The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 6

Published at 12th of June 2024 06:59:09 AM

Chapter 6

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“Fresh chicken for sale! Only 30 Cors!”

“It’s not just any ordinary meat that comes every day. It’s wild boar caught in the Dexther Alatus Mountains.”

“Freshly squeezed oil from the oil tree available today. There are only five barrels in limited quantity. The first person to buy gets it!”

Sylvia slightly opened her mouth as she looked at the variety of hair colors, eye colors, and buildings and streets that seemed to be taken straight out of a medieval city.

Only now did she feel with her whole body that this place was truly a different dimension.

She shook off her hesitation and walked with determination. The lively atmosphere and the tantalizing smell of meat stimulated her senses, making her mouth water.

“Wow, it’s really amazing.”

Erin, replying to her whisper-like words, said.

[It’s my first time seeing the Empire too.]

Erin, who had been by Felix’s side since birth, was also experiencing the outside world for the first time.

Sylvia turned her head back and forth, observing the shops. Chicken shops, pork shops, beef shops, wild game meat shops, oil vendors, grain mills, spice shops, and more.

Unable to take her eyes off the long stretch of market, Sylvia felt puzzled.

It was like a vibrant and beautiful place, reminiscent of some famous European market. But as she reached the end of the market alley, she noticed a distinct difference.

“When I went to a European market, there were many places selling fruits and vegetables… but I don’t see any fruit vendors here?”

Erin, who was flying around next to Sylvia, observing together, responded as if waiting for her murmurs.

[Fruits are hard to come by. Felix couldn’t eat them a few times either.]


Sylvia whispered softly, afraid of drawing strange looks from others. In a smaller voice, Erin replied.

[It’s difficult to grow fruits and vegetables. As you can see, we live mainly within the castle walls. I heard that even cultivating wheat is challenging due to the limited space.]

Sylvia felt grateful that Erin was enlightening her about things she didn’t know.

“Ah, I see.”

Recalling the novel, Sylvia remembered the backdrop of the story.

Isn’t that why the protagonist developed a stronger aversion to food?

She remembered seeing a sentence that said, ‘Due to the poison smeared on the meat that is served every day, he began to develop a dislike for meat.‘ While listening to Eringium whispering in her ear while perched on her shoulder, Sylvia looked around the market.

[Even now, Felix probably can’t eat a proper meal. I wonder if the other kids are waiting for me too.]

Eringium was constantly thinking about the other fairies and Felix. Sylvia listened attentively, reflecting on the contents of the novel.

She couldn’t dismiss those words lightly. It’s clear that at the end of the novel…

The male protagonist eventually becomes a tyrant. The Regent, who was wary of the prince who couldn’t be killed by poison, used the excuse of monsters to banish him from the palace, seizing the opportunity to become queen herself.

However, sending the prince away was her mistake. Like a flower gradually withering and decaying from not receiving proper sunlight and water, the prince, who was growing sickly alone in the palace, gained strength by subjugating monsters, reaching a level where he could withstand the power of the Black Dragon.

But as his skills improved, his deteriorating mental state crumbled, ultimately leading him to choose revenge. Due to the prince’s corruption, the monsters gained even more power and went rampant.

In the end, the protagonist, who killed the queen and reclaimed his position, slaughtered all the nobles who had exploited him and invaded the empire, even killing the monsters. The empire celebrated and praised the emperor who killed the monsters, but his heart was completely dead, unable to feel any emotions.

Finally, the pitiful Black Dragon shed tears and apologized to him, bestowing upon him a companion. Hoping that the companion would bring him happiness, just like the Black Dragon found happiness with its own companion.

Fortunately, the female protagonist appeared in a truly protagonist-like manner. With a sprout growing in his previously completely dead heart, he became brighter than before, but the male protagonist had already lost his sense of taste and smell and couldn’t properly eat food.

“Of course, trauma played a part in it too.”

