Published at 28th of May 2024 05:44:25 AM

Chapter 227: 217: The Wicked Couple

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Chapter 227: Chapter 217: The Wicked Couple

Translator: 549690339

“Brook Sister! He is plagiarizing! He is stealing!” Allonzo Hobson continued to yell, “We need to sue him.”

Juan Wright was stunned by his yelling, then he joined him: “Really?”

“Of course it’s true!” Allonzo Hobson’s finger almost poked into the TV, “It’s the same as what I saw in Brook Sister’s painting book.”

“Then we must sue him, Teacher, we can’t take this loss.” Juan Wright also said. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Daisy Zane looked up at Juan Wright, wondering when she got an apprentice.

“Right, let’s contact Austin Allen right now and sue him to death!” Allonzo Hobson said while searching for his cell phone, “What kind of chief designer is he, just a stinky plagiarist! Where’s my phone? Where did I put my phone?”

Charles Amos saw him spinning in circles looking for his phone and handed him the one on the sofa.

Allonzo Hobson took it and searched for Austin Allen’s contact information: “I’m going to sue this dog designer until he cries and begs for mercy. How dare he plagiarize our Brook Sister’s work, does he think we’re dead?”

“Um... Young Master Hobson.” Daisy Zane called out to him as he was about to make the call.

“Brook Sister, don’t worry about it, I’ll handle it, we can’t take that loss.”

“Yes, Teacher, don’t worry!”

Daisy Zane: .

She glanced at Kevin Clark, who was watching her with a look of watching the excitement and not wanting to get involved. Then she called them out again: “Hold on for a moment.

“What’s the matter, Teacher?”

Daisy Zane looked at the two of them calmly, her eyes showing a hint of helplessness. After a moment, she said, “Is there a possibility that the work was designed by me?”

“Yes, it was designed by you. Clayson Ninevara stole it!” Allonzo Hobson said.

Daisy Zane: .

Charles sat next to Daisy Zane’s legs, looked at her speechless face, then looked at Allonzo Hobson, and his childish voice resounded: “My mom means to say, is there a possibility that Clayson is her?”

Charles’ low voice was like a huge rock smashing into the calm lake, causing huge waves. All the people in the living room were stunned.

Michael Jackson, Juan Wright, and Allonzo Hobson all looked at Daisy Zane, while Kevin Clark also looked at her, with a playful smile in his eyes.

After a while, Allonzo Hobson’s phone slipped from his hand and fell onto the carpet, making a dull thud, breaking the frozen silence.

“Brook, Brook Sister... I, I just heard Charles say you are Clayson.”

“Yeah.” Charles answered.

Michael Jackson swallowed, his eyes almost popping out as he stared out straight at Daisy Zane, trying to console himself in his heart.

“As long as you admit it.”

Kevin Clark listened to her triumphant and indifferent tone and laughed, “You’re guarding a gold mine in D Continent. You sell gold to Felix Baker and make a fortune, and get even more with stock shares. Does Felix know?” Daisy Zane: “...Why should he know? The shares I got are not as many as his.” Michael Jackson gasped, her reasoning made so much sense.

Kevin Clark smiled, “From now on, you can set the price of jadeite from D Continent and diamonds from F Continent for Felix. Earn more money and make your wallet fatter.”

Daisy Zane looked at him without speaking.

Kevin Clark patted her head, “It’s our own business, don’t be polite.”

Allonzo Hobson watched the two of them, feeling like a big grudge seed. What a perfect match these two cunning lovers were!

At noon, they all had lunch together, and in the afternoon, several grown men accompanied Charles Amos to play in the backyard.

On such a hot day, several grown men and a child each held a water gun, playing and laughing.

Daisy Zane and Kevin Clark sat in the sunroom, enjoying the air conditioning while watching the group of people.

Daisy Zane, writing a script, commented, “Men remain boys until they die.”

Kevin Clark smiled, peeled a grape, and offered it to her lips, “There’s a fashion show tomorrow. Do you want to go?”

“The Cloud Clothing and Rainbow Skirts one?” Daisy Zane asked, taking the grape without lifting her head.

“You know about it?”

“Yes.” Daisy Zane swallowed the grape, “Did you get the invitation?”

“Yes.” Kevin Clark peeled another one, “My family received five invitations.”

Daisy Zane raised her eyebrows slightly. The Cloud Clothing and Rainbow Skirts brand was well-known both domestically and internationally, with a strong influence. Although it was a relatively young clothing brand, its influence was on par with century-old international brands.

The brand’s founders were Joseph Allen and Shopie Easton.

Cloud Clothing and Rainbow Skirts only made clothes, mainly women’s wear, and occasionally men’s wear. Many domestic celebrities borrowed their haute couture dresses for red carpet events, and some tycoons and big shots also loved their regular wear.

Every year, they sent invitations for fashion shows to these people, making the shows lively and exciting.

It was not surprising that the Clarks received so many invitations at once.

“Want to go together and take a look? There are beautiful dresses,” suggested Kevin Clark.

Daisy Zane looked up at him and felt like he was raising her as a daughter.

“What’s wrong?” Kevin Clark asked, seeing her strange look.

“Nothing.” Daisy Zane lowered her head again.

“Shall we go?”


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