The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 11

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:59:09 AM

Chapter 11

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After completing their mission of subduing the magical creatures, Felix and the knights returned to the vicinity of Carpasinus Castle and set up their tents.

Felix leaned back against a large tree trunk and comfortably sat down. Catching magical creatures had been a way for him to release stress. Despite the hardships of living in exile, he found this nomadic life more relaxing than being confined to the royal palace.

Through the process of capturing magical creatures, Felix had honed his control over his overflowing magic power. The fact that the blood of the Black Dragon, who was now peacefully asleep, was in his body played a part, but his physical strength had also grown stronger day by day.

“Your Majesty, I will go to the nearby village to procure provisions,” Hubert said, checking that the tent was properly set up and taking a deep breath.

“No need to address me as ‘Your Majesty.’ Just go to the village and get the supplies. Rest assured, I’ll stay here in the tent,” Felix replied, glancing at him as he sat down.

“Understood. I’ll be back shortly, Your Maj… I mean, Sir Felix.”

With a bright smile, Hubert mounted his horse and quickly rode towards Carpasinus Castle.

Watching his departing figure, Daisy fluttered over and spoke to Felix.

[Will he go and get plenty of those exotic fruits like last time?]

Perching on his shoulder, Lupinus spoke.

[I would love to see you enjoy your meal again.]

The affectionate smile directed at Felix was pure and unwavering.

The fairies loved Felix unconditionally. It was as if their existence depended on him, and he was the sole reason for their lives.

Listening to the fairies’ chatter, Felix rested his head against something and closed his eyes. Even though he no longer ate any tainted food, he suddenly felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

As Hubert entered the castle, he immediately looked for the woman with cyan-colored hair who had sold fruits before. They had met near the castle gate last time, so he naturally assumed she would be here.

It didn’t take long for him to spot a crowd gathering around a certain area. Hubert had a hunch that she would be there.

Various mercenary groups surrounded her. The petite and slender Sylvia, hidden among the burly mercenaries, was enthusiastically engaged in conversation with them, much like a charismatic vendor.

“It’s not every day that I come here. But once you taste this fruit juice, the flavor is just out of this world. And let me tell you how good it is for your body. Oh, sir over there, are you the type who spends a long time in the bathroom? If so, you should try this plum juice. Your complexion will be incredible by tomorrow!”

The red-haired man chuckled, speaking to Sylvia.

“It’s not just me; our whole mercenary group is like that. Can you believe they even ask during the job interview how long it takes us to use the restroom?”

The green-haired man standing next to the red-haired one chimed in.

“Yeah, they say someone who can finish their business in one go is blessed by the gods. But can a juice like that really make constipation disappear? I mean, I trust Sylvia, but…”

The green-haired man, who had bought fruits from her several times before, chuckled and spoke.

Sylvia wore a professional smile on her face, thinking to herself, ‘Of course, I knew this would happen. Boasting about eating only meat and not getting constipated? Even I, who stayed here for a while, felt like I would die from constipation.’

She knew it was the perfect timing to show them what she had prepared. From her dimensional bag, she took out a large wooden water container and cups and handed a full cup of plum juice to the green-haired man.

“When did I ever say I would just sell without trying it myself? I eat and taste everything before selling it. Isn’t that right?”

The green-haired man stared at the red and yellow-filled juice and swallowed his saliva with a gulp. The juice, filled with ice, looked extremely refreshing.

Standing under the scorching sun, the man didn’t hesitate and downed the juice in one go. Each sip was tangy, sweet, and extremely delicious.

“What is this?”

His eyes widened in surprise at the taste he had never experienced before. Sylvia took out more cups from her bag and offered a sip to the people around her.

“What’s this? Is it really that good?”

Curiosity filled their voices as they eagerly accepted the wooden cups and took a sip.

“It’s delicious!”

“I didn’t know such fruits existed!”

The people around her exclaimed with delight at the unexpected and delightful taste.

The people, who were completely captivated by the taste of the fruit, began placing their orders with Sylvia.

“I’ll take a whole container.”

“I want two containers! I want to give some to my wife and children at home too.”

Sylvia flashed her white teeth as she smiled in response to the incoming orders.

“A whole container is one silver coin. It’s a very reasonable price, you know. I’m a fair merchant, you see.”

“I know, but after trying your fruits, I can’t afford other expensive ones.”

“For a cup, it’s 20 korums.”