Sylvia nodded as she recollected the details.

“The most important thing is not how it ended.”

If she remembered correctly, although the novel described the protagonist as having conquered the empire after becoming the king of the Capitis Kingdom, Sylvia didn’t see it as a conquest. It was a massacre, wasn’t it? Perhaps most, if not all, of the empire perished.

Was it everyone who died? She felt like there was a trigger or something…

When he killed his stepmother and became the king, there seemed to be something happening with the crown prince of the empire, but she couldn’t recall what exactly.

Even though she didn’t particularly enjoy novels with excessive bloodshed and action…

Felix came out as an extremely brutal and ruthless man, carrying out actions that were quite exciting to watch. Sylvia closed the book, evaluating it as somewhat tolerable.

There were fantasy novels with added romance as well, but why did she have to enter a place that turned out to be so cruel and ruthless just because she happened to read that novel at that time? Sylvia was regretful but while Erin sat on her shoulder, she closely observed the bustling market.

Anyway, even if what she said doesn’t lead to a flower-strewn path in her newly acquired life, she should at least strive for a relatively smooth road, shouldn’t she?

It doesn’t matter if it’s an empire or the Capitis Kingdom; the uneasiness would have been similar.

Many people died as the monsters rampaged, and even the renowned fortress city of Cadatisium fell. It’s frustrating.

Yeah, that’s right. Regardless of where she went, the probability of dying is over 90%. It’s hard to deny that.

Sylvia nodded her head and moved her feet. Confidently, she entered a place where the tantalizing smell of meat wafted.


Accompanied by a clear ringing sound, she entered the restaurant. The smoke seemed to flow out all the way to the entrance, as if they were continuously grilling meat.

This looks like a great restaurant.

Sylvia thought she had chosen well as she sat down at an empty table. The inside of the restaurant was bustling and lively.


A boy with crimson hair and blue eyes approached her brightly, greeting her.

“What’s the most delicious dish here?”

“Our signature dish is the veal steak.”

“Then, I’ll have that.”

“Sure, please wait a moment.”

With a polite greeting, the boy disappeared in a flash. Sylvia heard the words “veal steak” and her mouth already started watering. Last night’s dinner was so unsatisfying that it felt like leather sticking to her mouth.

[Veal steak… It’s the steak that Felix dislikes the most.]

Eringium, who had been perched on her shoulder the whole time, whispered, slumping her shoulders.

Maybe Felix dislikes all steaks? Perhaps veal steak is just the most commonly served here?

Sylvia thought to herself but couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.

“It’s here! Enjoy your meal.”

The steak arrived much faster than expected, and it was truly enormous.

It was incomparable to the steaks she had in Korea. It was so big that she had to stack both hands together, and its thickness was no joke.

However, there was no garnish, sauce, or puree. It was solely meat! And beside it was a large plate occupied only by bread.

‘It’s really simple, isn’t it?’

Sylvia looked at the plate, which was too simple, and took a bite to satisfy her taste buds.

‘Let’s start eating.’

She wielded the sharp knife and sliced the steak meticulously. She cut it into bite-sized pieces and put one into her mouth, filling it completely.


The meat was perfectly grilled, and the juiciness flowed into her mouth. Checking the cross-section of the meat, it had a moderate redness and seemed to be seasoned with salt separately.

‘It seems like they used spices too.’

A strange aftertaste that she had never experienced lingered in her mouth. Sylvia continued diligently delivering the large veal steak into her mouth, paying no attention to the bread that came alongside.

After emptying her plate faster than expected, she wiped her mouth with the bread and looked around at the people eating.

Everyone had enormous plates.

And just like her, it was only meat and bread. As veal steak was the signature dish, there were indeed many people eating veal steak.

It seemed to be true that it was difficult to cultivate fruits and vegetables. There was no one eating vegetables or fruits alongside their meals at any of the tables in the spacious restaurant.

