The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 34

Published at 12th of June 2024 07:07:20 AM

Chapter 34

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Lucino was having breakfast, staring blankly outside. The breakfast table was as abundant as usual, but he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was missing.


The strawberry jam on the bread seemed bland. Aaron quickly noticed Lucino’s soft murmur and asked.

“Would you like some more butter?”


Lucino gazed at the bread he was eating and replied.

“I think there’s enough butter…”

Lucino’s brows furrowed slightly at the elusive sense of something lacking. He set down the bread he was eating while sipping on milk tea, which he made by adding fresh milk to strong black tea.

Aaron, puzzled by this, asked urgently.

“Are you not going to eat any more?”

Lucino gently nodded as he put down his teacup.

“Yes, that will be all.”

As Aaron poured hot black tea into the empty cup, he managed to hide his bewildered expression. He then quickly checked the food on the table.

They were all undoubtedly his usual favorites.

Soft bread loaded with milk, coarse-textured rye bread, and a tangy salad full of vegetables, onion soup, ham, sausages, and an omelet.

These were certainly the menu items he usually enjoyed without leaving anything behind.

For dessert after breakfast, strawberries were neatly cut and placed on a plate in front of Lucino. He glanced down at the strawberries while drinking his tea.

“Strawberries, I see.”

“Yes, the chef picked them himself at dawn today.”

“Hmm, is this their natural color?”


Lucino noticed that the color of the strawberries was not the bright red he was accustomed to, but a somewhat lacking red, and poked at them with a fork. The strawberries he had eaten before were so red they almost seemed like glistening rubies.

“That’s odd, were strawberries always this color?”

He murmured as if sighing.

“I’ll bring another one.”

Aaron bowed politely and responded. After fidgeting for a while, Lucino, who had put down his fork, called out to Aaron.

“Aaron, is it still a long way off until the lunchboxes are sold?”

Even without a subject, it was clear who he was inquiring about the lunchboxes from. Aaron had looked for Sylvia, who had left that day, but except during the times she sold lunchboxes, it was difficult to find her within the castle.

Thanks to her diligently selling lunchboxes in front of the castle gate every day, Lucino could buy a lunchbox daily as he wished. He thought there was no need to bring her over again just because he could buy the lunchboxes.

However, seeing the Duke searching for a lunchbox after leaving his breakfast untouched made him wonder if he had misunderstood something.

“I believe it’s still early. But she should appear in front of the castle gate shortly after breakfast.”

“I see…”

He gestured for the maid to clear the table. The clinking of dishes faded, and the maids and servants left the room.

Lucino, who had remained seated until then, spoke.

“Today, I shall go myself.”

Even though the subject was missing again, there was no mistaking where he intended to go. Seeing the Duke’s eyes sparkle, Aaron reluctantly bowed and replied.

“I will guide you.”

“Very well.”

Deciding to inspect the castle as well, Lucino left the mansion with Aaron and a few knights. The carriage smoothly made its way along the main road. The carriage, made of solid white wood, bore the Visconti family crest at its center.

Large amethysts and various sparkling gemstones were intricately depicted like a painting.

The neatly dressed coachman spurred the horses. Lucino closely observed the village from within the carriage.

Arriving earlier than expected due to the coachman’s urgency, Lucino inspected the castle gate with the knights. The gatekeepers tensed up unexpectedly as they had to welcome the knights and Duke from the Visconti family.

“Hmm, the maintenance is satisfactory. However, we must always be vigilant against beasts. Understand?”

“Yes! Understood.”

After meticulously inspecting the condition of the castle gate, the quarters of the gatekeepers, and the state of their swords and armor, time flew by. Having had a scant breakfast, Lucino felt hungry. Aaron, who had been standing by, quickly noticed the Duke’s condition and approached.

“Your Grace, shall I buy the lunchbox for you?”

Considering the butler’s offer for a moment, Lucino nonchalantly replied.

“Since we’re here, it might be nice to meet her.”

“Yes, understood.”

The sunlight reflected off his silver hair, making it shine in a multitude of colors. Following the Duke, Aaron and three knights trailed behind.

“Ah, it’s been a while, mercenary! It seems you’ve been away on a subjugation mission!”

Sylvia, now familiar with the life of a mercenary band, greeted the blonde-haired swordsman Dean with a bright smile. Even with a small cut on his face, Dean boasted cheerfully.

“Indeed! This time, I even encountered a beast nearly of the third grade. Let me tell you how I captured it.”

Nodding along, Sylvia listened as Dean, puffing out his chest, exaggerated the tale of his encounter. Another mercenary beside him laughed and shook his head in disbelief.

“So, that’s how you got that honorable wound?”

After finishing his story, Dean asked Sylvia.

“Ah, I want to buy 30 lunchboxes. Do you have enough?”

Sylvia, who had just arrived at the castle gate, nodded and replied.

“Of course. Today we have corn silk tea… It’s a very sweet drink. Would you like to buy that as well?”

“Oh, there’s corn silk tea, not just corn tea?”

“Yes, nothing from the corn goes to waste.”

“Then, I’ll take 30 of those as well.”

While Dean was taking out his money, Sylvia packed the lunchboxes and corn silk tea into his spatial bag. She also included two bunches of green grapes as a free sample for him to try.

Dean’s eyes widened at the sight of the unfamiliar fruit.

“What’s this fruit? I’ve never seen it before.”

As she received the money, Sylvia replied.

“These are green grapes. They taste like cotton candy, a very unusual fruit.”

“What’s cotton candy?”

