Published at 16th of January 2023 05:50:14 AM

Chapter 58

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"That..." Qi Yangang said, and everyone in the room looked at him, which made him have to straighten his back and make himself look more serious. "Well, I just want to ask, will someone among these people accidentally leak the news?"

"It's possible," said Taoist Xu, who was very accomplished. Few of the people he met were sure. He swept around in front of these insiders, and finally reached out and nodded to the man in the middle, "come out."

The named Xiang Qiang looked at Taoist priest Xu in a panic and waved his hand: "Taoist priest Xu, I didn't..."

"I know it's not you," Taoist Xu raised his hand and motioned him to stand aside. "Sit next to me."

Then the virtual Taoist priest ordered several people to come out. There were only two people left standing. The two men trembled on their shoulders and sweated on their foreheads. Even if they can't meet each other now, they can see that they are guilty.

"Old Taoist, I can only meet each other. I won't do anything else. The rest will be handed over to team Zhao and team Gao," Taoist Xu drank a sip of tea and said with an unfathomable face. "Now the top priority is to have breakfast first."

This suggestion has been highly praised by everyone. Cen Baihe looks at these rumored masters like this... Maverick and feels that he doesn't fit in.

The breakfast was well prepared, with various flavors and styles, and a large table was full. Then Cen Baihe saw that these masters old enough to be his grandparents were picking what they like to eat like children.

Qi Yan quickly helped him choose a suitable breakfast with Cen Baihe. Turning his head, he saw that Cen Baihe had a dull look in his eyes and put a box of yogurt without any trademark in front of him. "These foods are specially arranged for above. You can't eat them when you have money. Try it."

Looking at Qi Yan's shining eyes, cen Baihe didn't say that he often ate these since childhood. He took the yogurt, inserted a straw and drank: "it's good."

"Do you think these masters are different from what you think?"

"It really surprised me," Cen Baihe looked at Qi Yan meaningfully, "but when you think about it carefully, it's not so difficult to accept."

Qi Yan didn't notice Cen Baihe's eyes. He explained to Cen Baihe, "some magicians pay attention to self-restraint, self-discipline and serious rules when practicing. For example, abbot Yun is like this. This road is very difficult. Only a few people can practice to Abbot Yun's level."

"There is also a kind of warlock who pays attention to doing things at will. For example, Taoist Xu and Taoist Shen both go this way," Qi Yan drank a mouthful of milk, "but many people follow the crooked road because they are too free, and they can't get any good results."

"All the masters present here are real masters of Taoism. They don't care about external evaluation and ideas, and only pay attention to their original heart." Qi Yan sincerely admires these predecessors, so when explaining to Cen Baihe, he inevitably reveals this meaning, "But whether it's doing things at will, it's self-restraint and keeping the heart. The final essence is to cultivate the heart. This is that all changes are inseparable from it."

CEN Baihe listened quietly to Qi Yan's explanation and couldn't help thinking that maybe in a few decades, money will be like them, acting willfully and never forgetting its original heart. Although his body is old, his heart can see more clearly than ordinary people. When he looked at these old men and women again, he felt that these predecessors could be loved more.

Although Shen Daochang has a hot temper, she prefers to be vegetarian in the morning. There is half a bowl of vegetable salad in front of her. She has a big appetite. Seeing Qi Yan and Cen Baihe sitting together whispering, she asked, "Xiao Qi, what are you whispering to Mr. Cen?"

"Bai He is very curious about your predecessors. He has a thin skin. I'm sorry to ask you directly. I'll introduce him," Qi Yan smiled with innocence. "Bai He is my good friend. Please take care of him in the future."

"Your good friend is full of noble spirit. I have never seen such a special person in my life," said Taoist Shen, frowning and trying to say something, but when he saw Qi Yan's smiling eyes, he swallowed it back. "Don't worry, since he is your friend, we will pay attention to what we should pay attention to."

Other masters also showed a friendly smile to Cen Baihe.

People with such a noble life style dare not touch a hair of a warlock who wants to die again. Their friars dare not deal with such people, neither offend nor get too close, so as not to bring cause and effect trouble to themselves. Qi Yan, a young man, looks very smart, how can he get involved in such a big trouble. Qi Yan has high cultivation and knows a lot, which is impossible I don't know this, but he still made friends with such a big trouble. Now young people, she doesn't understand it more and more.

However, their practitioners pay attention to one's heart. Although she doesn't quite understand Qi Yan's practice, she doesn't talk about it. This is her most basic respect for Taoist friends.

"Then thank you, seniors." Qi Yan smiled brightly at the masters and sold Meng without psychological pressure.

CEN Baihe smiled and nodded to the masters: "I came too late yesterday and didn't say hello to the masters. Qian... Xiao Qi is still young and bothered the masters."

