The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 76

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:07:21 AM

Chapter 76

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Standing at the fork in the road, the Croban and Nakri mercenary groups exchanged farewells.

“Then, take care, everyone. Ah, Sylvia. Let’s meet again at Carpasinus Castle.”

Sylvia felt a bit awkward but forced a smile.

“Yes, I will. Take care on your way back.”

“Sylvia, make us something delicious next time too!”

Jeremy greeted with a bright voice. The two mercenary groups parted ways, each to their own path. Jeremy sped up his horse to catch up with Ethan.

“Captain, but why didn’t you share that news?”


Ethan, looking straight ahead, slightly turned to look at Jeremy.

“The Visconti family is looking for Ms. Sylvia. Haven’t they secretly circulated a description, from her appearance to her special skills, among the mercenaries?”

Hearing Jeremy’s words, Ethan swallowed. Sylvia was already a well-known figure among the mercenaries. The bounty on her was enormous, and it was a directive from the Visconti family.

Ethan didn’t know why that family was searching for her, but he had no interest in the bounty. He had refused the request as soon as he saw the description.

“Of course, I know. But the description states that Sylvia must not be harmed at all. So, there’s not much to worry about, is there?”

“No, but you could still let her know, couldn’t you? If there’s a backstory, it’s better to be aware in advance.”

A deep furrow formed on Ethan’s brow. Of course, he had considered it but…

“It’s better than worrying about it in advance. I decided it’s better not to know. It’s not a wanted notice, after all, just a search… Besides, she’s with the Croban mercenary group, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Ah, that handsome captain.”

Jeremy nodded as if he agreed, then turned his gaze away and burst into laughter.

“I really didn’t expect the captain to lose. I never thought you’d be beaten in a simple show of strength.”

Ethan lightly hit the back of Jeremy’s head, who annoyingly brought up that incident.


“You might not know, but the Croban captain is famous among the captains. Didn’t you recognize him at a glance?”

Whether it was light for Ethan or not, Jeremy rubbed the back of his head with one hand and responded in a dull voice.

“What do you mean I don’t know?”

“You idiot. Do you know that the Croban mercenary group ranks high in achievements?”

“Of course, I know that.”

“Then, what do you think is different compared to our mercenary group?”

“If there’s a difference… it’s probably that their armor and swords seem to be of higher value?”

Jeremy’s response made him momentarily widen his eyes as if he hadn’t considered that aspect, but he didn’t show it.

“Their group has far fewer members. Not even half of Nakri’s.”


Jeremy exclaimed as if he had just realized.

“That’s right! Really? So, with that number of people, they achieved such results? When the rankings were announced this time, the Croban mercenary group was in second place!”

Of course, the first place was Nakri mercenary group. The achievements of mercenary groups are ranked quarterly. The rankings are posted in squares and places where many people pass by.

There are considerable rewards according to the rankings. The empire does not skimp on investing in subduing demonic beasts. After all, the cost of compensating for the damage caused by demonic beasts or investing in mercenary groups is much the same.

Perhaps paying a bounty to mercenary groups might even be cheaper. It certainly reduces headaches.

“So, you don’t need to worry about Sylvia. If anything happens, the captain of Croban will slice through it.”

Ethan showed a smile as he recalled him kicking with all his might.

“It seems he’s really into it, and he’s not the type to just sit back if his woman is in danger.”


Jeremy looked at the captain with a puzzled expression, but he just smiled.

“Alright, we’re cutting it close. Let’s hurry back, come on!”

Ending the idle talk, Ethan kicked the side of his horse strongly. They had to enter the city before winter arrived.


“Captain, I think we took the wrong path!”

Dennis, leading the way, spotted a broken path and shouted to Felix. The Croban mercenary group, which had to move in single file due to the dense forest, stopped all at once. Felix surveyed the surroundings and found an even narrower path than the one they came from.

“We’ll have to go this way.”

It seemed difficult to pass with horses, but there was no other choice.

“Follow me in the order you’re closest.”

Felix led the way, kicking his horse into a run.

