pole dancing requires flexibility as well as strengthand not just any strength, but full-body strength, involving the legs, waist, and arms.

The dance instructor taught her several basic moves. Had she been unable to learn them, during the actual shooting they could have used a Weiya harness. But after briefly practicing, she quickly got the hang of it, locking her hands and knees firmly around the pole, keeping her head steady while twisting her waist and hips with suppleness.

A simple wave, a toss of the head, and that cold expression could instantly captivate the audience.

l didnt expect Xia Siyu to have such a strong foundation in dance, and her expression management is also up to par. It seems we might not need the Weiya after all, said Wang Ju, who was also passing by and had stopped to watch Siyu with Bo Yan.

Bo Yan didnt say a word, just quietly watched her tumbling, twisting, and dancing unrestrainedly.

For some reason, that cold expression of hers seemed to take him back in time..

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