Published at 27th of June 2024 05:06:33 AM

Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Tearful Farewell (3)

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Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Tearful Farewell (3)

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Translator: 549690339

In the womens restroom, Xia Siyu was washing her face with the faucet running.

The cool water splashed on her face, and as she looked up, she saw herself in the mirror.

The necklace around her neck was still sparkling, and when she opened the pendant, the photograph inside was clear to see.

In fact, she didnt completely resemble her mother. Her mother was sharper, smarter, more talented, and more resolute. She wouldnt stop until she achieved her goals.

If she couldnt complete the original plan, shed rather self-destruct along with it.

She still remembered being forced by her mother to learn dancing when she was little; if she didnt meet the standard, she would be required to practice over and over again, without meals or rest. If she dared to slack off, her mother wouldnt get angry; shed just throw her out the door and lock it.

No matter how much she knocked from outside, the door would never open.

It was fortunate that they lived in the Chinese District because if it had been in the White District, her mothers methods might have resulted in losing custody.

Back then, life felt so difficult, and she couldnt wait to grow up. Looking back now, it wasnt all that bad at least back then, her mother was still well and by her side.

Lost in memories, someone pushed open the door to the restroom. Xia Siyu quickly closed the pendant and hid it, pretending to wash her hands nonchalantly.

Shang Feifei entered, actually coming to touch up her makeup. One was washing her face, while the other was applying lipstick in front of the mirror.

Neither of them spoke, the only sound was the running water, as if the rest of the world had fallen silent.

After a while, Shang Feifei, looking at the reflection of her face in the mirror, suddenly said, You look a lot like someone.

Xia Siyu replied with a calm face, There are many people who look like me. Take a walk through Hengtian Film and Television City, and you could knock out several little Xia Siyus with a brick. Im like a template for plastic surgery.

Shang Feifei chuckled, You somewhat resemble a dancer who won a gold medal and also an actress who won a Best Actress award, a senior from the past.

Xia Siyu paused.

A gold medal-winning dancer and a Best Actress these two labels obviously referred to her mother, Wen Qunxiao.

But then Shang Feifei seriously shook her head, But she has long since retired. Its said that after that incident, she went overseas and never returned.

Xia Siyu didnt speak; after a long while, she turned the faucet off, her expression serene.

Shang Feifei smiled, l went to a secondary school affiliated with the Dance Academy. I saw tapes of Teacher Wens performances, and I thought your dancing posture resembled hers. But youre right; there are many similar-looking people in the world. Not long ago, there was someone who had surgery to look like me and was determined to debut with my label.

As they spoke, other actresses from the crew entered the restroom, exchanging polite greetings. With people coming in, Xia Siyu and Shang Feifei stopped talking. Shang Feifei left after touching up her lipstick, and since Xia Siyu had just washed her face, she needed to reapply her makeup too.

For a time, people came and went in the restroom, leaving her alone again.

Just as she was about to leave, the door was opened once more.

But this time, the person who entered was Bo Yan.

Xia Siyu was startled, her first reaction being, This is the ladies restroom. Had Bo Yan chosen the wrong place?

Bo Yan shook his head, grabbed her hand at a glance, pulled her into a stall next to them, and closed the door: l have something to ask you.

Xia Siyu was not pleased to see him, l dont have any answers for you.

l Bo Yan started, furrowing his brow as if he wanted to speak, but then the door to the restroom opened again, bringing in several more people..

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