‘It doesn’t feel heavy at all.’

The taste was good, and it was quite filling.

A waiter noticed her getting up from her seat and approached her, guiding her to the cashier.

The cashier employee spoke to her.

“It’s 20 cors, ma’am.”

Since she didn’t know the cost of living here, she couldn’t tell if the steak was expensive or not. She took out a single silver coin from her purse and handed it over. Then, the employee accurately gave her 80 cors in change.

As she put the money back into her purse, the young waiter who had recommended the food and brought it to her earlier stood beside her with a big smile.

“Oh, is it a tipping culture?”

Recalling her travels in Europe, Sylvia took out 1 cor and handed it to him.

“Thank you!”

As expected, thinking it was appropriate, Sylvia asked another question before leaving.

“Do you know where I can find a produce market around here?”

Her question surprised even the cashier, who was standing at the counter, and his eyes widened.

“Ma’am, only nobles can use the produce market. This is an alley where commoners come, so you won’t find any here.”

Sylvia smiled happily, engraving the valuable information in her mind. Then she handed another 1 cor to the boy and asked.

“Can you tell me the exact location?”

With a mischievous smile, the boy came outside and explained the location in detail. While eating the steak just now, Sylvia had a good idea. Working and earning a living here wouldn’t be much different.

So, she thought she should start working as soon as possible to take care of what she wanted to eat in the future, maybe even to help the male protagonist in the novel.

Sylvia leisurely walked and closely examined the shops. She wondered why the veal steaks were so large, and she found the reason. They were twice the size of the meat she saw in Korea. Even the beef tenderloin she liked was incredibly huge.

Unable to close her gaping mouth, she carefully explored the meat shops. Then her attention was caught by a particular place. Without realizing it, her footsteps quickened, and she stood in front of the store, wide-eyed.

It was clearly a chicken, yet it wasn’t a chicken.

No, it looked exactly like a chicken, but its size was that of an ostrich.

“Wow, how many people can eat that if it’s made into chicken?”

Amazed, Sylvia muttered to herself, and Erin Gunn whispered quietly.

[What’s a chicken?]

Since it was a crowded street, Sylvia spoke in a very soft voice.

“Even if two people eat it, they wouldn’t know the taste if one died. No, it’s like a taste they would enjoy even if they died and went to heaven.”

[Is there such a terrible food?]

Eringium flew away from her ear in a rush, as if unable to hear her words. Seeing her wag her head as if she didn’t want to hear, Sylvia chuckled softly.

“Miss, what brings you here? Oh my, you’re a mage?”

Approaching with a friendly smile, the shop owner looked at her head and eyes, and then corrected himself.

‘But how on earth do they know that I’m a mage since yesterday? Is there a mark or something? Do only mages wear robes?’

Curious, she looked around, and robes were a popular choice of clothing among many people.

“So, what do you need? Eggs? Or maybe chicken?”

Her concerns quickly faded away at the owner’s words.

‘Oh, I should also buy ingredients. I almost forgot.’

Sylvia entered the store and asked.

“What are the prices for chicken and eggs?”

“A chicken is 30 cors per bird. And eggs are 10 cors per batch.”

Compared to the veal steak she had just eaten, the prices were reasonable. Considering the enormous size of a chicken, it made sense.

“Please cut them for me.”

“Of course! And once customers taste our eggs, they can’t go anywhere else. They say there’s nowhere as fresh as ours.”

The owner boasted with a hearty laugh. Sylvia’s heart raced. It was her first time grocery shopping here.

T/N: For some reason, my chapter 7 won’t show up no matter what I do, so I’ll attach it to this chapter.

Watching the owner wield a sword instead of a knife to cut the live chicken, Sylvia admired his skill.

Wow, the presence of a master.

It felt as if he had been selling chickens for 30 years, the way he quickly and accurately packaged them, creating a sense of trust.

