The Cooking Wizard - Chapter 85

Published at 14th of June 2024 05:12:40 AM

Chapter 85

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His deep, black eyes suddenly shone ominously. It was his dangerous emotion towards Sylvia.

Complex, not even realized by himself, a very intense and deep possessiveness, exclusiveness, an obsession like…

Sylvia, surprised by her own shout, wandered her eyes wildly. Felix let out a deep sigh and muttered softly.

“Phew… why… ear… …so, annoying?”


At his almost inaudible whisper, Sylvia looked up, and Felix could no longer hold back. He roughly grabbed her face and lowered his head. Unlike before, he properly locked lips without missing.

As if the outside situation was of no concern, he rubbed his lips against Sylvia’s as if to crush them.


Sylvia, startled, put strength into her hands holding his face, but he did not move at all. Rather, he moaned as if he was wearing out at her touch. Felix, though he had never learned it, instinctively parted his lips.

He chewed on her thick lower lip as if he was chewing on flesh. Felix quickly invaded the opening of Sylvia’s surprised parting lips.

The hot flesh started to lick into another hot and moist place diligently. He found the soft and damp tongue and rubbed against it. The flesh he tasted once was fresher than the hallabong she often gave him, and seemed more addictive than the watermelon he liked.

He sucked in her saliva as if he was sucking in juice. He pointed his tongue and tickled the bumpy roof of her mouth. Her saliva felt fresher and more refreshing than the ade she had given him.

Felix explored her mouth intensely and tasted it as if he was eagerly eating the food she had presented.

“Ha, ha.”

Sylvia, unable to take her eyes off his lips as they finally parted, trembled. Felix lightly licked Sylvia’s shimmering lips and said.

“This time, it’s not so good. I’ll eat again later.”

He, not at all satisfied, lazily lifted the corners of his lips. Sylvia, seeing his sensual appearance for the first time, froze without being able to speak.

“Shall we tidy up outside then?”

His smiling face was indescribably splendid.

★★57. Caudatismum Kingdom★★

Sylvia tightly gripped the saddle handle as she felt Felix speeding up the horse. The Croban mercenary band began to accelerate towards the Kingdom of Caudatismum, which was starting to come into view from afar.

After Felix said he would take care of it, everything was neatly finished in a really short amount of time. The opponents were never a match for him in the first place.

As soon as he emerged from within the golden rain tree, he sorted everything out with magic. Astonishingly, that time must not have taken even 5 minutes.

Surprised by the prince’s magic, the 5th Knight Squadron lost their morale. Excluding those who died in combat, they intended to send back those who survived.

Felix did not want to kill them. Instead, the Knight Captain Jess Saphia pleaded for death with tears, which Sylvia found despicable, but somehow his tears seemed genuine.

As Felix turned his back without a word, Sylvia moved instead. She felt the need to bind their feet for a while, even if she did not kill them. She connected deep into the ground with vines. The round and densely woven vines became a sturdy cage.

She confiscated all their swords, buried them in the ground, and tightly bound their bodies. Planning to make it impossible for them to follow, Felix quickly approached behind her and overlaid his magic over the cage she had created.

He inserted a jewel imbued with the magic of the Black Dragon, ensuring they could not go anywhere for a few days. Finally, Sylvia emptied the remaining food from her subspace bag into the cage.

After finishing their work, they hurried to the kingdom before it got dark. They managed to enter just before the city gates closed. The gate inspection took longer than other places, and they almost had to spend the night outside the city.

Due to the quickly setting sun, the party first sought out lodging. Fortunately, it was the start of summer, and many mercenary bands had departed for monster subjugation, so there were plenty of empty rooms.

“Miss Sylvia, you can use this room, and my lord, ahem! Captain can use this room.”

Hubert, speaking, blushed alone at the word that slipped out unintentionally and cleared his throat. Sylvia found his attitude amusing and burst into small laughter. Although she already knew and had heard everything loud and clear earlier, Sylvia pretended not to know and asked Felix instead.

“But why do they call you my lord?”

“Ah! Well, you see!”

Hubert, who truly couldn’t tell a lie, stuttered as he attempted to explain it to her. Just then, Felix grabbed her hand and opened the door to his room.

“I’ll explain.”

Leaving behind a comment that could have been meant for either Hubert or Sylvia, he pulled her into the room and slammed the door shut.


Hubert, who had been about to add something with a raised hand, ended up speaking to his lord who could no longer hear him.

