The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 36

Published at 12th of June 2024 07:07:21 AM

Chapter 36

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With a slightly uplifted spirit, Lucino added another small gift. Though small in size, it was incomparable to the previous offering.

A platinum vine wrapped around Sylvia’s left index finger. Surprised by the sudden contact, Sylvia’s eyes widened.

At the center of the platinum vine, a large amethyst naturally settled in a triangular shape. Within it, Lucino personally engraved a gem magic circle, a technique only the head of the Visconti family could perform.

While not of the highest grade, the advanced magic circle enabled the wearer to infinitely create gems through the ring, provided they possessed the necessary gem magic element.

However, without the gem magic element, the ring was practically useless. It was merely a keepsake, something others would consider an honor and a heirloom. Had Aaron seen this, he might have vehemently protested this time.

Sylvia was utterly enchanted by the beautiful ring. She had received jewelry from a man twice in her life: once from Felix and now from Lucino.

In Korea, she had never received a ring, yet here, she had been given one twice. Lucino found her blinking in bewilderment endearing and chuckled, a bloom of laughter spreading across his handsome face.

“What, what is this?”

Sylvia stammered, taken aback. He felt he should tell her it was something very precious, but seeing her surprised made him want to downplay it.

It was an uncharacteristic act of consideration.

“Well, keep it as a memento. You provided a meal today that I thoroughly enjoyed… It’s no big deal.”

Was it too much for just a meal?

Recalling the magnificent and wondrous jewel tree from earlier, Sylvia gently shook her head.

‘Right, that was just for show, and this is the real value. Still, even this alone is something, truly.’

Gazing at the rare and exquisite ring, Sylvia’s eyes curved happily.

“Thank you.”

This time, it was Lucino who stared at her with a dumbfounded expression as she expressed her gratitude simply.

Then Aaron arrived with the packaged gift.

“This is a gift from His Grace to you.”

It was a principle not to treat lightly someone who had received a gift from the Duke. Aaron treated Sylvia with a respect that was a far cry from his demeanor at the castle gate earlier.

Sylvia, not expecting to receive even this, looked up at Aaron with a bewildered expression, but his hands were steadfast, his gaze insistent as if she had no choice but to accept.

Sylvia glanced at Lucino, then back at Aaron, and slowly extended her hand.

Aaron handed her the box wrapped in purple paper.

The small box felt light in her hands, yet its significance weighed heavily on her. With a dazed heart, Sylvia followed Aaron’s lead to the carriage and informed the coachman of her address with a blank stare.

Still not fully recovered, Sylvia ignored Eryngium’s comments and remained disoriented until she was escorted into her house by the coachman.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn’t even notice the coachman standing at attention until she entered her house, her mind floating high in the clouds.

Exhausted, Sylvia lay down on her bed as Eryngium exclaimed,

[Sylvia! Is he really your type? Snap out of it, please! What about me! Sylviaaaa!]

Ignoring the fairy’s desperate and adorable voice, Sylvia closed her eyes. The abundance of jewels had overwhelmed her.

It was all too much stimulation for Sylvia, who had lived as a commoner.

★★29. Shall We Depart★★

Felix urged his horse forward, drenched in the blood of beasts. His followers spurred their own mounts, racing along behind him. They had ventured deeper than expected and struggled to find their way out.


Even for Felix, who was rich in magical power, this journey had proven challenging.

Naturally, the destination of the Croban mercenary band was the Castle of Carpasinus. Despite his subordinates’ advice against it, Felix found himself heading towards Sylvia’s home.

Unconsciously, he sought a comfortable place to rest, envisioning Sylvia’s home filled with abundant fruits and vegetables.

Felix was exhausted, and it was unlikely his followers were faring any better. Their long shadows made them appear even more fatigued, and their lips were chapped and rough.

The Croban mercenaries were desperate to reach the Castle of Carpasinus, pushing their last reserves of strength to hasten their pace.

Sylvia found herself in an awkward situation. The man before her had overeaten, which was one problem, but there was another.

[How could you do this to me? How could you…] 

Eryngium’s voice, filled with betrayal, echoed in Sylvia’s head.

[Really, this is too much. Why have you come here again!]

Munching sounds.

[You should only play with me! You shouldn’t give your heart to such a strange man!]

“Today’s meal is particularly delicious.”

[Weren’t you my friend?]

“Today’s fruit is mangosteen. I had some yesterday, but it seems fine to have more today.”

[You’re not thinking of leaving me for him, are you?]

“Ah, truly sweet.”

[You, you belong to me! Waaah.]

Listening to Eryngium’s inevitable outburst, Sylvia sighed inwardly. Since that day a few days ago when she had received a large amount of jewels and lost her senses, Eryngium’s obsession had begun.

‘When did I ever say I was dating him? Did I agree to it? Why look at me with such a shocked expression as if I were a cheating lover?’

This fairy had developed a serious delusion. But aside from that, Sylvia had no intention whatsoever of starting something with Lucino. That day, she had simply been overwhelmed by the excessive jewels. Isn’t that human nature?

If one suddenly wins the lottery, it’s natural to lose one’s composure. One might even seek to escape reality, perhaps through sleep.

And yet, Eryngium, who had been checking on her from the next day, pestering her, was the strange one. Sylvia had always found Eryngium cute and considered her family, never as a romantic interest.

‘Putting that aside, how could you have thought this a good idea, given our different races? You tiny fairy!’

Lucino, having neatly finished his large three-tiered lunchbox, was leisurely sipping black tea. Sylvia stood beside him, holding a pair of cypress chopsticks.