“Oh? Miss, didn’t you bring a spatial bag? Forgetting a spatial bag when going grocery shopping… How are you going to carry these?”

Sylvia understood what the owner called a spatial bag and pondered how to carry the large chicken and eggs, just as he described.

“Just lost it. I came in here first because the chicken looked so fresh.”

Sylvia nonchalantly lied while Eringium fluttered her wings and stared at her.

“That’s right! The mage has an eye for it! In that case, I’ll finish packaging, so go buy a spatial bag.”

“Where can I buy a spatial bag, sir?”

“What? Miss, is this your first time in Carpasinus City?”

Worried that she might be taken advantage of, Sylvia quickly retorted.

“No, I’m a local here. But I suffered a head injury while accompanying a demon hunt… so the streets are confusing for me.”

She quoted exactly what the red-haired man said yesterday.

“Oh my, you went on a demon hunt? With that frail body? Mages are truly different. The spatial bag store is at the end of this alley. It’s the cheapest and sturdiest.”

Observing the extended hand, Sylvia smiled brightly.

“Well then, I’ll be back soon. Can I pay when I return?”

“Sure, but make it quick. Got it?”


Sylvia replied and briskly walked away.

“A spatial bag, huh! I wonder if it really has infinite space?”

She had a few fantasies that originated from reading fantasy novels. Among them, the top three included being able to see a spatial bag in person. Eringium followed her, flapping her wings and bluntly said.

[Are you really the one who cried yesterday?]

With a twinge of guilt, Sylvia laughed and said something else.

“Since there are so many people, let’s go home and talk, Eringium.”

Watching her speak with a gentle tone and a soft smile, Eringium turned her cheek and blushed.

[Well, if you wish!]

“Yes, thank you.”

Sylvia, who was already inside the spatial bag store, gave a hasty response and walked faster. She made a moaning sound as she saw the sign with bags depicted from a distance.

“Spatial bags! Spatial bags!”

Excitedly entering the store, she looked around with her head spinning. There were truly a variety of bags. Some had beautiful designs, but most of them focused on practicality.


A man wearing round glasses greeted her as he heard the sound of the door opening. Sylvia turned her head while looking at the bags.

“I came to buy a spatial bag.”

“Well, you’ve come to the right place. Take your time and look around.”


With a pounding heart, Sylvia explored every nook and cranny of the store. However, there was a noticeable price difference compared to the chicken store or the steak store.

Moreover, the owner of this store had the same hair color and eye color like Sylvia. The employees of the chicken store or the steak store had different hair colors and eye colors, so the difference caught her attention.

‘How can one tell if someone is a mage? Could it be that if their hair color and eye color are the same, they’re a mage?’

Since this was not mentioned in the novel, Sylvia made a rough guess and decided to ask the fairy at home.

“What is the bag with the most space?”

Thinking that if she’s going to buy one, she might as well get the best, Sylvia asked.

“Well, that brown bag over there is both practical and has the most space. It’s priced at 3 silver coins.”

It was definitely expensive.

At first glance, it looked like an ordinary backpack. It wouldn’t even be worth buying if compared to the bags sold in Korea, and it had a shape that she would refuse if someone gave it to her. However, there was something sparkling embedded in the buckle.

“Even if it’s a gemstone, it’s a diamond gemstone. That’s why I was able to engrave more powerful runes on it. Maybe you can fit 20 chickens in that bag?”

Recalling the size of the chicken she had just seen, Sylvia’s mouth fell open.

“Can it really fit that many?”

“Well, it looks that way because of the shape, and the leather is also very good. So there’s no risk of the gemstone falling off. Actually, I sold it at a conscience price. If you go to another store, they would have charged you 5 silver coins.”

Sylvia took out her purse and checked the remaining money. With 8 silver coins, she had spent 1 silver coin earlier, leaving her with 7 silver coins. Sylvia pretended to contemplate for a moment.

‘Yes, a spatial bag is a must!’

