The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 60

Published at 13th of June 2024 05:05:33 AM

Chapter 60

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Since she had promised Felix earlier, she thought it would be good to make some while she had the spare time. She casually sat on a rock connected to the lake and took out sugar.

Asta, Poppy, and Daisy, who had been following Sylvia around, scurried to sit on the rock with her.

“I kind of know the principle.”

She had made cotton candy for events at a part-time job before. It was done by pouring colored sugar into a machine.

Sylvia levitated the sugar in the air and heated it with fire magic. The sugar melted into a liquid state, and she rapidly spun air around it.

Amazingly, the sugar started to come out in thin threads as it spun around. Using plant magic, she created a cotton candy stick and shaped the end into a heart.

Now very skilled in plant magic, she was able to create tree shapes at her will. The sugar she used was unrefined and brown, but the sugar threads that came out were strangely white.

She inserted the stick into the spinning air and gently rotated it with her hand, but when the speed did not match the spinning air, she created wind in her palm to rotate the stick.

She was on high alert because of the wind spinning around the heated sugar in the air and the wind in her palm.

Exclamations of admiration burst out as the cotton candy grew larger.

“Wow, it worked.”

It was no different from the cotton candy bought on the street.

The fairies buzzed around in surprise, making a lot of noise.

[Sylvia! What is this!]

[Asta finds it so fascinating!]

[Wow! Wow!]

Holding the stick that was rotating in her hand, she removed it from the spinning air. She rotated the cotton candy, which had grown as big as her face, here and there before lightly tearing a piece and putting it in her mouth.

“Mmm, it’s sweet.”

[Is it sweet?]

[What is that?]

[Asta wants to try it too.]

Sylvia passed the first piece to the fairies with a beaming smile.

“It’s big, so divide it among the three of you.”

Then, she made the next cotton candy more skillfully than before. After making enough for everyone and cleaning up everything, she was eating a piece of cotton candy when Eryngium and Clover returned.


[It was tough!]

She welcomed the fairy rushing towards her as soon as they emerged from the lake.

“You did well, Eryngium, Clover.”

As the two fairies flapped their wings to shake off the moisture, Sylvia handed them the cotton candy she was eating.

“Try this.”

Although it was an unfamiliar form, everything she had given them before was delicious. Eryngium quickly snatched it with her tiny hands and stuffed it into her mouth. However, her purple eyes widened at the swiftly disappearing sweet taste.


[It’s delicious!]

Leaving the fairies tearing into the cotton candy with sparkling eyes behind, Sylvia lay down on the rock. The clouds floating in the sky looked just like cotton candy, making her chuckle. Then, she remembered the time she had looked at the sky with Felix.

“It’s boring being alone. I hope he returns soon.”

As if in response to her softly muttered words, the sound of horse hooves started to approach from afar.

As the mercenary group finished giving their horses food and water, Sylvia quickly prepared the meal. She took out the table and the hamburgers and grape soda she had made earlier.

Of course, there were a tremendous number…

“This looks similar to the fries we had before, doesn’t it?”

Blond-haired Isaac was the first to notice the hamburgers and commented. Felix finished his preparations and approached Sylvia, sitting next to her and observing the hamburger.

“Is this that soda you mentioned before?”

Hubert asked, holding the grape soda.

“Yes, it’s grape soda. And this is called a hamburger. You just need to eat it with the bread all at once. Everyone worked hard, enjoy your meal!”

Following Sylvia’s customary greeting, a chorus of “enjoy your meal” echoed.

Sylvia held the hamburger with both hands and took a bite. The savory bread and the aroma of butter hit her first, followed by the crunchy cabbage. The tangy and savory sauce combined with the onion-filled patty was sweet.

And the pineapple jam at the very end was refreshingly sweet, making the combined flavors exceptional.

“Mmm! So delicious!”

Sylvia muttered as she took a sip of the grape soda.

Felix, watching her eat, sneakily lifted his own hamburger and, imitating her, took a big bite.


Every dish she made was delicious. However, what he was eating now felt so different from before. In the blink of an eye, the hamburger in his hand was gone. Chewing the last of the hamburger in his mouth, he gulped down the grape soda.

