The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 32

Published at 12th of June 2024 07:07:20 AM

Chapter 32

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Meanwhile, Aaron, with the lunchboxes in hand, entered the Duke’s lounge on time. Lucino was standing on a different balcony from the one he was on in the morning.

“Your Grace, it’s ready.”


Responding to Aaron’s call, Lucino entered. Aaron placed the three-tiered lunchbox on the dark wooden table.

Upon seeing the lunchbox, Lucino’s expression was filled with curiosity.

“This is an unusual design.”

He was even fascinated by the fact that it was made of wood. As he gazed at the large lunchbox, a picturesque smile appeared on his face.

“Allow me to open it for you.”

Aaron lifted the lid.


The first thing Lucino saw was the compartment filled with fruits, followed by the omelet, and finally, the last compartment was brimming with steak.

Arranged in three tiers, the lunchbox seemed to fill the entire table.

Lucino was overwhelmed by the sight of unfamiliar fruits and vegetables, the unique scent of sauces and dressings. A maid brought in bread, jam, and butter, followed by another carrying refreshing drinks and tea.

As Aaron placed forks, knives, and spoons on the table, he asked,

“Which tea would you prefer?”

“Um… let’s not detract from the flavors, just bring some cool water.”

Lucino marveled at the steak, perfectly cut for easy eating.

“The meat is still juicy and red on the inside.”

He gently speared a piece of tender steak with his fork. Admiring its delicate texture visually before tasting it, he experienced a subtle blend of grassy and sweet flavors.


He thought he had tried every kind of steak, but this was a delightful miscalculation. The combination of the rich meaty aroma with fresh, grassy notes and unique spices was mesmerizing.

Next, he tried the steak with the yellow dish. The tangy sweetness perfectly balanced the richness of the meat.


He chuckled in amusement and then tried the yellow dish alone.

“What is this?”

The fact that there was a food he didn’t recognize was almost humbling.

He then tasted a long green vegetable, enjoying the sweet sauce that clung to its end and the pleasant texture of the vegetable itself.

The steak melted softly in his mouth, the vegetables were crisp and chewy, and the taste was refreshingly sweet. Lucino was caught in an indescribable mood and then discovered an onion of an unusual color in a corner.


For the first time, he picked up a knife and cut the red onion, placing a piece in his mouth.


It was significantly sweeter than regular onions. He swiftly finished one compartment of the lunchbox.

Aaron, hiding his surprise, passed the empty lunchbox to a maid. He had wondered why it was so heavy when carrying it, but the contents were beyond his imagination.

Lucino marveled at the yellow omelet.

“A perfect omelet.”

He thought that the head chef might feel slighted, but this omelet surpassed in shape, aroma, and taste what he usually received from the chef.

Cutting a piece of the omelet with the red sauce, he savored the stretchy cheese as he chewed.


The warm, tangy sauce and the omelet’s texture were captivating. He then tried a piece of the buttery roasted potatoes, finding their sweet and rich flavor exquisite.

When he felt it was a bit too rich, he took a bite of the salad filled with unknown vegetables, feeling as if fireworks were bursting in his mouth.


The combination of the tangy and sweet dressing was incredible.

The decoratively arranged strawberries, shaped like rose flowers, were undoubtedly impressive.


The more he ate, the more he enjoyed it, unable to stop marveling. When he finished the second compartment, Lucino paused for a while. He was somewhat full, but more than that, he wanted to savor the experience a little longer.

“Aaron, do you remember when I insisted on having spicy beef stew and traveled all the way to Caudatissimum?”

Lucino mentioned while sipping cool water. Aaron smiled, recalling a few years back when the Duke suddenly heard about a famous meat stew and decided to visit Caudatissimum, a notoriously closed-off country.

“I was quite taken aback by your sudden decision, Your Grace. And Caudatissimum is not an easy place for outsiders to enter.”

“Ha, right. It was quite a challenge to get in there. But the spicy beef stew I had so eagerly sought… Well, it wasn’t as impressive as I had hoped. I remember being quite disappointed.”

“I see.”

Aaron nodded, refilling Lucino’s glass with water.

“No, wait. I mean, I was amazed then. But compared to today’s meal, that wasn’t really anything. Aaron, I, a Duke of the Empire, have never tasted anything like this before.”

While the regular lunchboxes she sold might be one thing, this lunchbox was extraordinary. Lucino, switching to a dessert fork, first tried the stewed peach, beautifully arranged among other fruits.


Hearing his sigh of satisfaction, Aaron thought back to the woman who had prepared this meal. Lucino finished the watermelon, apple, and pear, then put down his fork, appearing contemplative.

Aaron waited for what he might say next. Lucino, brushing his silver hair back, asked,

“Did we pay her adequately?”

“Yes, I made sure to include a generous amount.”

“Hmm, I don’t know how much that was, but… this is worth at least three times more.”

Clearly very impressed, Lucino regretted not paying more. Aaron quickly agreed.

“I will go and pay her more.”

“That’s good…”

Lucino added as he sipped hot tea,

“I’m curious about what she usually sells.”