"You're welcome, Mr. Cen," said master Zhao. "Although master Qi is young, he has helped us a lot. If master Qi hadn't solved the array this time, we wouldn't have thought of such a safe method."

Although they were ready to die before they came, who doesn't want to live when they can live.

When everyone was almost polite, wizard Lin said, "although we temporarily controlled the brake pressure yesterday, there is only more than one day left from the Mid Autumn Festival. I'm afraid the people behind the scenes will jump over the wall and do other things."

"It's almost impossible for these two arrays to be urged by manpower," said Taoist Xu, wiping his mouth and contentedly putting down his chopsticks. "Maybe these people are secretly looking at us behind our backs, waiting for us to see jokes when we fail to solve the array."

"What's good for them when we old guys die?" Wizard Lin shook his head. He really didn't understand what the people behind him were trying so hard to calculate them.

"A big tree catches the wind," Zhao Zhicheng said. "We suspect that this is the dragon vein that foreign forces want to target us."

"Dragon vein?!"

The so-called dragon vein is often mentioned in film and television works. As long as the villains in film and television works blow up mountains and cut down a tree, they can break Feng Shui and cut off the dragon vein. In fact, the dragon vein is not so simple, and the dragon vein in China is not just one. Of course, it is not that anyone who owns the dragon vein can become an emperor. It is purely the artistic processing of film and television works, which still lags behind the facts.

For most people, the dragon vein is invisible and untouchable, but it can protect the mountains and rivers forever, keep the earth alive, and let the people on this earth have a stable living environment. Large scale felling of trees, water pollution and uncontrolled exploitation of resources are actually a kind of chronic damage to the dragon vein.

If you want to forcibly block the dragon vein, you must open mountains and stones, find the array eye of the dragon vein, and then forcibly break the dragon vein with Reiki magic tools and arrays to release the underground vitality and let the dragon vein "die". This is the real way to cut off the dragon vein.

When the dragon vein is cut off, there may be huge natural disasters and large-scale infectious diseases, which is unbearable pain for anyone in China.

Dragon veins exist in mountains and rivers, in all corners of the world, and in every possible place in China. Each dragon vein is the most generous gift of nature to the creatures on this land. If the monks who can protect the dragon vein are dead, or their accomplishments have greatly retreated, who can find and stop them in time when someone pretends to be an ordinary person close to the dragon vein and destroys it wantonly?

"Yes, dragon vein," Zhao Zhicheng lowered his head, got up and bowed deeply to the masters. "I'm not good at learning skills and I don't make any progress in my cultivation. Please take care of yourself. China still needs you."

The masters did not speak, but nodded silently.

"When the state is in trouble, every man also protects it with his own body."

CEN Baihe looked at the empty Taoist priest who said this, remembered his prejudice against such monks, and began to feel ashamed. There are scum in every industry, but it is prejudice and ignorance to deny the whole industry because of these scum.

He thought he was calm and rational, but he actually made the same mistake.

The masters stayed in the villa for another day, but perhaps the sneak attack of the blade behind them has been found, and nothing strange happened that night.

The only one who didn't adapt was Cen Baihe, because after Qian Qian fell asleep that night, he didn't put his legs on him, but the whole person rolled into his quilt. As soon as he gave way, he almost rolled out of bed to the ground.

In the morning, Qi Yan found that Cen Baihe had two dark circles under his eyes and asked with concern, "are you not used to sleeping with two people? Why don't I squeeze with master Zhao tonight and you sleep alone?"

"No," said Cen Baihe, aware that he was in a hurry, so he slowed down. "I dreamed that someone had been chasing me again last night, so I didn't sleep well."


CEN Baihe nodded strangely.

"No," Qi Yan looked around the room. "The Feng Shui in this room is very good, and your life style is so good. How can you have such a nightmare?" it's like the fish was flooded. It's really amazing.

"Maybe I had a dream because I had too many new things in the past two days," Cen Baihe said hurriedly when he saw that Qi Yan almost had to check whether there were strange runes under the carpet. "Why are you barefoot? Put your shoes on quickly."

"It's very comfortable to step on the carpet. It's not cold without shoes," Qi Yan looked down and found a slipper under the bed. "What else?"

"This," Cen Baihe picked up another slipper at the foot of the bed, went to Qi Yan, bent over and put it at his feet.

At this time, he saw that Qian Qian's left foot was a little strange. He didn't have a little thumb. And this foot doesn't seem to be broken by external force, but it doesn't grow naturally. However, although there is one toe less than ordinary people, the foot of money is not ugly at all, but has an unspeakable beauty.

"Scared?" Qi Yan saw Cen Baihe staring at his feet. He thought he was afraid of his feet, so he moved his feet back a little, just covering the soles of his front feet.

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