Published at 16th of January 2023 05:48:50 AM

Chapter 92

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How many meanings?

CEN Baihe was in a mess and noisy. It was like countless people beating gongs and drums in his ears, which not only excited him, but also made him anxious.

He looked up at Qi Yan. Qi Yan's white face was smiling, like the warm sun in early winter. He couldn't help but look at it, take another look, and then sink into the warmth and never wake up again. He didn't know whether to say it or not, because he couldn't bear the pain of losing money.

It's better for Qian Qian not to understand his mind all his life. He doesn't want to be strangers from now on. Even if they stand on the same land, they don't want to meet again.

But... Facing money's eyes, he couldn't hide his feelings, and the impulse in his heart couldn't be suppressed at all.

"That's what I love you," said Cen Baihe. After saying this, he felt that his whole heart was flying and could not fall into reality. "Money, I love you."


CEN second sister stood at the gate, her bag fell to the ground. She looked at Cen Baihe and Qi Yan in horror, as if she had heard a terrible story that she couldn't accept.

"Second sister," Cen Baihe heard the movement at the door and turned to look at it. He saw that the second sister turned away with an ugly face. It was obviously hit by the advertising scene.

"Qian Qian, i..." Cen Baihe turned to comfort Qi Yan, "don't think about it. My sister just..."

"Poof," Qi Yan rarely saw Cen Baihe in such a panic. He didn't have any beautiful thoughts. He just inexplicably felt a little funny. He stood up and said, "today's Day is not very good. It's not suitable to confess."

CEN Baihe: is this his confession rejected?

He also wanted to have the cheek to ask again. Qi Yan's mobile phone rang in a hurry.

Qi Yan looked up at him. He licked his lower lip, hesitated for a few seconds and said, "answer the phone."

Qi Yan smiled at him, pressed the answer button, and then heard the boss crying from his mobile phone. The boss is a particularly rough Southern pure man. He proved by himself that little white face has nothing to do with living in North and south. All people who divide human beings by region are reactionaries. In the four years of college, he had never seen the boss cry, let alone cry so tragically like now.

"Boss, what happened?"

It must not be a small thing to make the boss so sad.

"Money, my parents and my fiancee... No more."


Qi Yan was surprised. Hearing the boss's extremely sad cry, he felt that all the comfort was pale. "You should pay attention to rest. I'll book a ticket right away."

Although the boss was extremely sad, he didn't want Qi Yan to toss around like this: "it's all right. I just want to find someone to talk to. You don't have to come here."

"If you say such polite words again, I'll be angry," Qi Yan said firmly. "Your parents are also the parents of our brothers. I'll give them a ride. Can you stop them?"

The boss held his mobile phone and looked at the photos of his parents in the mourning hall. He burst into tears.

Qi Yan listened to the cry on the other end of the mobile phone. He was also very depressed. He looked up at Cen Baihe, "Baihe, what can I say when I come back? I'm now..."

"I understand," Cen Baihe reached out to touch Qi Yan's head and smiled gently at him, "don't be sad. I'll take you to the airport."

Qi Yan nodded slightly and walked out stuffy behind Cen Baihe. Just got on the bus, Lin Shuo and Wang hang called one after another. Lin Shuo recently asked for a lot of leave, so he was busy doing a scientific research topic. It would take a few days to pass. Wang hang worked in his own company, and no one dared to say he skipped the shift. So after saying hello to his father, he made an appointment with Qi Yan to meet at the airport.

Fortunately, it's the off-season of tourism recently. It's not difficult to book even the ticket on that day. Cen Baihe asked someone to book two high-class tickets to S Province. He deliberately enlightened Qi Yan's mood along the way. "I'll arrange the reception vehicles and drivers for you in S Province. It's much more convenient to have a local driver in a strange place."

"Thank you." Qi Yan's throat choked. He had no parents, so he especially hoped that his friends and families around him would be happy and loved by his parents. Now when the boss has such a thing, he can guess how sad the old meeting is without thinking.

"You don't have to say thank you to me. As long as you go to S Province and take good care of yourself, you are the best thank you to me," Cen Baihe patted Qi Yan on the back and said to the driver, "stop at the intersection in front."

When the car stopped at the intersection, a young man in a suit put a ten inch suitcase into the trunk.

It was a miracle that there was no traffic jam all the way to the airport. Cen Baihe got off with Qi Yan and brought out the suitcase in the trunk: "you may have to stay for a few days. Just now you were in a hurry, so I arranged for someone to prepare some sets of clothes for you."

"The temperature in S Province is a little warmer than ours, but the temperature difference between day and night is large. You should pay attention not to catch a cold. Call me if you have anything. I'll rush there immediately. Even if I can't catch up, there are my contacts in S Province. Don't let yourself be wronged. Don't give face to people who don't have eyes. I'll support everything for you."