To which Aaron responded politely,

“It’s food that common people would buy, Your Grace.”

“I wonder if it can be considered a delicacy? Aaron, don’t be so rigid. For the time being, have her lunchboxes brought daily.”

Seeing his master’s delightful smile, Aaron could only nod in agreement.

“Yes, Your Grace.”

Leaning back on the sofa, Lucino enjoyed the lingering aftertaste of the meal, sipping his tea. 

Intrigued beyond expectation by the woman who had created such a feast, he was curious about her. Although he had seen her briefly, all he could recall were her teal eyes.

★★27. The Back of My Head Itches★★

After her visit to the Visconti House, Sylvia felt a persistent itch at the back of her head whenever she went out to sell lunchboxes.

‘What is it? Why is this so irritating?’

She couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Eryngium, the fairy attuned to her, perched on Sylvia’s head and murmured,

[Sylvia, it feels like someone is watching you.]

Carrying her now-empty leather backpack, Sylvia just nodded. The sense of being watched made her more cautious. She headed home from the third gate, walking quickly, conscious of the gaze.

[Someone seems to be following you, Sylvia.]

The empathetic fairy spoke in a hushed tone. Sylvia whispered back,

“It must be someone from the Duke’s house. This is why they say to be wary of nobility.”

The memory of being summoned and dismissed on a whim a few days ago made her shiver involuntarily. She quickened her pace, eager to get home. She had no desire to cook for the capricious nobility.

She always wanted to cook when she felt like it and only for those who she thought would appreciate it. The Croban Mercenaries were an example; no matter how much she cooked for them, it never seemed enough. They always ate heartily and never forgot to express their gratitude.

What a boost that was for the cook, a fact lost on them but consistently demonstrated.

As Sylvia turned into the alley leading to her home, thinking about the arrogant protagonist, Felix, someone grabbed the hem of her robe from behind.

“Wait! Please wait!”

Expecting a man, she was surprised to hear a woman’s voice, one that sounded mature. Forced to stop, Sylvia turned around to find the fruit vendor lady she had seen once before.


Confused about why the fruit vendor lady would stop her, Sylvia tilted her head, looking at her. The fruit vendor lady had come after hearing rumors. She noticed a change in the behavior of the servants who came to buy fruits from her recently.

After her visit to the Visconti House, Sylvia always felt an itch at the back of her head when selling lunchboxes.

‘What’s this? Why is it so annoying?’

She constantly felt someone’s gaze on her. Eryngium, the fairy attuned to her, perched on her head, murmuring,

[Sylvia, it seems like someone is watching you.]

Carrying her empty leather backpack, Sylvia nodded in agreement. The presence of prying eyes made her more cautious. She headed home from the third gate, walking briskly and aware of the watchful gaze.

[Someone is following you, Sylvia.]

The fairy, sharing her feelings, whispered. Sylvia murmured in response,

“Maybe someone from the Duke’s house is following me. This is why they warn about nobility.”

Recalling how she was summoned and dismissed at the nobility’s whim a few days ago, she shivered and hastened her steps home, not wanting to cook for such unpredictable people.

She believed in cooking when she felt like it, for people she thought would appreciate it, like the Croban Mercenaries, who always ate heartily and never forgot to express their thanks.

Suddenly, as Sylvia turned into the alley leading home, someone grabbed the hem of her robe.

“Wait! Please wait!”

Expecting a man, she was surprised to hear a woman’s voice, mature in age. Forced to stop, Sylvia turned around to find the fruit vendor lady she had seen before.


Confused about why the fruit vendor lady would stop her, Sylvia looked at her questioningly. The vendor had heard rumors and come looking for her, noticing a change in the behavior of the servants buying fruits from her recently.

Their secretive whispers and keen selection of quality fruits were new. Previously, she had even managed to sell near-spoiling fruits, but now that was impossible, leading to losses.

Then her husband brought news from somewhere: a place selling fresh fruits at low prices. Was she aware of it?

Being the only fruit seller in the Carpasinus Castle area, she had always been proud, even before the nobility. But now, the existence of another fruit seller seemed impossible. Fruit cultivation was not easy; without proper knowledge, one couldn’t even grow them correctly. After hearing the rumors, she had come to investigate.

Seeing Sylvia apparently giving away fruits infuriated her. The fruit vendor lady scolded Sylvia sharply.

“Young lady! That’s unethical! Unethical!”

One hand on her hip, the other waving, she expressed her anger. Sylvia’s teal eyebrows arched in surprise at being suddenly stopped and confronted.

“Fruit isn’t something to be sold carelessly! If you don’t know, don’t just hand them out like giveaways!”

Her voice rose higher as she became more infuriated.

“You’re trying to ruin my business! Deliberately! Oh, my heart!”

Beating her chest in frustration, Sylvia’s frown deepened.

“No, enough. Stop selling fruits carelessly. If you continue like this, I’ll go to the Duke’s house myself and ensure you pay for your crimes! Understand? I’ll let it go this time, but don’t expect such leniency again!”

Still hitting her chest, the vendor turned to leave.

Sylvia then grabbed her shoulder, spinning her back around.

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