Published at 24th of June 2024 05:14:17 AM

Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Chapter 83 Marriage (1)

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Chapter 83: Chapter 83 Marriage (1)

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Translator: 549690339

She had been in the industry for many years with a fierce reputation and numerous scandals. But when it came to her romantic life, aside from Bo Yan, it was almost a blank slate.

Although she had been in the entertainment circle for many years, because she rose to fame early on, and despite the criticisms she received, her career remained smooth sailing. Other male actors didnt dare to make a move on her, fearing her ferocity. As for the investors who wanted to, Xia Youbiao stood behind her to discreetly handle them.

She had never filmed provocative scenes, the only exception being with Bo Yan. Her current predicament only amplified her embarrassment.

Because Bo Yan had previously shown such disdain for her, she didnt even feel like he was approaching her now, just that things were a bit chaotic.

Moreover, Wang Ju was still calling from outside, !Siyu, are you done? Weve finished the changes here, come and take a look.

Ah oh, okay, okay, she hastily nodded. Then, switching back, she whispered in a small voice, l need to go out.

l am also discussing the script issues, you can discuss mine first. I am an innocent bystander.

Bo Yans voice wasnt particularly seductive, it was quite normal, even slightly cold. But for some reason, she just felt a tickle in her ears, and maybe because she danced too much today, her legs were also a bit weak, and she almost couldnt stand.

Outside, Wang Ju was still hurrying her, Siyu, whats taking so long? He even turned back and asked Song Fengzhi, Wheres Bo Yan?

Song Fengzhi didnt answer, but Wei Jingjing said with a smile, She might be feeling a bit under the weather today, practiced too hard, and just happened to run into this situation

She deliberately steered the conversation towards menstrual issues, which made Wang Ju unable to say much more, as it was somewhat private.

In the bathroom, Bo Yan glanced at the crown of her head. She had just taken a shower, her hair wasnt completely dry yet, and the slightly damp ends carried a hint of shampoo fragrance.

When he initially stopped her, he hadnt thought much of it. With so many people outside, he could certainly distinguish priorities. After all, both were celebrities, and both did not wish to go public.

His body was actually a few centimeters from Xia Siyu, not completely close, but this distance, where her rising body temperature from nervousness combined with the steam in the bathroom, made the closeness seem even more intimatesomething to yearn for.

Unconsciously, he slowly moved closer to her, until he was only one centimeter away, and even his nose couldnt resist leaning toward her dark hair, wanting to lightly sniff her scent.


Xia Siyu suddenly turned around, her gaze stubborn. But in the next moment, it softened, even becoming somewhat seductive, l did it, so what? Are you going to make trouble for me?

The addiction in Bo Yans eyes quickly receded, and he too was slightly puzzled, wondering what game she was actually playing.

He stayed still, but she moved closer, pulling her hand from beneath his palm. She gently lifted it to rest on his chest, her fingertips playing with the buttons on his shirt inattentively as she said, Why do you pay so much attention to me? Is it because I insulted you today? Or because Im your wife in name, and you cant help but care for me? Or is it thatin fact, you still have me in your heart, youve never forgotten me, you still like me, even want to with me?

At this point, her hand suddenly rose serpent-like, wrapping around his neck, and she murmured softly in his ear, become real husband and wife..

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