CEN Baihe was still talking. Qi Yan suddenly reached out and hugged him: "I'll be back soon. Don't worry, Baihe father." then he picked up the suitcase on the ground and went into the nearest entrance.


The volcano erupted, the comet hit the earth, and the dinosaurs were all resurrected in the Jurassic era. Cen Baihe was stunned. He could only watch Qi Yan enter the entrance of the airport hall.

"Five little, five little?" the driver saw that Cen Baihe had never got on the bus. When he opened the door and got off the bus, he saw Cen Baihe standing in place and whispered, "five little, don't stop here for too long."

Today's weather is not hot. Why are wushao's ears and face so red?

"Qian Qian, this way!" when Wang hang saw Qi Yan, he waved to him, "time is running out. Let's go to check in."

Neither of them had much luggage, so after they got the boarding pass, they didn't check their luggage. After the security check, they went to the boarding gate.

Wang hang was not very interested. He dragged a small suitcase and said to Qi Yan, "money, haven't you calculated for the boss before?"

"Yes," Qi Yan was silent for a moment. "His parents had a long life."

"You mean, the cause of death of uncle and aunt is suspicious?" Wang Hang's volume suddenly increased, which attracted several people to look back at him. He didn't care about other people's eyes and hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?"

"I don't know now," Qi Yan shook his head. "Third, nothing can be 100% sure. Even a butterfly flapping its wings may cause a tsunami. How can people's life and death remain unchanged?"

Wang hang heard the silence. Maybe Qian Qian was right. If a person believes in his life, what hope and surprise does he have in his life?

At more than six o'clock in the evening, Guo Kejia was waiting in the living room. Before coming to the airport, the general manager personally called him to the office and asked him to receive the distinguished guest from the imperial capital well these days. What the other party wants to do, he should cooperate in the whole process and should not let the other party have any dissatisfaction.

As the Royal driver of the general manager, he is very trusted by the general manager. This time, the general manager handed over the matter to him, which shows how important the person who came this time is. Although the general manager did not explain the identity of this person, it can be seen that the general manager has contributed his best car to meet this distinguished guest.

Fortunately, the distinguished guest is a man. If he is a woman, he must think this is the wife of the big boss.

Holding up the reception card in his hand, Guo Kejia was afraid that the distinguished guests would not see him, so he specially thickened his name with a paint pen. The big screen indicates that the flight from DIDU has landed. Why hasn't anyone come out after 20 minutes?

Just when he was worried that he didn't receive anyone, two handsome young men with suitcases came out. One looked lively and sunny, and the other looked friendly and lovely, which attracted the attention of many passers-by. They seem to be used to being luminaries, so they are not uncomfortable with passers-by's eyes. Instead, they bow their heads and whisper something.

The friendly and lovely young man looked up and seemed to notice the pick-up card in his hand, so he walked up to him: "Hello, this is Qi Yan. Are you the receptionist arranged by Mr. Wang?"

"Hello, Mr. Qi. I'm the assistant to the general manager of Yuxiang hotel. My surname is Guo. Mr. Qi just calls me Xiao Guo." although Mr. Qi looks very gentle, Guo Kejia doesn't dare to neglect at all. He smiled at Wang hang next to Qi Yan. "The car is parked in the parking lot outside. Please follow me."

"I'll trouble Brother Guo these days," Qi Yan introduced Wang hang. "This is a friend with me, surnamed Wang."

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

"Hello." Wang hang looked at Qi Yan and saw that the receptionist's attitude was very friendly. Did Cen Baihe arrange it?

"Mr. Qi, I don't know where you and your friends are going?" Guo Kejia whispered after leaving the airport. "If you two don't have any arrangements, you can stay in our hotel. We've prepared the room."

Qi Yan looked at his wrinkled clothes with Wang hang, "let's go to the hotel to take a bath and change our clothes."

"OK!" Guo Kejia breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He often received some senior executives from the head office. These people often say one thing and do another, which makes people uncertain what they want to do. People who have something to say like this make people more worry free.

When he arrived at the hotel, Wang hang saw that the hotel arranged for them here was the presidential suite. After changing his clothes, he said to Qi Yan, "Cen fifth master is really interesting to you."

This is simply the whole process tracking service, even my father.

Qi Yan thought of what Cen Baihe said before he left and said with a smile, "if he wants to give birth to such a big son as me, I'd really like to call him father."

Wang hang suddenly remembered that Qian Qian had no parents. He felt that he was too short of saying this, so he turned off the topic, "it's more than seven o'clock now. Do we have to go to the boss?"

"Go and have a look first," Qi Yan sighed, "otherwise I don't trust."

Wang hang nodded in silence and did not object to Qi Yan's proposal.

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