Published at 28th of May 2024 05:46:21 AM

Chapter 169: 159: Many Things Can Be Explained

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Chapter 169: Chapter 159: Many Things Can Be Explained

Translator: 549690339

After Michael finished speaking, the two of them remained silent for a long time.

The silence in the study stretched out infinitely.

After a while, Michael cautiously spoke up: “’s not Daisy Zane...many things can be explained.”

Harton Clark glanced at him.

Yes, this way, many things can be explained.

For example, why Michael’s investigation revealed that Daisy Zane never left Cold Green Village, while the “Daisy Zane” they know now is acquainted with so many people, almost all of them being leaders in their respective fields, and even has her own power in D Continent.

Also, Charles Amos, Wilton Edwards, James Collins...

These were clearly people she had known for many years.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there are many details that are usually overlooked.

She knows too many things, some of which should have been cultivated since childhood. For example, her manners, temperament, and posture. Her pipa playing, her dance foundation...

Moreover, the grandma in Cold Green Village is a mystery. Cold Green Village only has books of various knowledge, but there is no trace of her learning these things.

Her handwriting.

Handwriting can be imitated, but... there are some small habits she isn’t aware of, so she hasn’t changed them either.

The “today” character in “today,” she always hooks the last stroke upward. But in the homework book seen in Cold Green Village, the four characters “today’s homework” were written.

Although the handwriting is childish, the “today” character does not have the upward hook on its last stroke. He should have noticed it earlier.

Besides... that double bed in Cold Green Village... including the double bed, there’s actually room for three people to sleep.

Also... she directly calls by the name Claudia Zane.

It’s not strange to talk to Johanes Miles on the phone and to emphasize those three characters with Johanes Miles. He felt something was wrong at that time, just when she was calling those three characters.

It’s as if she is calling a stranger, someone who has nothing to do with her.

Besides, she doesn’t know how to cook.

According to Michael’s investigation, Daisy Zane’s grandmother was unable to move around easily since Daisy was very young. If she couldn’t cook, what would they eat...

But if she is not Daisy Zane, then who is she? Her name, how old she is, all unknown.

And... where did the real Daisy Zane go?

Why does she impersonate Daisy Zane and imitate her handwriting?

Third Master...” Michael didn’t know if he was having a brain fart or what, but suddenly widened his eyes and said, “If it’s really not Daisy Zane, then... we don’t even know her age. She... couldn’t be underage, could she?”

Harton Clark: ‘

Kevin furrowed his eyebrows first.

The person on the other end of the phone didn’t hear Daisy speak and shouted again, “Come back right now!”

“None of your business.” Daisy said expressionlessly and somewhat impatiently.

“I’ll give you two days. If you don’t come back, I’ll bring people to catch you myself. ”

“You try...” Daisy didn’t finish her sentence when the other side hung up on her.

Daisy looked at the disconnected call...

He seemed quite angry, and she wasn’t even mad that her game was interrupted.

“Any trouble?” Kevin asked casually.

However, what he was actually thinking was...

Another man’s voice.

A young man’s voice.

A man’s voice he’d never heard before.

And a man who dared to yell at her.

“Nothing. ”

Daisy’s attitude made it clear she didn’t want to discuss it further, so although Kevin wanted to know, he didn’t ask again.

Despite claiming nothing happened, Daisy sent a message to James Collins: [Mr. Yun seems to have too much free time lately. Find him something to do and don’t let him come over bothering us.]

James Collins: [No problem, leave it to me.]

After sending the message, Daisy opened up her game again.

But as soon as she opened it, a low battery notification popped up on her phone screen.


She glanced at Anisa, who had fallen back asleep, and didn’t ask her for a charger. Instead, she quit the game and turned off her phone.

Just as she was about to recline her seat and take a nap, a phone was handed to her from the side.

Daisy looked at the hand holding the phone, paused for a moment, and looked up at Kevin.

“Use mine to play.” Kevin said gently.

Daisy hesitated for a moment, took his phone, and unlocked it with the old password.

Then she downloaded another game and logged in with her own account.

Through the corner of his eye, Kevin saw Daisy’s lips curling upward, clearly her mood improved significantly after resuming her gaming.

She really was a little girl.

A very easy-to-please little girl..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!