For some reason, Lucino had asked her to serve him like when she fed him the bossam.

It wasn’t really a request, as refusal wasn’t an option.

Anyone, not just Sylvia, would have picked up the chopsticks without a word if they saw Aaron glaring from Lucino’s side. It wasn’t about receiving jewels. She should have been clear-headed and refused.

Or, she should have refused when he offered her a carriage ride.

No, it was foolish of her to have honestly told him her address.


Sylvia continued to sigh inwardly, unable to count how many times she had done so.

After returning that day, Sylvia had a wonderful sleep and woke up refreshed. The jewel tree seemed like a dream, but the sight of the purple-wrapped box beside her bed made her eyelids flutter. 

‘Well, since I’ve received it, I might as well make good use of it…’

Before she could even put on her new spatial pocket belt bag, she heard a knock at the door.

Opening it, she was greeted by the coachman of the Visconti household, the same one who had taken her home the previous night.

The coachman politely conveyed his message, and Sylvia, without even wiping the sleep from her eyes, hurriedly prepared a lunchbox and was dragged to the duke’s house.

Thus, it had been already four days since he began to visit daily.

‘I must be crazy. Who gives away jewels for free in this world? Free things aren’t to be taken lightly! Why did I forget that?’

During her time in the West, she had always held a firm belief.

Free things are harmful.

There’s no such thing as free.

Especially, free things without reason.

She had always been suspicious when someone offered something for free…

Sylvia momentarily judged herself to be out of her mind and unconsciously nodded.

“Yes, I see your point.”

Lucino, who had finished his tea and had been watching her, said with a pleased expression. Sylvia, distracted and having not listened, turned pale.

‘What? What did he ask?’

Lucino smiled satisfactorily and spoke again.

“So, will you enter the ducal household right away?”


What in the world was happening?

Lucino looked perplexed at Sylvia’s surprised reaction.

“Why do you look so surprised? Is it the salary that doesn’t satisfy you?”


“Hmm, right. With your skills, even the royal palace would be eager to recruit you. Did that upset you?”

No, not at all!

“Don’t worry about the salary. I can offer you more than the royal palace.”

Why is he talking about the royal palace?

Sylvia, who hadn’t managed to respond to his rapid-fire comments, hurriedly spoke up.

“Your Excellency, that’s not it. I believe the position is too generous for someone like me.”

“Why? Didn’t you just nod in agreement?”

Unable to explain that her nod wasn’t in response to his question, Sylvia started with a refusal.

Of course, with plausible reasoning.

“My dream has always been to sell food to many people. I enjoy seeing the happy expressions of people eating my food, Your Excellency. Please support my dream.”

Ah, was that too much?

Seeing Sylvia politely bowing and pleading, Lucino’s gaze deepened.

After a moment of silence, he responded.

“Your dream is indeed humble. Alright, I understand.”

Although dissatisfied, Lucino didn’t want to force her. Assuming something displeased her, he decided to wait for another opportunity.

[Well done, Sylvia!]

Eryngium, who had been sulking, now cheered as if her refusal was a relief. With a heavy sigh, Sylvia left the somewhat sullen duke and headed home.

Having been summoned to the duke’s house repeatedly, Sylvia, who hadn’t been able to sell her lunchboxes, was now trudging home after a market visit. Convincing the coachman not to escort her all the way home had been exhausting in its own right.

All the way back, Eryngium was bubbling with joy.

As if she had always known she would do just that.

[Sylvia must like me more.]

At the suggestion of traveling together, Sylvia’s eyes widened in surprise.

Why hadn’t she thought of that?

All the way home, Sylvia pondered. In fact, she had made a promise to Eryngium and had decided to actively help him.

Now that this place felt as familiar as her homeland, she remembered it was originally a world within a novel. If so, events would unfold as they did in the story. It was fate for Felix to turn dark, kill the queen and nobles of the kingdom, and invade the empire.

‘I’ve gotten complacent, forgetting even the goal I had initially set.’

Shaking her head, Sylvia changed direction and then noticed the Croban mercenary band in front of her house.

Only Felix, standing at the end of the road, noticed Sylvia and turned his head.

Sylvia’s eyes widened slightly as they met Felix’s dark, night-like eyes. His gaze, fixed precisely on her, seemed to shine like a warm breeze on a night.

Sylvia resumed her halted steps. As the sound of her increasingly quick footsteps spread, the mercenaries all turned their heads.

The people, who were sitting around casually, stood up and greeted her with broad smiles.


Hearing Hubert’s polite voice, Sylvia smiled back.

“Welcome back.”

Receiving her greeting, the mercenaries relaxed their shoulders. Sylvia hurriedly opened the front door and, turning back, said:

“You’ve all worked hard. Everyone.”

With her words, the mercenaries made noisy sounds as they entered one by one. Waiting for the mercenaries to enter first, a large shadow fell in front of Sylvia.

Looking up, Felix’s expression was peculiar, as if he had seen something he shouldn’t have. His large, black pupils seemed to bore into the top of Sylvia’s head.

He then muttered softly:

“You, Eryngium.”

In her joy at seeing the Croban mercenaries, Sylvia had momentarily forgotten the presence of the fairy above her head. Eryngium, though not disappearing, had buried her head into her teal-colored hair.

Felix recognized this immediately, and the surroundings buzzed with his words.

[It’s really Eryngium!]

[It’s Ery!]


Daisy, Poppy, Clover, Asta, Calmia, and Lupinus appeared from somewhere and surrounded Sylvia’s head.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!