Published at 23rd of January 2024 06:09:46 AM

Chapter 341

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Chapter 341

The ones currently fighting the summoned minions in the sky were China’s esteemed fighter jets, the J-32. These high-tech fighter jets were equipped with air-to-air missiles, glide bombs, and guided bombs with which they could pinpoint and attack precise locations!

In the era where magic was essential, the fighter jets were naturally also equipped with various magic artifacts, including invisibility magic.

As could be seen from these fighter jets, the Chinese military had some kind of plan. The people in the city had said things like “Are you initiating a bombardment now? Are you insane?!” However, the Chinese military wouldn’t just bomb an area full of civilians unless they were crazy.

-Can we really just destroy the shield?

-Don’t worry. If we use the power of the artillery brigade and the power of a constellation, we’ll be able to break through the defense. From now on, we are going to burn the vampire with a precise bombardment!

-There are complaints from the hunter clans gathered at the scene right now. No matter how many self-propelled guns and howitzers we use, it won’t help. I’d rather ask the hunters to support us with their magic power...

-Isn’t it the same with hunters? They can’t break the shield! Almost all of them are arrogant and get all sorts of special treatment! Didn’t they whine for military support during the last monster wave when they thought they were at a disadvantage?

In any country, the hunters and the army didn’t get along very well.

The hunters looked down on the military and claimed that they never helped during monster waves. Meanwhile, the military hated hunters because they always ended up asking for their help when they found themselves in trouble, and then they still sucked up all the rewards.

That was especially true in China, where people in power had rigid mentalities and internal conflicts were widespread.

-If you can’t pierce or break the shield itself, the clan leaders will be humiliated.

-Don’t worry. We’re using new shells this time.

-...Is it a newly developed shell from the research institute?

The reason the officer had asked that question so anxiously wasn’t because he was worried about the power; it was because he wasn’t confident at all in their internal production of weaponry.

-No, we’re using ammunition imported from the United States.

-Ah, then it should be fine.

-There is also the power of the constellation!

After carefully planning the operation, the military units gathered near the city initiated the artillery fire. At the same time, the fighter jets also entered the battle and prepared to coordinate.

-What? Isn’t it more powerful?

-It doesn’t make sense... But it’s actually more powerful! The amount of magic power has increased significantly!Thê ïñčëptïøn øf thïš çøntënt çån bë tråçëd tø n0v€1b¡n★

-What? Have they developed a new weapon?

-But the Academy of Military Sciences isn’t even that good...?

The Chinese hunters in the city watched the bombardment with shocked expressions. Unfortunately, the Chinese military and the Chinese research institutes weren’t very trustworthy when it came to raids.

Distrust had been building up ever since the Abyss gate had opened. After all, it was to be expected, given how many times the party lied about weapons, claiming that they could wipe out A-grade monsters when in reality they barely functioned.

-By the way, this power really is no joke.

-Did they make a contract with an evil god constellation?

-How can you say something like that? They must’ve really developed a new weapon.

-Wow... The Academy of Military Sciences is finally showing some results for all those tax money...?

-I hope they’ll provide support for raids in the future.

The hunters kept debating on how the military had managed to come up with such powerful weapons, but they were suddenly stopped by something above them.

A fighter jet had just fired a missile through a hole in the shield.


-Isn’t this amazing?!

Even the hunters who hated the military couldn’t help being impressed by their coordinated attacks! They had weakened the shield with artillery fire, made a hole in it, then fired a smart missile through it with precision to snipe the boss monster!

This was the pinnacle of human science and technology. Of course, there was also magic involved, but when witnessing such innovation and tactical prowess, one couldn’t help feeling a sense of pride in the achievements of humanity...

-...Wait. Uuhh... Where is it going??

-Hey! Why is that thing going down?

The delighted hunters were suddenly startled and pointed toward the missile, which, instead of detonating mid-air, was heading toward them.

-What the hell is this?! Hey! Stop it!

-I... I can’t stop it now.

