The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 25

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:59:09 AM

Chapter 25

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Felix easily dispatched the monster with his massive sword. The serpentine creature attacked from multiple angles, moving its legs with the agility of a quadrupedal animal. It was incredibly fast, and if it weren’t for Felix, it would have taken at least six people to handle it.

However, Felix swung his Buster Sword with a powerful motion, effortlessly severing the legs one by one.

With a thud, a severed leg fell to the ground, and the head split in half, drenched in the creature’s blue blood. Felix wiped the blood from his face, his expression unfazed.

Squirming sounds echoed from the ground as the monster’s blue blood sprayed out. Felix stood resolutely and checked each body part to ensure they contained the peculiar fragments.

The sound of scraping metal arose from the ground. Felix, who had jumped up from his position, swung the Buster Sword once again.

Scrik, scrik.

With a determined expression, he swung the sword without hesitation, quickly finishing off the remaining monsters. Nearby, Hubert, Dennis, and the other members gained confidence and increased their efforts.

Around them, everything was a strange shade of blue. It wasn’t the beautiful sky-blue or lake-blue; it was a grotesque and unpleasant shade.

With a thud and a squelch, one after another, the severed monster parts fell to the ground. The members meticulously inspected each one. The monsters carried peculiar fragments within them, resembling stones or gems. These unique essences were used as proof of their kills. Each essence had a slightly different color, with higher-ranked monsters having more transparent essences.

After finishing their cleanup, the members of the Croban unit gathered together. Hubert used water magic to cleanse them all, leaving them refreshed.

“Whew. Thanks, Vice Commander.”

With their freshly cleansed bodies, some of their fatigue had dissipated. They hadn’t slept or bathed properly for three days, focusing solely on hunting monsters. The extreme exhaustion made them all feel like collapsing on the spot and getting some rest.

“What should we do about the lunch that Lady Sylvia provided? Commander, any thoughts?”

Normally, Felix would have just found some food and eaten hastily. The other members might have hunted wild boars or wolves and Felix might have foraged for unknown fruits nearby.

However, he now knew the taste of something better, the comfort of a warm bed.

His deep black eyes gleamed for a moment.

“Let’s have a feast.”

At his short command, the weary members who had been sitting on the ground cheered. The sun had already risen, and its red rays filtered through the blue bloodstains. With a loud crunch, they stepped on the peculiar violet-colored ground.

The Croban Mercenary Unit quickly rode their horses and entered through the Third Gate. They followed the familiar path and, leaving their horses behind, walked towards Sylvia’s home.

Even within the castle, they had to travel quite a distance to reach Sylvia’s house. When they arrived and saw the exterior of the house from a distance, Dennis muttered.

“It’s different from last time.”

In response, Hubert nodded. The shabby wooden house they had initially seen had disappeared. In its place was a massive structure that resembled a colossal tree.

Small branches intertwined along the walls of the tree-like house, covered in lush green leaves, flowers, and fruits.

It was markedly different from the surrounding, worn-down houses.

Standing in front of Sylvia’s house, Hubert knocked on the door. However, there was no response. As they suspected the house might be empty, the members seated themselves in the vicinity.

The fairies that had been around Felix fluttered up again. Their movements were different from when the monsters had been present.

[I almost got a rotten nose!]


[Ugh, I really hate monsters!]

They expressed their negative feelings about the monsters. Therefore, the fairies had shrunk back into Felix’s armor.

Nevertheless, even with their aversion, they expressed discontent.

[Where’s that lovely fragrance coming from?]

Poppy wrinkled her tiny nose and said, [It’s me, I think.]

Clover also sniffed around and said, [It seems like the fragrance is coming from the flowers. Hmm, it feels like our flowers.]

Lupinus turned her head towards the back of the tree and said, [The flowers on this tree don’t seem to be the source, but it feels like it’s coming from there, like back then.]

Daisy poked at one of the nearby flowers and said, [Awooong, the scent is so nice. It feels purifying.]

Calamia shivered, her pink wings trembling, and said, [Felix, can we go visit the garden?]

Asta, with her lilac hair, playfully touched her own hair and asked, [It smells so wonderful. Maybe it’s from the backyard where we used to play?]

Felix looked at the fairies with curiosity, unable to perceive the scent with his deteriorating sense of smell, combined with his muted sense of taste.

[A wonderful fragrance is emanating from there. It seems to be from the backyard], Daisy explained.

Felix slightly nodded his head, appreciating their excitement.

[Thanks, Felix!]

With his permission, all the fairies fluttered up into the air. Calamia planted a kiss on Felix’s cheek, and they all followed Daisy, who led them towards the invisible backyard.


Meanwhile, Sylvia was on her way back home after shopping for groceries. Today’s harvest had been quite bountiful. Salt in this world came in various forms, with different methods of extraction compared to her home in Korea.

Methods included harvesting from salt trees, mining rock salt, and importing sea salt, to name a few. Among them, rock salt extraction had various types, and today Sylvia had bought a special type of rock salt oil, known as “Galbus Oil.” It was called oil, but its consistency was close to water. What stood out the most was its flavor, which strongly resembled soy sauce.

