The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 51

Published at 13th of June 2024 05:05:32 AM

Chapter 51

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The end of darkness is light ★★

Before nightfall, Sylvia decided to embark on a proper exploration. She first thought of catching the shellfish in the lake. Lying down to look into the lake, Sylvia worried about Felix, who had just let go of her hand and headed somewhere.

The more she heard about the story of the kingdom’s inhabitant, the paler his expression became. Knowing from the book that he was the crown prince of the Capitis Kingdom, Sylvia could guess his shock.

Yet, as he was also a victim, she felt conflicted that he had to feel responsible.

Since monsters couldn’t approach this place, Felix had left her here alone with peace of mind and set out with the mercenary band. He probably went for reconnaissance around the area.

Despite the turmoil within, thinking of him ensuring the safety of the kingdom’s inhabitants left here made her sigh involuntarily.


What she had to do was almost decided.

With a thought of maybe, she sent her magical power through a wind magic circle. The magic, starting from her heart, seemed to naturally flow through her veins and cells into the magic circle engraved in her body.

Sylvia imagined. A concrete imagination, a spherical orb wrapping around her face, and imagining air being filled into it…

As she wished, the wind compressed and formed a barrier, continuously filling it with air. Sylvia opened her eyes she had closed and tapped the barrier covering her face with her hand.

Tap tap.

The sound, akin to tapping on glass, rang in her ears. Sylvia took another look around before entering the lake.

[Sylvia, what’s that?]

All other fairies had followed Felix, but Eryngium, who stayed by Sylvia’s side, couldn’t hold back her curiosity and asked.

“I thought of going into the water.”


“To catch the shellfish.”

[Can’t you just use wind magic to catch it?]

To Eryngium’s words, Sylvia replied, looking at her with her purple eyes.

“Two birds with one stone, I remembered Clover and Poppy saying there’s a cave under the lake, so I wanted to go see it.”

[Then, I’ll come with you.]

Unable to sit on her head as usual, Eryngium clung to her shoulder.

“Just a moment.”

Sylvia took off her robe and put it into her spatial bag tied around her waist. Then, she tapped her shoulder where Eryngium was clinging. Eryngium smiled broadly, holding onto the hem of her clothing with her tiny fingers. After checking on Eryngium attached to her shoulder, Sylvia dived into the lake without hesitation.

The lake was filled with clear blue water, just as it appeared from the outside, more transparent than she thought. She swam deeper into the surprisingly deep lake. When the bottom of the lake started to become visible, she felt the gentle flow of water.

Sylvia swam against the current. She could confirm the identity of the cave that Clover and Poppy had mentioned. The cave, formed by smooth stones worn away, was continuously filled with water.

It seemed as if water was flowing in from somewhere else, so Sylvia swam in the opposite direction. Moving from one end of the lake to the other, she found another cave on the opposite side.

From the outside, it looked like a lake, but underneath, it was a moving waterway. Not wanting to be swept away if she entered, she finished checking and went down to the bottom of the lake.

Using wind magic to stand upright on the lake’s bottom, Sylvia understood what Clover meant. The shellfish, disgustingly abundant as described, covered the lake’s bottom.

Sylvia’s eyes sparkled as she took out her spatial pocket. She began collecting them with wind magic, putting about half of the shellfish covering the bottom into her spatial pocket before swimming up.

It took quite some time to ascend, as much as it had taken to descend. Seeing a blurry figure above the water, Sylvia burst out from under the water.


She swiftly dispelled the orb created by wind magic.


As soon as she emerged from the water, Felix’s voice, sounding almost like a shout, hit her ears.


Already back from scouting, Felix stood at the lakeshore, looking at her with a pale face. Floating in the middle of the lake, Sylvia paddled her feet and waved her arm high.

“Did you come?”

Felix glared at her, who was casually waving at him. Even though monsters rarely approached the lakeside, he hurried back from scouting, recalling how she had been frightened by a low-level monster.

But Sylvia was nowhere to be seen, causing Felix’s heart to drop. Despite searching around the vast lakeside, there was no sign of her. He asked the fairies to look for Eryngium, but even they couldn’t find her.

Then, he felt magical power from within the lake. It was definitely Sylvia’s. Felix rushed forward and peered into the lake, relieved only when he spotted a figure moving gracefully in the water.

Yet, his relief quickly turned to anger seeing Sylvia greeting him so nonchalantly.

He knew.

The reason for his anger wasn’t because of her…

Yet, he couldn’t help but lash out at her.

“You! What do you think you’re doing!”

Seeing her surprised expression did not quell his temper.

“People are scattered all around looking for you! Didn’t you think that those who remained would worry?”

Even as she wore a look of realization, his anger did not subside. Clearly, the anger pounding in his chest wasn’t because of her.

He knew, he knew.

Yet, Felix…

“If you keep acting alone like this, we’re going back to the castle!”

He couldn’t help but express the frustration filling his heart.

“Why are you doing this to me!”