“Sylvia’s room is that way, though…”

“You really are clueless…”

Dennis shook his head disapprovingly and opened his own room door. It was a double room that he was supposed to share with Hubert. However, tired Dennis just left Hubert standing there, gazing at the door their lord had entered, and closed his door. Hubert began to ponder seriously why the lord had taken her into the room.


Sylvia ended up in his room quite unexpectedly, dragged along with a bewildered expression on her face.

[Wow! It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve been to an inn!]

Asta replied to Poppy’s remark.

[But Asta is hungry.]

[I’m hungry too, Sylvia!]

Erin exclaimed as she attempted to sit on Sylvia’s head. At that moment, Felix stopped in his tracks and growled.

“All of you, get out.”




The fairies retorted indignantly, to which Felix responded by waving his hand. A fierce wind swept the fairies out through the window.




The three fairies disappeared in an instant with screams. Sylvia, who had been watching the scene with a dazed look, suddenly jumped in surprise.

“Why did you send the kids out!”

Just like he did with the fairies, instead of answering, Felix touched a jewel on his armor, deactivating it. He then scooped her up into his arms, filling them completely.


Felix buried his face in the nape of her neck, let out a long sigh, then took a deep breath. Fully enjoying her scent with his regained sense of smell, he lazily sprawled out.

The words Sylvia had said earlier still occupied his mind, refusing to leave, causing his heart to still throb wildly.

Embarrassed, Sylvia’s neck turned bright red. The rough kiss from earlier came to mind, making the current situation incredibly awkward.


Before she could say anything, Felix lay down on the bed with her in his arms.


Lying face to face on the bed, Felix gazed intently at Sylvia.

“…This isn’t my room, you know?”

Attempting to change the subject, Sylvia spoke, to which Felix replied.

“I know.”

“Then, I’ll go back to my room.”

“We have to eat anyway, so just stay like this until then.”

“That’s a bit…”

Her turquoise eyes shook helplessly. Their faces were so close, she couldn’t breathe properly.

However, Felix, undisturbed, took a deep breath. Sylvia’s body stiffened as Felix’s breath, close enough to ruffle her turquoise bangs, blew across her.

As Felix gently stroked the skin of the hand he was holding with his thumb, he said,

“You said I’d make you happy.”


Not fully grasping what he said, Sylvia questioned him, and Felix, placing his forehead against hers, whispered,

“Just being like this now, I’m so happy…”

And because you’re so cute, it’s frustrating, so try to stay still for a bit.

Felix’s brow furrowed slightly.

It’s cute, but not being able to say it’s cute is irritating.

Change isn’t good, he reminded himself… but Sylvia had approached him first.

She said she would make him happy. 

Such a delightful statement, yet change was still frightening.

But perhaps, this much was okay.

He couldn’t hold back and had kissed her earlier, but maybe this distance right now was just right.

To calm his troubled mind, Felix closed his eyes. The kiss from earlier came to mind, involuntarily swallowing saliva, but being like this now was very nice too.

Sylvia gazed intently at his handsome face with closed eyes.

And she thought,

‘Really, annoyingly handsome.’

Until the fairies returned crying, the two lay there, not speaking or moving, just comfortably facing each other.

Knock, knock.

Startled by the unfamiliar knock, Sylvia, who had briefly fallen asleep, opened her eyes wide. Surprised to find herself lying on Felix’s arm from the position they had been facing each other, she quickly sat up.

Then, the knock sounded once more.

“Oh, yes!”

Getting up quickly, she walked and opened the door. There, Hubert greeted her with a bright smile.

“It’s time for dinner.”

“Oh, right. Now that you mention it, I’m hungry.”

Sylvia, having noted the darkness outside since her arrival, looked through the window before turning back to Hubert.

“It seems the dining area is on the first floor… Is it too late for them to still be serving food?”

“I’ve already asked, and it’s not a problem. They serve alcohol too, so they have customers until late.”

“That’s good to hear. Then…”

As she spoke and was about to turn her head back to the still-motionless Felix, her face bumped into something hard.


Her nose was flattened, causing quite a bit of pain.

“Are you okay?”

Felix, who had approached silently, slid his hand under Sylvia’s chin and lifted her face, scrutinizing her face from a distance close enough for their noses to brush.

“Ah, the tip of your nose has turned a bit red.”

Frowning slightly, Felix created a small piece of ice with the tip of his finger. The ice cooled her stinging nose, bringing tears to Sylvia’s eyes, but she let out a languid sigh of relief as it soothed her.

“Haah… Next time, if you’re behind me, say something.”

She didn’t forget to grumble, of course.

“Got it.”

Hearing his chuckling response, Sylvia pouted her lips.

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