She took out the containers she had prepared in the dimensional bag and started selling them to the eager customers. The plum juice was quickly sold out, despite her thinking that she had prepared a sufficient amount.

“Today’s sales will end here. I’ll be back tomorrow, so please spread the word!”

“Don’t worry! I’ll make sure the word gets out,” one of the customers said with enthusiasm.

“Ha-ha, thank you. See you tomorrow then.”

After bidding farewell, she noticed Hübert hurrying to catch up with her.

“Wait, please.”

Sylvia turned back, thinking she heard someone calling her while chatting with Eryngium.

Hübert, who had been following her on his horse, caught up and showed a relieved smile. He dismounted from his horse and quickly asked with an urgent tone: “Could you please wait for a moment?”

“Do you have all the fruits for sale, or just the juice?” Hübert asked, thinking about Felix, who hadn’t been eating well during the monster hunt. He was worried about returning empty-handed after coming all the way to buy fruits from the woman, only to find the sales had already ended.

Upon seeing his dark blue hair, Sylvia recognized Hübert. At that moment, Eryngium, perched on her forehead, exclaimed in surprise, [Huh? Hübert?]

Sylvia briefly glanced upward and then carefully observed the man in front of her. Eryngium happily flew around him, seemingly recognizing someone related to the novel’s protagonist.

After a moment of contemplation, Sylvia smiled and spoke, “Are you here to buy fruits? We sell both fresh fruits and fruit juice. How much do you need?”

Relieved by her positive response, Hübert let out a deep sigh.

“I’m glad to hear that. Our commander really enjoyed your fruits. If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to buy everything you have.”

Thinking about the content of the novel and how difficult things must be for him now, Sylvia wanted to help him somehow, especially since the fairy seemed so happy to see him.

“I don’t have any right now, but if you don’t mind, would you come to my house? I’ll give them to you there,” Sylvia kindly offered.

Hübert was moved by her kindness and bowed gracefully, saying, “You are truly kind. I will never forget this favor.”

Seeing his polite demeanor, Sylvia’s face softened with a slight smile.

‘He’s handsome and has a good personality too. It seems like the men next to the protagonist are indeed different.’

She had noticed it before, but the man was undeniably handsome. He exuded an aura of elegance and charm that suited the description of a well-groomed, beautiful man. Perhaps due to his water magic skills, there was a calm and gentle atmosphere about him.

Sylvia nodded once in agreement and took the lead, while the sound of footsteps followed closely behind. Eryngium, who had been continuously muttering something, was chirping behind them.

[Really, it’s been a while. Has it been half a year? When did I go there… Wait, when was it?] Eryngium kept mumbling to itself, but Sylvia couldn’t stop the cute fairy from rambling on.

‘Why do you keep muttering to yourself? You’re so noisy.’ She thought playfully, unable to silence the adorable creature.

Leading Hübert to her modest house tucked away in a corner of the castle, Sylvia couldn’t help but smile when she saw his satisfied expression.

On their way, Hübert left his horse at a place for the caretaker and followed Sylvia with just his spatial bag in hand. He had hurriedly followed her, but now that they were about to enter her home, he felt quite awkward.

After Sylvia entered her house first, she said, “I don’t like anyone coming into the kitchen. If you don’t mind, please wait here on the sofa. It will take about 30 minutes, is that okay?”

“That’s fine, take your time. There’s no rush,” Hübert replied, feeling grateful for Sylvia’s considerate smile, even though her request might have seemed a bit rude.

Following her words, he obediently sat down on the sofa. Sylvia then went into the kitchen and returned with drinks and some snacks.


As Hübert saw what was placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa, his eyes widened in surprise.

“What’s this…?”

He asked briefly, looking at the unfamiliar snacks. Sylvia smiled softly and explained, “These are dried slices of citrus fruit, and these are dried dates. When fruit is dried like this, it intensifies the flavor, and the texture becomes like that of a snack, making it a delicacy. And this is juice made from pears, which is refreshing to quench your thirst. Please try them first.”

“Alright, I’ll have some.”

With a slightly puzzled expression, Hübert thanked her, and Sylvia smiled brightly before heading back to the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, Sylvia thought to herself, ‘I should show off my cooking skills for once.’

She decided to make some special treats for her guest, Hübert, and returned to the living room with a tray of delicious snacks and beverages.

At this time of the story, the protagonist, Felix, would likely be fully immersed in subduing the monstrous beasts and honing his magical and sword skills. Even though Felix himself might not eat the food Sylvia prepared, his loyal subordinates would surely enjoy it.