Why do you make me worry as well…

Even without you adding to it, I’m already struggling!

My position, my life, my… country.

So, don’t make me worry.

Don’t put yourself in danger.

Don’t just stand there listening to my outbursts, say something.

The rage that gnawed at his brain endlessly, aimlessly wandering, unknowingly simmering for so long, continued to boil over. His eyes, burning red, and his heavy breathing indicated his state.

Meanwhile, Sylvia quietly swam towards him and slowly stood up. Wading through the water that reached up to her thighs, she approached him.

Felix could only continue glaring at her as she approached without a word. He felt if he relaxed his furrowed brows, tears might break free. Why he felt this way was beyond his understanding.

He had never shown his emotions like this before. Even during those days when he had to swallow poison and survive, he hadn’t entertained such frail thoughts.


Endure by any means.

Not go mad.

He wouldn’t submit to that woman.

I’ve endured through malice, but why, when I see you…

…do my emotions change, I don’t understand.

So, that’s why I’m taking it out on you, you…


Having reached him, Sylvia, with her wet hand, gently cradled one side of his cheek. The cool touch soothingly cooled his heated cheek. His tense expression softened a bit under the comfort of her cool touch. Sylvia looked up at him with an apologetic expression.

He felt a surge of emotion once again at that look.


Why do you keep looking at me with that expression?

Last time and this time, he really couldn’t understand why she was apologizing.

When she hadn’t done anything wrong, why…

“I’m sorry for worrying you. It was thoughtless of me.”

The emotions that had been tormenting him calmed quickly at her response. Sylvia cradled his face with both hands and slightly lowered it to meet his eyes directly.

Like a ship facing a storm in the vast sea, his pupils shook uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry, I’ll never act alone again. So… take a break. You’ve had it tough too.”

Her words seemed to carry this message.

That he should take a break, considering he must have been through a lot…

Even though she couldn’t possibly know his past, why did her words sound like she knew? Nevertheless, he wanted to lean on her words.

The reason he could express his anger towards her…

Was because he believed, in the end, she would understand him…

That she would be someone he could rely on.

That he might even share with her the dark times he had never spoken to anyone about.

So, it seems he took his frustrations out on her.

Deceptively, did he want to believe, or did he actually believe, she would accept his childish behavior?

Biting his trembling lips and tensing the muscles around his eyes and forehead, Sylvia spoke softly to him.

“You know, this is my favorite saying…”

As she spoke, she raised a hand to gently stroke his furrowed brow.

“The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Because that’s right before the sunrise.”

Not quite understanding her words, his brow furrowed again, but Sylvia gently covered it with her small, white hand.

“It’s something someone told me when I felt like I was dying…”

Her cool palm perfectly covered his eyes.

“If this is the toughest time in my life, then like a brilliant morning sun rising… light will find its way to me, I thought so…”

Her soft voice was clearer as it was muffled by her palm. Even as she whispered, her voice resonated and touched his heart.

With his vision obscured, he blinked and then slowly closed his eyes, sincerely hoping, just as she said…

Beneath his closed eyelids, Felix’s eyes moved as if searching for someone, then stilled. Eventually, he sighed softly under the gentle pressure of her small, tender palm.

The tears that had welled up absorbed into her palm and disappeared.

No sound of the fairies or the bustling noise of the mercenary band moving around was heard.

As the sunset gently settled over the lakeside, it felt as though they were alone, with only the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, rustling softly around them.

His racing heart gradually calmed down. Felix composed himself and gently grasped her wrist, slowly removing her hand that covered his eyes.

The sunset, fading into red, filled his view once darkened. Slowly blinking, he stared at the sunset coloring the blue lakeside in shades of red.

Just like her words suggested, it seemed like a moment when brilliant sunlight would surely rise in his time too.

He sighed deeply and slowly lowered his gaze, preparing to apologize as he met her turquoise eyes.

He had been thinking that his words earlier were too harsh.

However, his remorse dissipated when he saw the skin revealed through her wet, clinging shirt.

“What happened to your robe?”

He shot back, his tone harsh again, as Sylvia looked up at him, perplexed.

“Wear a robe to swim?”

“Why are you always so careless?”

Felix’s face flushed red as he shouted. At that moment, the sounds of the returning mercenary band scattered around the lakeshore could be heard. Hearing the sound of horse hooves, Felix hurriedly moved.

“Where’s your robe, where is it?”

“Ah, really… wait, it’s here…”

As Sylvia, being held by both shoulders, sluggishly moved to retrieve her robe, Felix, feeling his body heat up in that short moment, scooped her up and leaped to a tree above.


Sylvia, carried by him, only saw the changing scenery in an instant. Felix, having used wind magic to reach the treetop, landed on a branch of a large tree lush with leaves.

Then, he quickly dried Sylvia’s body with wind magic.

“Oh, thanks!”

Despite the argument, she was thankful for being dried with the wind. At Sylvia’s words of thanks, Felix’s cheeks flushed again.

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