She brainwashed herself into believing that she needed it and confidently said, “I’ll buy that bag!”

“You’ve made an excellent choice.”

“Do you know how to use it?” asked the shopkeeper as Sylvia paid for the bag and started examining it.

“I’m sorry, but I sustained a head injury during the battle, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Could you please explain it to me?” Sylvia replied, taken aback by the question.

“Oh, I see. You must not be an offensive mage… Well, everyone has their circumstances. It’s simple. Just imagine the contents you want to retrieve from the bag, and they will appear.” 

The shopkeeper explained, demonstrating by putting a piece of bread into the bag and then taking it out. Sylvia was amazed by the mysterious sight and clasped her hands together in awe.

“Why are you so fascinated by such an ordinary item? Everyone else carries bags like this…”

“Oh, haha. The bread just looked delicious,” Sylvia replied, realizing that what seemed extraordinary to her was quite ordinary to the people here. She quickly brushed off her astonishment and continued exploring the shop.

“Oh, bread is considered valuable, so I can’t give it away,” the shopkeeper remarked with a piercing gaze, as if scolding her. Sylvia left the shop without any further hesitation. She had successfully put the chickens in the bag and paid the price. Before it got dark, she decided to visit one last place.

The atmosphere and surroundings were completely different from the alley where commoners frequented. It was quiet, beautiful, and luxurious.

“I smell the scent of fruits over there, Sylvia,” Erin whispered, pointing towards a fruit shop. Sylvia appreciated Erin’s observation but didn’t respond. She was grateful for the guidance. However, as soon as she entered the noble district, she felt the weight of the scrutinizing gazes on her.

“How dare a commoner enter the noble district?” 

She felt their judgment.

Nevertheless, she knew she had to visit the fruit shop to complete her errand. Sylvia quickened her pace and approached the shop.

“Welcome,” greeted the shopkeeper as Sylvia entered the shop, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Um, how much are these fruits?” Sylvia quickly scanned the fruits and vegetables and inquired about the prices. The shopkeeper, noticing her appearance as a commoner, responded in a disinterested tone that contrasted with their earlier interaction.

“One gold coin.”

Though the shopkeeper was also a commoner, she had been accustomed to dealing with nobles as a maid or a servant. The abrupt change in attitude from the shopkeeper made Sylvia feel uneasy.

“If you’re not buying anything, leave.”

Sylvia sensed the shopkeeper’s unpleasant demeanor and realized their prejudice. She had encountered such people wherever she went.

“Alright, I understand. I enjoyed browsing.” 

Sylvia grasped the situation. Having finished her business, she left the fruit shop without making a purchase. Erin, noticing Sylvia’s departure without buying anything, curiously asked.

[Why didn’t you buy anything? Didn’t you come here just to eat fruit?] 

Erin questioned as Sylvia quickly exited the noble district, mumbling to herself.

“Who do you think I am?” 

Sylvia whispered back.


“What is my occupation?”

[Plant mage… Oh!]


Sylvia had a plan in mind. Since she was a plant mage, she thought she could create fruits easily. If that were the case, she could sell the fruits and make a profit. Smirking mischievously, she skipped lightly with a spring in her step. She praised herself for coming up with such a thought. Once she arrived home, she headed to the backyard and sat down, deeply contemplating.

[What are you doing? Aren’t you going to create them?]

“Come to think of it, I don’t know how to use magic.”

Although she had assumed that being a plant mage would enable her to create fruits somehow, she realized she didn’t even know the basics of magic. Erin, who had eagerly waited for this moment, flew up to her with a bewildered expression.

[Hey, you were so confident even though you didn’t know that?]

“Well, I didn’t think that far.” 

Sylvia turned her head slightly, feigning innocence. Frustrated, Erin stomped her foot and explained.

[Alright, show me the ring you’re wearing.]