Sylvia’s wrist was exposed, and her magical tattoos glowed with a faint light. Not only her wrist but also places on her thighs, calves, and the tops of her feet had various intricate magical tattoo designs.

Having gained the ability to control wind magic, tattooing had become much easier for her. If she could refine her wind magic further, she even wanted to place magical tattoos on places her hands couldn’t reach.

She manipulated the abundance of magical power flowing through her body to conjure water magic and rinse the vegetables. Then, with the wind magic, she swiftly sliced them.

The ingredients were pumpkin, eggplant, and tomatoes. She thinly sliced them and arranged them neatly on a platter, lightly sprinkling salt and pepper. Afterward, she brought out a pan and drizzled the olive oil she had pressed from olives the previous day using her fire magic. While heating the pan with fire magic, she chopped onions and garlic finely with her wind magic and added them.

Once the onions and garlic became fragrant, she peeled the tomatoes and crushed only the pulp with her wind magic, placing it into the pan. Next, she used her plant magic to cultivate parsley and chopped it very finely with her wind magic before adding it to the pan.

Finally, after adding a bit of salt and water, she sautéed it until the sauce was complete. She lined the bottom of a large, shallow pot with the sauce, then stacked the pumpkin, eggplant, and tomatoes on top of it.

She used her wind magic to spray olive oil on the surface and evenly sprinkled Parmesan cheese on top.

Cheese was abundant in this world.

Just as chickens were giant, so were cows and other livestock. With such enormous livestock, the amount of milk they produced was immense. Sylvia used that milk to create various types of cheese and butter, and it seemed like there were more varieties of cheese in this world than on Earth.

The cheese she just sprinkled might have been called “Parmesan cheese” loosely due to its resemblance, but it was definitely a different type of cheese.

After all the preparations were done, she closed the lid of the pot and simultaneously used fire, wind, and water magic.

The fire magic moved within the pot, surrounded by the wind as if the fire’s energy was being drawn inside. Meanwhile, the wind and water magic combined outside, creating the right humidity.

While paying attention to this process, Sylvia took out some eggs she had bought in advance from her spatial bag. She turned them into egg mix and added various chopped vegetables, seasoning them with salt and pepper.

Beside the three existing magics, she expanded the wind magic and poured the egg mix on top. It was like placing a gas flame under a frying pan. The wind’s wide surface allowed the egg mix to cook evenly, resulting in a rolled omelet, just like making sushi rolls.

The completed rolled omelet was evenly cooked as she circulated the wind and fire magic around it.

In her small garden, Sylvia was growing vegetables she had tried in Korea before. Interestingly, when grown here, the fruits were much larger. Perhaps everything grew larger than her standards because the rolled omelet she made after a long time was longer and thicker than her arm’s length.

Finally, she grilled the steak to perfection and cut it into small pieces. She drizzled olive oil to coat them evenly and started assembling the bento box that she had prepared as a sample before starting her business.

She neatly arranged the food inside the wooden lunchbox, adding the rolled omelet, and the just-made ratatouille was preserved using wind magic so that its shape remained intact in the lunchbox.

Sylvia was satisfied with the result and closed the lid of the bento box. It was now ready for sale, and she hoped her hard work would be appreciated by the customers. With everything prepared, she returned to the living room, where Hübert was waiting patiently.

Sylvia cut various vegetables, drizzled olive oil, salt, and pepper generously, and then sprinkled a large amount of lemon juice over them. She mixed everything well and filled the wooden lunchbox to the brim.

Before she knew it, the stacked lunchboxes were about the width of her two arms and consisted of five layers. It looked like there were about 50 cm in length.

Next to the lunchboxes, she placed five 50cm-long wooden water bottles, each containing different juices – pear juice, plum juice, apple juice, carrot-celery juice, and cucumber-kiwi juice.


Sylvia wiped the sweat from her forehead and went out to her garden. She used the plant magic circle to grow fruits specifically for Felix.

It seemed unlikely that he would eat fruits without peels, and things that were too difficult to peel wouldn’t be favored either.

“Hmm, what would be good? What should I give him?”

From now on, she had to soothe the protagonist’s heart, even indirectly.

Otherwise, she knew well how the continent would turn out later.

Just imagining it made her body tremble.

“I’ve barely adapted now, but I can’t die like a dog.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!