“Ah, well, it means they’re incredibly sweet. Wash them with water and pop them into your mouth one by one.”

“Uh… okay.”

Sylvia casually mentioned the cotton candy flavor of the green grapes. She had found herself in tricky situations before when inadvertently using modern terms, reminding her to be more careful.

Dean, intending to strike up more conversation with Sylvia after their long separation, felt the parting was all the more regrettable.

Just then, the crowd around her began to murmur and step back.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Dean also surveyed the surroundings, gauging the situation. Sylvia spotted a head of silver hair shining like a variety of jewels as it made its way smoothly through the crowd. At that moment, Eryngium, lying flat atop her head, whispered,

[He may not be Felix, but this human possesses tremendous magical power.]

Sylvia tensed up at the sight of the significantly taller and larger figure compared to others.

‘No, why is he here?’

Recognizing the Duke of Visconti, Sylvia felt a wave of unease. The people around, realizing the presence of their local Duke, respectfully made way for him.

As the mercenaries who had been causing a commotion around her dispersed, the area quickly became quiet and serene.

Thud, thud.

Looking up at the Duke who had approached close by, Sylvia forced a smile.

“Your Grace, the Duke?”

She called out, half in hope. Shattering her expectations, Lucino spoke with a politeness that carried the inherent haughtiness of nobility.

“Have you been conducting your business here?”

Confronted with his unreal beauty and the very unique hair and eye color even for this place, Sylvia found herself at a loss for words.

Aaron stepped forward slightly and spoke up.

“His Grace has asked you a question. Why do you not respond?”

Snapped back to reality by Aaron’s pressing tone, Sylvia regained her composure. Then, Eryngium whispered softly,

[Disagreeable fellow, isn’t he?]

“I apologize. I didn’t expect to see you here, and it took me by surprise.”

Thinking it best to bow quickly in such situations, Sylvia deeply lowered her head.

In truth, Lucino had contemplated approaching her after the crowd thinned a bit. He thought buying lunchboxes along with others would draw too much attention, and Aaron would strongly object.

However, the sight of the unfamiliar fruit had involuntarily moved him. Even from a distance, the fruit’s mysterious shape and unusual color caught his eye.

“Um, might I have a word with you in private?”

Judging that it would be better to speak away from the prying eyes still fixed on them, he asked her, and Sylvia felt her mind whirl at his request.

‘No, why is he seeking me out again… Is rejection even an option here?’

Internally screaming, Sylvia nodded vigorously. Her action, born from ignorance of noble etiquette, was extremely rude and potentially life-threatening.

Aaron’s gaze sharpened, but Lucino seemed unconcerned.

Curiosity about the unfamiliar fruit captivated him, and the realization that only the lady before him could satisfy his curiosity softened his heart.

“Aaron, summon the carriage.”

“At once, Your Grace.”

Upon the Duke’s command, Aaron immediately signaled a knight with a glance, and a knight with green hair used wind magic to call the coachman. The coachman, not far off, hurriedly spurred the horses and drove the carriage closer.

The mercenaries around them backed off even further, and the arrival of the carriage in front of Lucino and Sylvia stirred a low commotion in the otherwise quiet area.

“Then, let’s go.”

Stepping into the carriage naturally, Sylvia hesitated whether to follow, clutching her leather backpack tightly. Aaron sighed softly and firmly informed her.

“Normally, you would not be allowed to ride in the carriage, but His Grace has granted permission, so it is possible. Consider it a great honor.”

Despite the lengthy speech, the message was clear: she was allowed to board the carriage. Sylvia stepped onto the carriage with hesitant steps. The steps seemed so high, it was quite intimidating. Eryngium grumbled quietly.

[Sylvia, shouldn’t you ignore him? It’s offensive. Why do they treat you so carelessly?]

The small fairy’s disapproving grip on her hair was almost amusing. Unlike the last time, the mere thought of the fairy’s company was reassuring.

Feeling more relaxed, Sylvia lightly perched herself in the furthest corner of the carriage. The carriage door closed, and it quickly set off. The ride in the carriage, her first, was not unpleasant. The carriage swiftly made its way to the Visconti residence.

Once inside the Visconti residence, Sylvia found herself in a drawing room, unlike her previous visit. The Duke, seated elegantly with his legs crossed, inquired in a soft voice.

“What was that fruit earlier? How do you grow them?”

Given that only a limited number of people cultivated fruit within the castle, his question was quite valid. Sylvia answered naturally, as she had done before.

“Your Grace, I am a plant mage. The fruit was grown through magic.”


Lucino showed interest in her response. Sylvia blinked once, meeting his unique, sparkling purple eyes.

With a pleasant smile, Lucino said,

“Bring out that fruit for me to see.”


Sylvia took out the green grapes. The grapes, so large she needed both hands to hold them, boasted a vibrant light green hue.

“What is the name of this fruit?”

“It’s called green grapes.”

“Green grapes, is it… Aaron, take this and prepare it.”

“At once, Your Grace.”

Aaron reached out to take the green grapes from Sylvia. As she handed them over, she explained,

“These fruits are not meant to be peeled. They are meant to be eaten whole, one by one, after simply washing them.”

Hearing her explanation, Aaron nodded in understanding. Lucino, intrigued by the notion of eating the fruit with its skin, impulsively stood up from his seat and plucked a single grape.

And popped it directly into his mouth.

“Your Grace!”

The concern in the voice was louder than usual, worried about the Duke consuming something that hadn’t been tested for poison.


However, Aaron’s concern was unfounded, and Lucino was merely surprised, his eyes widening.

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