Upon the fairy’s request, Sylvia raised her hand to examine it. She had a ring adorned with a peridot gemstone.

“What about it?”

[That’s how you can perform magic. It’s simple. You infuse mana into accessories with magic circles engraved on them and visualize the magic you want in your mind.]

“Is there a magic circle engraved here?”

Come to think of it, even the spatial bag had a gemstone embedded in it.

“So, I need gemstones to use magic? Seeing how the stone was engraved with a magic circle in the spatial bag, this must be an even better gemstone, right?”

She turned her hand around, observing the ring from different angles.

[Yes, you engrave the magic circle on the gemstone to use magic. And especially for you, who received Aethernum-nim’s power, you can do it exceptionally well.]

“What? Why are you telling me this now?”

Avoiding the girl’s tantrum, Erin quickly flew up to console her.

[Didn’t I tell you? Back then, I said ‘dragon scales’!]

“How was I supposed to know once you said ‘dragon scales’! Have you forgotten where I come from? I lived in a place where I didn’t know any magic! Don’t act like it’s obvious that I should know!” 

Sylvia retorted, defiantly making eye contact.

Apologizing softly, Erin tried to avoid her piercing gaze as she spoke.


“Hmph, fine. I’ll accept your apology. But come down from there. My throat hurts. Stop flying up to comfort me unnecessarily.”

Sylvia gestured with her hand, indicating for Erin to come down. Erin descended with a crestfallen expression, avoiding eye contact for no reason.

“Tell me more details. Why do I possess dragon magic?” 

Sylvia sat on the ground with her head held high.

Reluctantly, Erin began recounting the story she had been putting off until now.

[Well, when you collapsed like that, I got quite startled. So, without realizing it, I took out Aethernum-nim’s scale that I had and threw it at you… And your soul absorbed the scale, but didn’t heal your body.]

Her voice grew quieter as if she had done something wrong. Erin continued with an even softer voice.

[And then, your body from the other world simply disappeared.]

Erin meekly tapped the ground with her toes and bowed her head deeply, feeling sorry, as if Sylvia might cry like yesterday.

However, instead of crying, there was a sound of a snort.

“Why are you being so cautious now? Well, I can’t say I’ve completely adapted yet… But it’s fine. It’s fine. Ugh, I don’t know.”

Since she couldn’t go back anyway, she didn’t want to unnecessarily exhaust herself worrying about it.

“Well then, I’ll try using magic once.”

With a determined expression, Sylvia tightly gripped the ring and closed her eyes. She first envisioned cherry tomatoes. They were delicious to eat and commonly used in cooking.

The dormant mana within her body flowed through her veins and skin. She hadn’t expected to have such a cascade of mana inside her. And because she originally belonged to a mage’s body, it was easier than she thought. She imagined concentrating that mana into the peridot gemstone.

As if pouring down like a waterfall, the flowing mana strangely felt like it was being drawn into the small hole of the peridot.


Due to pouring an unexpectedly large amount of mana, Sylvia became dizzy.

[Why are you like this!]

Surprised, Erin flew towards her forehead.



Sylvia, who was squatting, fell backward, and Erin flew backward as well.

[Oh no! What’s happening!]

Originally, it was like an open field, but now the vegetable garden was filled with red cherry tomatoes, yellow cherry tomatoes, crimson cherry tomatoes, and green cherry tomatoes, all growing to their original tomato size.

Sylvia hastily got up from her fall and opened her mouth wide, looking at the densely packed tomato field beyond the vegetable garden.

[Eugh, euhuh.]

Amidst the sound of Erin’s distressed cry, unable to move due to her wings being entangled in the leaves, Sylvia’s voice, which was more like a sigh, echoed. Her emerald eyes, dazed and unfocused, rolled around, followed by a soft voice.

“Hail magic…”

[Sylvia, please get me out!]

As the moon began to rise in the evening, the two of them couldn’t leave the vegetable garden for a while.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!