The fizzy carbonation and the grape flavor he had always liked were fantastic together. Sucking the sauce off his fingers, Felix muttered in a daze.


Sylvia turned her head quickly upon hearing the casual remark from him, who was now able to taste some flavors. She looked at him with surprised, wide eyes.

Until now, he had never directly expressed that something was delicious.

And what about his expression now.

It’s maddening. Why is he smiling so brightly?

Sylvia buried her flushed face, focusing on eating her hamburger.


Proud of him eating on his own next to her, she wanted to praise him, but for some reason, her heart felt heavy, and she couldn’t say anything. Not just her, but everyone there stole glances at him eating.

Just like her, Hubert and Dennis felt choked up, not even knowing how they were managing to eat.

It was ordinary.

His eating looked natural, and this moment felt incredibly ordinary. Hubert and Dennis had longed for such a normal scene. Amidst the subtly subdued atmosphere, Felix continued to devour his hamburger.

The umami taste swirling in his mouth was too good to stop. The grape soda was also delicious. He could taste it in his mouth. If he felt it was delicious now, what would it feel like if his sense of taste fully returned?

Watching Felix quickly finish eating, Sylvia took out a cypress wood space and started to take out the food she had prepared in advance.

Just in case, she pulled out the fruit chips, potato chips, sweet potato chips, and egg sandwiches she always had on standby. Felix was caught in a strange emotion at the sight of Sylvia, who was worried about running out of food, taking out this and that.

“Try this too.”

Normally, Sylvia, who would not be outdone in eating, pushed various foods in front of Felix with food in her hand. He blinked slowly, looking at her. Somehow, the sight of her eyes reddening struck him.

“Ah, shall I take out a different flavored ade too?”

She asked Felix, who was silently looking at her. His black eyelashes, blinking slowly, suddenly stopped. Felix slowly nodded his head. With his permission, Sylvia smiled broadly and took out the ade.

Felix felt this moment was very precious.


After finishing the meal, they prepared to leave. Despite looking around carefully, they couldn’t find any traces of people. However, since Clover and Eryngium had said that the cave was connected to other places, Felix couldn’t give up.

He ordered Hubert to closely examine the water flow around them. Following his orders, Hubert, who was inspecting the cave with magic from the lake, said there seemed to be another lake not far from here.

Although it was an ambiguous time, it wasn’t yet time for the sun to set, so they decided to leave quickly. This was because the days before winter was approaching were not many.

The weather was still hot, but it would become cool like autumn soon, and winter would come a week later.

After putting Sylvia on the horse’s saddle first, Felix also climbed up. Hubert ran ahead, followed by Dennis and the mercenaries. Felix, running at the very back, was concerned about Sylvia’s stamina.

As they ran to find the fastest path, they also ventured into areas not meant for paths. The horses they were all riding were warhorses, sturdy with long legs, so they ran without any difficulty.

Especially the horse Felix was riding, known among warhorses for its fame, had thicker legs than others, so there was no problem carrying Sylvia and running.

They raced down the narrow path as the sunset fell.

“Captain, we seem to be almost there!”

Hubert shouted loudly from the front. Felix didn’t respond but nodded slightly and then focused on driving the horse forward.

Sylvia, now quite accustomed to the saddle’s handle, held it tightly. She couldn’t just sit back and relax when they suddenly turned.

Then, feeling something approaching, Felix shouted.

“Everyone, watch your feet!”

Feeling the movement of the beast, Felix spurred his horse to run faster. Then, at what seemed to be the safest place, they dismounted and tied the horses.

“Sylvia, don’t move from here. Absolutely.”

“Got it, you too be careful.”

Sylvia, now accustomed to the attacks of the beasts, looked at him with firm eyes and cautioned him. A brief smile escaped. Felix was very pleased with her caution.

“I will.”

Smiling, Felix responded and flew quickly with wind magic. The members led the horses to where the beasts were. The smell of the beasts was strong from all directions.

Felix, considering this beast to be rather troublesome, drew his sword and leaped. 

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