In a world where she had no access to soy sauce, doenjang (soybean paste), or gochujang (red pepper paste), this Galbus Oil felt like a luxurious find. Sylvia had tasted various types of salt one by one, and in her heart, she wanted to exclaim, “I’ve been saved!”

With her backpack filled to the brim with various salts, Sylvia happily walked back home. Her joyful expression didn’t go unnoticed, and the salt shop owner had even given her a variety of salts as a bonus.

Sylvia, deeply touched by the generous spirit of the salt shop owner, took out some of the fruits she had in her bag and handed them to him. After concluding a mutually satisfying transaction, she rushed home with brisk steps, feeling as if she could fly.

She couldn’t wait to create something with the Galbus Oil.

[Hey Sylvia, what are you going to make for dinner tonight?] Eryngium, perched on her forehead, asked. Sylvia didn’t hesitate and exclaimed, “We’re having bulgogi tonight!”

Thinking about the backpack filled with beef, Sylvia beamed with joy. “We’ll wrap it in lettuce with various vegetables!”

Excitedly, she turned the corner while chattering away. As she did, she noticed a group of fairies hovering near her house.

“Hmm? Who are they?”

Sylvia hadn’t even considered the possibility of the Croban Mercenary Corps being here. But Eryngium quickly realized the situation.

[It’s Felix!]

With a little shriek, Eryngium took off hastily. Sylvia felt her now-empty forehead with her hand and sighed deeply.

“Until when is she going to keep doing this?”

She couldn’t understand why whenever Felix and the other fairies were together, she would run away from the other. 

Entering her house, she was greeted by a welcoming smile from Hubert.

“Welcome back, Lady Sylvia.”

Sylvia smiled back warmly, appreciating the politeness of the handsome man calling her ‘Lady Sylvia.’

“Thank you, Hubert.” 

However, Felix, who was also present, didn’t seem particularly interested and just gave her a casual glance.

“Well, Felix, isn’t it time you stopped this behavior?”

Sylvia couldn’t help but wonder what had gone wrong for him to make the other fairies flee in fear.

‘Perhaps… bringing him here was a mistake. Should I scold him, or just let it be?’ She pondered as she entered her home.

Sylvia couldn’t help but chuckle softly as she looked at their faces. Whether it was Felix, Hubert, Dennis, or the other members of the Croban Mercenary Corps, she was genuinely glad to see them.

“You’ve returned safely,” she commented before they even had a chance to ask if they could stay.

Without hesitation, Sylvia used her key to unlock the door wide open, welcoming them with a warm smile.

“You’ve been through a lot. Please, come in.”

Hubert, Dennis, and the other members were moved by her hospitality. They expressed their gratitude as they entered.

“Thanks to you, we returned safely.”

In response to their heartfelt appreciation, Sylvia beamed and declared, “Let’s have a party tonight!”

Her words were met with cheers from Hubert, Dennis, and the rest of the team. However, Felix remained in his own world, wearing his usual aloof expression. He simply continued to pluck fruits from the tree he had brought, seemingly lost in thought.

★★23. Bulgogi at the party★★

Inside the cozy home, the team members looked around in awe. It was nothing like the house they had seen during the winter. The dining table they had used all winter was still there, along with the same chairs. However, the surroundings had transformed into a lush, forest-like environment.

Vines of various vegetables and fruits were growing on the walls, creating a living, breathing tapestry of edible plants. From cherry tomatoes and eggplants to cucumbers, bell peppers, strawberries, grapes, and more, it seemed like the walls themselves were made of food. Felix, now wearing a completely different expression, was captivated by the sight.

Sylvia, with an air of authority, called everyone’s attention. She clapped her hands to gather their focus.

“Before anything else, please wash up.”

Her expression was stern, as if she were commanding troops on a battlefield. She emphasized the importance of cleanliness, her voice echoing with authority.

“If you’ve been outside and returned, you wash your hands first. Understood?”

“Got it!”

The team members responded energetically and immediately headed upstairs, their heavy armor clanking as they moved.

Ignoring his slightly soiled hands, Felix shot Sylvia a piercing look.

Sylvia met his gaze directly, as if challenging him with the question, “Do you have something to say?”

“I’ve already washed,” Felix grumbled.

“Remove your armor first.”

Felix had forgotten that he was still in his armor. He rarely took it off when outside, which had slipped his mind. Sylvia playfully pouted as she looked at him with a slightly annoyed expression.

Seeing Felix move rather slowly, Sylvia urged him, “Hurry up and go wash. I’ll have watermelon waiting for you on the dining table.”

The word “watermelon” piqued his interest, as it was his favorite fruit among those he had eaten. Felix quickly made his way upstairs.

Hubert approached Sylvia with a gentle smile. “I’ve already washed.”

However, Sylvia didn’t think so.

“Hubert, your robe is dirty. Please change your clothes.”

With Sylvia’s guidance, Hubert hesitantly nodded, his blue eyes rolling playfully. “Yes, of course.”

Observing Hubert’s departure to change, Sylvia used her plant magic to make watermelons grow rapidly on the dining table. She worked efficiently, as if walking through a different timeframe from the others who were upstairs.

She placed dried fruit chips, sweet potato crisps, and potato chips in bowls. Additionally, she filled a large wooden jug with chilled barley tea and corn tea. Sylvia was busy preparing for the unexpected guests.

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