“Going this way should bring us to Caudatismum, right? We’re short on supplies, Felix.”

Felix glared slightly at the back of Sylvia’s head, irritated at her still not using his nickname.

“I know, Siri.”

“Jeez, really…”

Sylvia shook her head with a shiver. Then, with a smile, Felix said.

“If we go as the Nakri captain instructed, we should arrive just fine. Don’t worry too much.”

“Got it… Ah, Eryngium, you go inside.”

Sylvia said, spotting a bluish-purple head peeking out from her robe.

[Alright, Sylvia. It was getting stuffy.]

“Stuffy? Still, you can’t come out. Stay inside.”


Sylvia confirmed the bluish-purple head slipping back into her robe, while Felix narrowed his eyes behind her. Other fairies hide inside his armor, but Eryngium only hides inside Sylvia’s robe.

He was displeased, but it was something he couldn’t exactly criticize.

Felix, for no particular reason, kicked the horse’s sides even harder, narrowly avoiding branches as he sped along.

They had been running for a while but still hadn’t managed to escape the dense forest.

“Everyone, stop!”

Felix was the first to command, pulling on the reins to halt his horse. The sun was setting fast. Deciding it was too difficult to continue moving, he surveyed the surroundings for a spot to set up camp, as they would need to stay there for the night if they found one.

Hubert dismounted and approached Felix.

“Captain, it seems we’ve taken the wrong path.”


Normally, by now, they should have been able to see the city’s castle, but they were still trapped in the forest, lending credibility to Hubert’s words.

“This is bad… Hopefully, winter won’t arrive tomorrow?”

“We still haven’t fully completed a week. It might be the day after tomorrow or the next…”

After summer ends, the weather remains mild for about a week before suddenly turning to winter. However, that week was ambiguously defined.

“Anyway, we’ll have to set up tents over there.”

The spot Felix pointed to was smaller than the areas the mercenary group usually used as a campsite, but they had no other choice.

“We’ll have to reduce the number of tents.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Tonight, we stay here!”


Following his order, the mercenaries quickly dismounted, gathered the horses in one place, and tied them securely. They divided tasks between those responsible for feeding the horses and those setting up the tents.

Sylvia was also preparing to dismount. She intended to use wind magic to descend easily and was channeling her mana into a magic circle when Felix acted faster. He lightly grabbed her waist and jumped down from the horse with her.

“I was going to use wind magic to get down…”

Ignoring Sylvia’s pouting lips and grumbling, Felix started to disassemble his armor, which was immediately sucked into a subspace, fascinating her with its novelty as her eyes widened.

He rubbed his neck, which had been constrained, and asked with a blank expression.


“You don’t have a subspace bag, so where did it go?”

Sylvia’s knowledge of this world was still lacking, so her curiosity was piqued. Felix naturally took her hand, which had been hidden inside her robe, and started moving between the trees.

“The bracelet is engraved with a subspace magic circle.”

“On the bracelet?”

Following him, Sylvia was amazed.

“That must be so convenient! So, it’s possible to engrave it on a bracelet. But then, why are bags more common? It seems more convenient to use a bracelet or ring.”

“The magic circle is more complex.”

“I see. Maybe I should try engraving one too?”

At her question, Felix stopped walking, turned around, and asked.

“Should I give you one?”


“I have more.”



Felix retrieved a bracelet with a black jewel imbued with the power of a black dragon from the subspace.

The bracelet, woven like fine threads of platinum around the jewel, shimmered lightly. The black diamond looked utterly black. There was no visible trace of the magic circle he mentioned.

“This is a subspace bracelet? I can’t see any magic circle on it?”

Sylvia examined the bracelet from every angle after receiving it.

“Well, items from the black dragon are usually like that.”

Felix casually responded and took the bracelet from Sylvia’s hand. He then naturally slipped it onto her left wrist.

The bracelet, which was initially larger than her wrist, automatically adjusted to fit snugly. Sylvia watched the bracelet shrink, blinked widely once, and then looked up at Felix.

What did you say?

Black Dragon’s items?

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