The hunters at the scene tried to grab the officer by the collar, but it didn’t make a difference. Everyone present had a terrible premonition.

‘It’s ■■■ing over’

Then, with a dazzling white light, the missile disappeared.


“I don’t know why they accepted the offer of an evil god constellation,” Choi Yeonseung grumbled as he used Air Steps.

There was a misconception that people couldn’t fly without using magic, but Choi Yeonseung’s movements had become limitless after mastering martial arts. After all, would he have defeated countless enemies if he could only move around on the ground?

Choi Yeonseung jumped through the air in quick succession and caught up with the flying missile.

‘If I touch it the wrong way, it will instantly explode.’

After realizing that something was wrong, they turned their cameras to where the hunters were looking. A fighter jet launched missiles at them...?

“Nothing is going on! Hey! Stop filming!”

The soldiers rushed over to control the situation. No one could’ve imagined that this would happen.

“Why aren’t you helping? Please help!” the soldiers shouted at the hunters. No matter how pissed off the hunters were, they were still Chinese, so they should help.

“...Would you cooperate if you were me, you crazy bastard?!”

“You’re taking us for idiots...!”

Of course, the only thing the soldiers received from the hunters were heavy punches. They tried to withstand the attacks, but they were soon overwhelmed.



“If you can’t manage to stop your shitty missiles from blowing us into pieces, you should help us with everything you can! You always take the cores and everything else after raids, but now you’re doing something like this?! Take care of this mess! I’ll kill you if you mess with my clan!”

“Just go in there and die!”

The reporters filmed with excitement the rare scene of Chinese hunters and soldiers fighting with each other.

It was a real scoop!

“...Haven’t you seen enough? Why the hell are you still recording?!”

“U-uh... I was taking photos up there. Shouldn’t I get that?”

At the reporter’s words, the hunter who scolded him looked up. The missiles were melting away one by one.


‘I got all of them.’

Choi Yeonseung landed on the rooftop of a nearby building, his countenance riddled with exhaustion. He wasn’t tired because he had used too much internal energy or anything like that; he could just replenish his internal energy whenever he wanted.

Rather, he was mentally exhausted because of the pressure; if he had missed one missile, the entire city would’ve been destroyed. He didn’t have to care about destroying the surroundings or causing casualties when he fought in the Abyss. He could just go ham...

[You have obtained a lot of respect.]

[The power of existence has risen.]

[The power of a constellation...]

[The realm of martial arts has grown stronger!]


Choi Yeonseung was puzzled by the sudden world messages.

‘What did I do just now?

You... You crossed the line.

“Let’s stop here,” replied Choi Yeonseung, irritated. He had already repelled everything the explosion constellation had thrown at him.

The fighter jets had disappeared as well. It seemed that the chaotic bombing had scared off the Chinese High Command, causing them to order the jets to retreat.

Do you think I have no other way to destroy this city?

“Do you?”

Don’t underestimate the power of a constellation, you arrogant mortal! I can do anything I set my mind to!


Choi Yeonseung suddenly felt a large amount of power of existence coming from the explosion constellation.

‘That crazy bastard?!’

A constellation could crush mortals whenever they wanted, and the explosion constellation could do that if he unleashed all the power of existence he had.

The difference in power was so great that if a constellation and a mortal fought, the mortal would stand no chance.

...They would lose everything!

‘Is he really going to do this?’

-We’ve provoked him too much...!

The moment the goddess of sloth gave a warning, the other constellations, who had been spectating, proceeded to lend Choi Yeonseung their powers.

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ is warning you of danger! He grants you the ‘Power of Existence Wings’!]

[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ screams that it is dangerous! She is concentrating on ‘Future Sight’!]



Choi Yeonseung was genuinely moved by how quickly the other constellations jumped to his aid. He generally thought of them as a nuisance, but at such moments of crisis, they could be good allies!

[The ‘Warrior Stained with Madness and Blood’ sends you his blessings!]

‘...Why is he sending it?’

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